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[–]comradeconradical 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not all women experience periods or life the same way either, because we are all complex human beings beyond sex and self-proclaimed identity. That goes for females of all ages, ethnicities, abilities, gender identities, medical conditions, mentalities, etc. We are all different in some way yet all human and, on this topic, all female. It's dishonest to say the issue isn't a female one, or that it's not a female issue because it's a self identified transman or a tomboy experiencing it.

Instead of getting angry and gate-keeping breast objectification and oppression, I think it's more constructive to tackle the bigger societal issue anyway and work together, to see multiple sides of the same topic from those the topic effects. Women are not talking OVER transmen, they are trying to talk WITH them in solidarity of shared issues, about oppression that ultimately affects us all. Their separatist mentality of "us transmen vs those interfering cis women" helps no one when talking about shared female issues, issues that have been long repressed in history, that we as a class can now finally talk more openly about.

The problems here are the false dichotomy between transmen and women concerning female oppression, as well as the false equivalence of women and transwomen as 'conversation oppressors', as statistics of males talking over females is a measured, significant, systematic issue.