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[–]loveSloaneDebate King 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn’t accuse you of anything nor did I mistake you for a transwoman. You made a post, and commented on it, I replied to your comment. Clearly, other people understand where I’m coming from and you are the one who doesn’t get what I’m saying. That’s okay, and it’s okay if you don’t want any clarification. My point is- it’s not so simple as saying “gc women are called rude, are you okay with that”. If you only wanted yes/no responses, you should have said that. It sounds like you’re saying we aren’t answering your question because we are expanding on it. And I find that a bit odd. Also, you calling me rude and saying another gc user isn’t rude is exactly my point- we as a whole are being called rude when not all of us are. The other point many of us are making is that we are being called rude solely for viewing sex/gender differently, no matter how we phrase it. Even if we are open to sharing spaces and using preferred pronouns, if we don’t think TWAW- we are rude and hateful. We are being called rude for not sharing the ideology of tras and some trans people. That’s worth noting and discussing. If that wasn’t a discussion you wanted to have them I understand that, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to discuss it anyway though.

I also don’t think that people are getting meaner, I think we are just done with dancing around what we are trying to articulate, and are speaking more bluntly.