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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just wanted to point out that mod message does not really color the responses, most of the ones in that particular thread said yes, and did not say no.

I meant that if someone wouldn't sleep with a trans man and saw a message like that, they would be less likely to answer at all, thus changing the proportions of the responses, making it appear that "most of them said yes, only two people said no" as you said.

I'm not a gay man or woman so I'm not going to comment on what they would want from their subreddits and communities or how to go about those goals. What I don't like is the idea that people can't have open conversations about their actual views. It would be heartbreaking to be a transman expecting that a prosthetic would be equivalent to a real penis and having it not be the case, or finding out gay men were only saying things like that to maintain a public image. I'm not saying people are lying btw. If all those gay men would sleep with a transman long term, that's totally cool. Just that it's one thing to say you would and another to actually do it (beyond just giving it a try.)