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[–]Omina_SentenziosaSarcastic Ovalord 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gender identity is a psychological thing. Trans people say they identify as the opposite sex. Nonbinary people say they identify as neither boy/man nor girl/woman. Genderfluid people say they identify as both girl/woman and boy/man, one day they feel like a man and the other they feel like a woman. These groups of people feel like they are in the wrong body, and are desperate to get out of it, to change their body to look like the body they want, a man who identifies as a woman gets hormones because they are desperate, they hate that they don't have boobs, vagina, etc and they get surgery too, they feel they are in the wrong body.

Do you think it' s always right to validate a "psychological thing" and play along with whatever people claim to want/need? Do you feel the same with people who would feel better without limbs? Who cut themselves? Who want horns and scales? Who want to starve themselves? Who hear voices and think they are historical figures instead of themselves?

These come down to gender identity. A cisgender man is someone who identifies as a man and was assigned male at birth. A cisgender woman is someone who identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth. Cisgender people are people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. While the others identify as something other than the sex that was assigned to them at birth.

This reasoning implies that sex is something real, tangible and that needs to be taken into consideration. So sure, a trans woman is a male who identifies as a woman: he is still a male, and as such, it shouldn' t be an issue to state it out loud. So why is it that sex is being replaced with gender identity as if it were a useless thing we shouldn' t talk about? Despite it being provable and observable, unlike gender identity? Why is it that sex segregated rights and spaces are being destroyed and remade as gender identity segregated?

And they say everyone's gender identity is valid and invalidating one's gender identity and discriminating against someone based on their gender identity are disrespectful and wrong.

If we have to believe what people say about gender identity, why is it that we should only believe the ones who say that they have and that it exists and not the ones who say they don' t have it and doesn' t exist?

For example, when someone invalidates a nonbinary's gender identity, they are called enbyphobic and transphobic, or lgbtphobic because they invalidated a group of people who are a part of the lgbt community.

As far as I am concerned, gender identity is a belief not dissimilar to believing we have a soul like Christians claim: am I being Christianophobic if I "invalidate" a Christian' s belief that they have a soul? If not, why not, if yes, do you think it would be right to force people to play along with that specific belief in the same way you are trying to do with gender identity?

1) Can GC explain what is wrong with what I said above? Can you break what I said down and tell me what's wrong with what I said above and why you disagree with it.

See above.

2) Why do you say sex is not assigned at birth? If sex is not assigned at birth then what is it?

It is observed.

3) Why do you say people can't be born in the wrong body?

I think that is too a "psychological thing", and as such is completely dependent on someone' s feelings. A person who feels they are in the wrong body is not really in a wrong body, they just feel like that.

That said, I don' t really care, if they feel like that they are free to do whatever they want to themselves. They are still members of their sex who are trying to hide it, not members of the other sex.

4) Can you explain why gender identity does not exist? Don't cisgender people identify as/feel like they are the sex they were assigned at birth? Don't other animals identify as their sex assigned at birth due to lack of cognitive ability to identify as anything but their own sex?

I identify as my sex in the same way I identify as having brown eyes and red hair. I am not a brown eyed redhead because I feel "right" in having those characteristics, I just have them.

Also, what is exactly gender identity? The main answers I have received trying to describe it were 1) I can' t explain it, you just feel it (in which case, it is not provable and is open to criticism as much as anything else); 2) strong dislike and hatred towards the sexed characteristics of your body (in which case, validating it would mean fueling self-hatred, not to mention, hating your dick doesn' t make you a woman, it just makes you a man who hates his dick); 3) a bunch of sex-based stereotypes like "I have always liked Barbies, make-up and pink, so I must be a girl!" (which is regressive, sexist bullshit and should be fought, not respected and worshipped); 4) the idea that one just prefers being called one label instead of the other: if that is the case, then throwing tantrums about it is ridicoulous and why is it that it' s not valid for any other category? Why is it that if I prefer being called a teenager, I am still not a teenager, but I prefer to be called mister then I am a man?

There were some tweets from way before, someone saying 'other animals have no gender identity' so this trans right activist told her "other animals do have a gender identity, due to the lack of cognitive ability to identify as anything but their own sex, other animals can only identify as their own sex while humans can identify as something other than the sex assigned at birth",

They are free to prove it, the onus is on them. Just like the onus of proving that gender identity exists is on them. Until then, I will believe that nobody has one based on my own experience and the lack of objective proofs: human beings make up bullshit every day, I don' t see why I should respect this specific bullshit and not others. If they want me to believe in it, they need to prove that it exists, and not just by saying "because I say so and you' re a nazi-bigot if you don' t play along".

Once that happens (AH!), I will be happy to say: "Oh, ok, so you are a man with the gender identity of a woman!".

Because I couldn' t give a lesser fuck about their identity when their bodies, their actions and their words are much more telling.

5) Is it okay to invalidate someone's gender identity? Wouldn't invalidating someone's gender identity be lgbtphobic? If no, can you explain why?

It' s ok in the same way saying "I don' t believe in your God" is. These people might consider it "phobic", but I consider woman/child/LGB/science/common sense-phobic their claims, so I guess we' re even.