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[–]worried19[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But surely you can believe that things can be bad and natural? Do you think human nature is going to be innately good?

No, but if the entire female sex is innately inferior, then there is no point to feminism. Misogynists would be right in keeping women down if we're just all weak, pathetic losers.

Games contain winners and losers, dominating and defeating players who are friends.

But you're positing that an entire sex is made up of inferior, weak losers. And sex is not somehow removed from the rest of life.

It might be a harsh reality that on average women are more likely to find dominant men attractive.

So your belief is just like Red Pill, that women are inferior beings who for some natural reason want to be violently controlled and abused. And you don't see how that's problematic. You only seem to have a problem with Red Pill because they have asshole personalities, not because of what they believe about women.

Well I think it’s there in most places. Common in culture.

Eh, maybe it depends on what you're exposing yourself to.

To be fair I think we all kind of do have to police the bedroom to a degree. Consent only goes so far. I don’t think we can say everything is ok if there is consent. I don’t think we can say there isn’t good advice about the bedroom. I guess we are deciding what the rules and advice ought to be, even if it isn’t the law.

Of course. "Anything goes" is not reasonable. Consent cannot be unlimited. And even if people "consent" it doesn't mean what happens is ethical. Those depraved people who do Nazi role play or rape role play are immoral, evil individuals in my book, no matter how much consent they allegedly procure beforehand. I'm not saying the literal police need to be involved, though.

You yourself have said you think your own masculinity maybe some kind of natural condition. You may be naturally masculinized in some way. It can’t be both an actual condition and neutrality. Masculinity does not come naturally to most women. They don’t want to express it.

I think I was born with an inability to conform to gendered expectations. I think most children are quite easily socialized and gendered according to the whims of society. As such, you could certainly raise little girls to embrace neutrality and most of them would. Perhaps a very small portion would not. But in a genderless world, there would be nothing feminine for them to embrace because femininity as decoration would have been eradicated.

Ach I’m middle aged now and I don’t think there has really been any progress in my life. (middle aged crossdressers, the worst lol) It’s still effectively underground and taboo.

What's your social circle like? Are you friends with other crossdressers? I know you're straight, but have you ever befriended gay GNC men? Not necessarily drag queens, but more feminine gay men? I don't think it has to be that underground anymore. At least in liberal big cities.

When people say the trans umbrella it might as well be “gender variant conditions.” Gender is a messy, complex topic.

Well, I feel you. They keep lumping GNC women like me in with trans. Which is why so many of us are fleeing womanhood. It's sad and upsetting. There's nothing wrong with my body no matter how I prefer to dress and cut my hair. But society doesn't see it that way. They see me as a "failed woman" and seem to think I'd be better off identifying as a man.