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[–]JasonCarswellDAT Mod 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


I have yet to post stuff about unharvested ocean currents, much about Thorium, or anything about GEET Technologies.

Moreover, most people don't realize how centralized all our power systems are - like everything else, from food to entertainment, from vehicles to you name it.

Folks don't need a 2 tonne metal vehicle for everything they do. We could build our own if we wanted to. "Their" laws might try to keep us off the streets.

Folks could also build their own generators. Most cities have a river nearby. You only need Niagra Falls and the Hoover Dam for CENTRALIZED power.

"They" destroyed the Los Angeles public transport system in order to sell you more cars and tires. Now they want to take back the cars and make us all rent. It's cultural engineering.

They or we could easily build small power generators, like cars, that don't need to be put up in the air with giant blades - again controlled by centralized interests. We could have paddle wheels along the banks of rivers, on pylons in the rivers, off floating barges, submerged, in the sewers - wherever. We already know how to make gears and transmissions to adapt to irregular variable flows.

"They" would have us believe there's an energy crisis, just like (((they))) would have us believe diamonds are rare.

Further, "they" don't offer much in the way of solutions, but there are abundant greener solutions that can be applied to old buildings. Or "they" could provide more, better, quality, and reliable public transport with private options - for free - so people would actually use it. But they won't.

Their paradigms need you to be exploited. Period.