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[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Modern technology makes us more comfortable. I'm not unaware of the benefits of modern tech, and I personally wouldn't want to go back to medieval technology, because I like my comforts. I like having hot and cold running water, and electricity, and not having to do manual labour for a living.

But the cost is high, and getting higher. We use up resources, even renewable resources, faster than they can be renewed. On average, we use up a years worth of resources in about eight months. There are areas of the UK, not some third-world dump but the United frigging Kingdom, where the land is so poisoned by chemicals from mining that the run-off goes into people's drinking water and is giving children literal brain damage. How many years has it been and the world's richest country still has not fixed the water supply in Flint?

We're already seeing the collapse of fish populations. There are parts of the world where the oceans and now almost completely empty of fish due to over-fishing. We're breeding bacteria for antibiotic resistence because doctors overprescribe antibiotics, and because we pump our chickens full of them to make them grow faster.

Our best and brightest experiment with creating deadly viruses. Our food, water and air is contaminated with toxic "forever chemicals" that take hundreds or thousands of years to break down. There are microplastics in our brains, and crossing the placenta into embryoes. Microplastics are just one of literally hundreds of endocrine disrupters that fuck up our hormone systems, are probably linked to auto-immune diseases, and mess up our brains. You wonder why the rates of autism has exploded over the last few decades? Why were there almost no peanut allergies fifty years ago, and now peanut allergies are everywhere?

We look back at the ancient Romans using lead pipes and cooking in lead pots and putting on lead-based makeup and think "well no wonder the empire collapsed" and then we do the same only with thousands of chemicals and world-wide.

As for the internet... it's a fucking drug, and I am can resist anything but temptation. What's your excuse?