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[–]fschmidt[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It can't filter by year and has a horrible modern UI.

[–]A-KANGAROO-FUCKER 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Now let’s start this off right. You are a slave. You don’t realize it yet, but you will eventually. I’m your master and the lady is your mistress. You will be totally docile. You’ll be very quiet and you’ll speak only when spoken to. Never initiate conversation. Keep your mouth shut. Any time that you are spoken to, you will be required to respond and it will be with proper speech. Remember that we are in the dungeon game and as long as you are here, it’s the only game in town. Any time that you are asked a question where a yes or no answer is required, you will respond by saying, “yes, master; no, mistress; no, master; etcetera.” You will show proper respect. Having to use the word master or mistress may sound funny, petty or vain to you, but that’s all right. If you choose not to do it, you can laugh while you’re being whipped or when your body is convulsing under the electroshock machine.

You will respond to commands without protest or resistance. Do exactly what you’re told, nothing else. Remember that here you are a slave and failure to respond to a command will definitely get you in trouble. If I decide to rape you in your pussy or in your asshole, don’t resist or struggle. When I tell you to spread your legs, or to pull em back, you say, “yes, master” and obey the command, cause to do anything less will get you beaten. If I tell you I want to be sucked off, you say, “yes, master” and open your mouth.

I love oral sex, if it’s done right. You’re going to be taught exactly the way I like it. How to use your lips and tongue. We’ll be practicing a lot and each time, when I get ready to come, I’m going to push my penis down your throat and keep it there until I get through squirtin’. I’m not gonna choke you, but you need to learn to hold your breath and to swallow every bit of the sperm. If I see one drop leaking out of your mouth, I’m gonna punish you. Basically, it’s gonna be the same with your mistress. If she demands oral sex, you say yes mistress and respond. She also will teach you exactly the way she likes it. And you will keep using your tongue on her pussy until she gets off.