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[–]orgias 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

... But even those ones could learn guitar or something.

I don't need to learn to swing a guitar, I could already annihilate you in a fight without it.

[–]NastyWetSmear 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

That's the spirit! The ladies love an underdog story! Never give up. :)

[–]BobOki 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

You have to start.. before you can give up. Most of these have not started... so there is nothing to give up. I have less than zero sympathy for anyone that goes as far as an incel, because you have to put yourself in that state, you don't just happen upon it. Their inability to change, try to change, or accept any responsibility for where they are through their own actions. I know PLENTY of fat, ugly, stupid, all three people, and they are not incels. The two are not mutually exclusive, and I know multiple incels that are not even ugly.

Are women terrible to men? No question. Do we have it harder than any generation before us being able to land the opposite sex? 100%. Don't get me wrong, I am not deaf and dumb to the issues we DO face thanks to retard ideology, and I even sympathize with ugly people or awkward guys, because it has gotta suck with as delusional, entitled, and mean girls are..... but to just stop and blame them for all your issues, then develop a outright hatred toward them while still expecting them to sleep with you is legit insane. We need to help, and lift up, men that are struggling, but people not even trying? Well enjoy that shit bed you made for yourself and expect no pity from me you worthless shit, get your life together and stop blaming everyone else. So yeah, I stopped trying to be civil or sugar coat it anymore, and posts like this get no feelings spared truth and I am happy to wear my disgust on my sleeve. These guys start trying, I would be there to help, offer advice, or be a shoulder, but without trying you are just a splat on the bottom of a boot to me.

edit And not talking TO you @nastywetsmear, just explaining my attitude towards them now.. but I really do admire you still trying to help man, it is nice to see.

[–]NastyWetSmear 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I don't feel as strongly as you. I understand how someone who isn't very attractive and is getting more and more desperate could start to lose hope and feel like it's impossible and that the deck is stacked against them.

Honestly? Part of me blames romance shows and movies, and I think a lot of it happens when they are young, like highschool young, when social interaction is at it's most brutal and doing something silly can mean everyone turning on you and mocking you for the next 4-5 years... Stay with me here, because I believe it plays two roles:

1) Many of these shows set the expectation that quietly doing the right thing and always being supportive will eventually make a woman realise she should have always been with you, so a lot of people who are struggling to attract women become "The best friend" by always doing things for her and never asking for anything in return... As most people know, if a woman isn't attracted to you, no amount of doing nice things will suddenly turn her ovaries from "Off" to "On". She might consider you the best, nicest guy on the planet, but if she never looked at you "That way", this isn't going to change anything.

Several things happen from this:

People accuse the incel of "Buying sex with niceness". I don't think that's what they are always trying to do... I'm sure some are, but I'm sure others have genuine feelings for a woman and are trying to show that they are noble, supportive, attentive, good natured and willing to be there for her. Then they get shot down and they rail against it, wanting to know what they did wrong? They did all the right things, all the nice things... Why isn't it like the movies where she ends up with the nicest guy? People conflate this effort with just wanting to make her have sex by being nice. It's not always the same. These guys are sometimes just guys who don't know any other way to show that they are in love and are doing what works on TV - Being the one everyone in the audience says: "Oh, I hope she ends up with him, not that horrible other guy!"

The next thing that happens is, as the best friend, they have to hear all about how awful the guys she's with are. "Why can't I find someone nice, like you?"... It stings pretty hard to be sitting there, being in love, and hearing that. I could understand a person getting very bitter and defeated when that happens, especially if they don't learn their lessons and hear it more than once.

2) Other movies tell people that grand gestures are the key to love. She doesn't love you now because she doesn't know how wonderful, deep, romantic and spontaneously fun you are! Show up under her window with flowers! Write her an epic poem about how beautiful she is and how much she moves your heart! Paint her in art class and give it to her on bended knee! Be outrageous! Win her over with explosive shows of passion!...

... And, again, people who have been paying attention till tell you, that works... If she's attracted to you. If not, you're a creep. The line is totally arbitrary and only able to be judged by crossing it in one way or another, and huge, bombastic displays aren't the best way, because if the answer is "No", you're pretty committed here. But the movies tell you that this is the way! She'll finally see that you're more than these other guys who don't even care about her and just want to fuck her. You're special! She'll see...

Naturally, this leads to some pretty public mocking. Big displays gets noticed, screwed up poems get found and snarky young girls whisper to each other and snicker. People remember you all through your school years as that loser... And I bet it's enough to make some people really hate the world. Imagine opening your heart so totally, letting everyone see it, only to have the person you have feelings for sneeringly step on it and laugh with everyone else.

Now, most people, I think, grow up understanding that these younger years and these TV shows aren't a reflection of reality, and the people we are when we were kids fade away and become adults. We learn how to approach these situations in different ways, and... Somewhat tragically, honestly... Our feelings of total, all consuming, burning love for a woman we only just met fades and becomes muted and more easy for us to handle. We don't go home with an empty pit in our hearts just because she didn't smile today, or lay awake and dream of holding her hand for a second... We grow up, and in some ways it's the bitterness and hardship of the lessons most healthy people learn as highschool kids that hardens our hearts to these feelings and make us more slow, cautious and creates an aegis against these overwhelming feelings of want.

I just honestly think a lot of Incels are people who wear the scars of these events openly. They were bitten, and have taken away the lesson that those who bit them are the enemy and not to touch them again, but also battle with the natural instinct of all humans to want to be with the opposite sex. They've "Learned" that all their efforts will lead to mockery and ridicule and pain, but also still want to succeed... It makes them confused, angry, frustrated, scared. There are plenty of Incels that are victims of their own minds, but I think there are also those who are simply victims of trying to do what they were taught by the world around them and failing and protecting themselves from ever feeling that pain again.

... Then there are people who will walk the length of the bar and talk to every woman until they get a hit, shrugging off every rejection, the lessons that they took away simply being: "It's a numbers game, not about feelings or love. Just keep casting your line and you'll catch something to eat"... I think those lessons impact everyone differently.

That's my thinking on Incels.

[–]BobOki 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

This problem did not exist in any frequency until the social media generations, and WWAAAYYY more so the TikTok generation. The women have been ruined by insane ideology and thinking that someone with zero value or redeeming values is worth not only something, but EVERYTHING, while at the same time being told they do not need no man, and 3rd wave feminism is the next step of misandry. THIS is the problem, not the male side. Women that should feel super LUCKY to get a guy that even looks like a stereotypical nerd or trailer trash now think they deserve a 666 guy, which is 1% of guys.

I think they will be changing because people are finally waking up to the consequences of their retardation and cult ideologies as they are coming ip childless, partnerless, not married, no prospects, jobs they hate, no job at all, depressed and their bodies mutilated in some cases. As these older ladies wake up to the horror they have caused to themselves, they have been starting to come out to warn the younger people about how much they missed, how alone they are, how miserable they are, and how they STILL hardly make any money because they continue to go into more caregiving roles. The few that do go full "boss bitch" and go up the corporate ladder have been speaking out about how they have nothing but a well-paying job that allows them no time for anything. This has also brought the rise to many women FINALLY finding out what guys actually go through, both in work and the responsibilities as well as massive OT that comes with it, for those transitioning they are finding out how catastrophically alone you are as a guy, how there is zero support structure for.... well anything, at all, and are trying to switch back, they can't, and are offing themselves. These people are ALSO starting to speak out about men, their situation, and how they are treated by even worthless disgusting trash women.

Social Media and ideology has killed pretty much all match making across the board.... but the point of this is we ALL are under this crap, but only the weakest, laziest, and thanks to TikTok most narcissistic people who think they are also a real nice "catch" can't get any attention at all from their shithole attitude and all.. then go extreme. It's pathetic, and there is just no excuses that can be given for it. I can see helplessness, depression, and black pilling, but hating all women, degrading them, blaming them for everything, and yet still expecting them to and demanding them to sleep with them, that is just a new level of self-imposed delusion, and there is a reason INCEL, meaning "involuntary celibate" has completely changed it's definition and no longer actually means that, the word incel itself is no longer a abbreviation, and now just means pathetic misogynist.

[–]NastyWetSmear 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Ahhhh, I think I have to pull you up there. There were "Incels" back when I was in highschool before social media, it's just that they didn't have a common name and nobody heard their complaints. I still saw them - the quiet, angry kids who were lonely, miserable or mad all the time. They pined for a girl, and everyone knew it, and kids hunted them like prey animals to make fun of them because highschool was some kind of Lord Of The Flies-esque social battlefield to them and the only way to rise up was, apparently, on the corpses of your foes.

There were also shallow, stupid women before social media. Again, I think it's more that these people didn't have a way to get together and pat each other on the back for their own failings, and now, because there's a dozen of them all screaming at once instead of one of them screaming into the wind, we hear them.

I agree with you - Social Media is certainly part of the problem, but I also think Social Media is like a hammer: There's nothing wrong with it in theory and it's perfect for putting a nail in wood, but as soon as some idiot smashes someone's head in with it, and people realise that's an option and start doing it all the time, suddenly we have to start taking the hammer away because nobody is using it for it's intended purpose, and that's a shame.

For me, the biggest issue with Social Media is major companies and media outlets treating the gibbering freaks in small numbers, hissing like cats and clawing at people who disagree with them, like a real part of society. This amplification of dissatisfaction by a minority who can't handle living in reality somehow became gospel and was treated like a genuine issue and these companies and media groups became convinced that the majority of their audience were these bitter, screaming arseholes instead of remembering that it's only the squeaky doors you hear.

I also think you're right about that changing - That's inevitable. Every generation goes through a few phases. This was just another one made louder by the ability of the internet to bring it to our homes every day. This, too, will pass.

[–]BobOki 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

They only got a name after social media filtered otherwise just unlucky guys into the downward spiral of the other miserable people trying to brainwash them into the same crap so they are not alone, and even more pathetic. Kinda like how no one gave two shits about ideology beyond like gay rights... until the brainwashing started, and now not only are people retarded about all this now, but it has gone so far with the brainwashing that now otherwise normal people are now condoning, and even assisting, the pedos that snuck into this moron group, to get those kids.

[–]NastyWetSmear 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You took that in a strange direction!... But if I ignore the specifics, I think I agree with the gist - Social media gives small, meaningless groups a larger voice and allows them to echo their thoughts back and forth until they are convinced of whatever the original sentiment was.

Also, never forget that you aren't immune! Don't fall into people echoing your thoughts back... Kinda like I just did, I guess, by saying I agree. But you can trust me, right?...

[–]BobOki 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You would never steer us wrong, right? King Roland eye 9.9