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[–]Mcheetah[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thank you, yes. But why are even supposedly "conservative," "anti-woke" males also this hypocritical by being into degeneracy such as getting cucked by queer women or performing anal sex? I'm only in my 30s, but I remember when all of this stuff used to make you a social pariah and people used to actually still have shame.

[–]passionflounder 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

why are even supposedly "conservative," "anti-woke" males also this hypocritical by being into degeneracy

Too many aren't thinking for themselves. Backtracking and apologizing for an "incorrect" opinion or arbitrary accusations of "hate" fixes nothing and emboldens bad players because it indicates weakness.

Simply put, the left who promotes the sexual perversion is straight up acting as bullies. Collectively, we're too afraid to call them out in part because media is part of the problem. Publicizing "wrong-think" anti-woke opinions comes at the risk of being financially destroyed by adverse publicity as bigger corporate employers latch on the Communist China-style ESG-score system which I believe is being used by major financial institutions as part of assessing entities' eligibility for having accounts, taking low interest short term loans and functioning in the economy.

People's sins against wokeness can hit social media which those employers can dig up. Such behavior can and will be used to asses the employability of applicants as well as an employee's suitability for promotion. Of course, when downsizing time hits, guess who will be first in line for layoffs?

Basically, Fascism.