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[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most people, I'm gonna say 90%, secretly want to fuck goats.

Nah, I don't think so. I think that 90% of people may have the odd idle thought now and again about cross-species sex, but without any actual sexual arousal at the thought.

But really we're just guessing. I don't think there is much good research into the prevalence of bestiality in either thought or deed. (Plenty of jokes about it though, I think it was the comedian Rodney Rude who joked that he'd fuck a venomous snake with a bunged up butt hole if somebody else held its head.) Whereas there is plenty of good research into the prevalence of same/opposite sex attraction, and how often people who identify as gay/lesbian have het sex and vice versa.

Bisexuality is massively under counted because most bi people "identify as" either straight or gay. As the old joke goes, "I'm not gay, but the men I fuck are." There's a lot of situational same-sex fucking done by people who are mostly heterosexual by choice, e.g. "gay for pay" porn actors, in prison or the navy, etc. The thing is, if these guys were truly 100% het, before the discovery of Viagra they wouldn't have been able to get it up.