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[–]Alienhunter 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

There's several breeds of satanist.

There's the occultist types doing goat sacrifices and what not. Who actually worship Satan directly.

There's the intellectual Satanists who see Satan as a liberation type figure and believe in the absolute supremacy of the self over any kind of god like authority.

And finally there's the primary group of satanists you see in modern culture, who are more a parody of religion than actual worshipers.

The thing is, while I fully support the idea of studying satanism, as with the tree of knowledge you must learn what evil is to be able to know what good is, all the various threads of it are for fools and idiots.

The literal satanists who actually believe in and worship Satan believe in and worship a lesser spiritual being whose existence is tolerated by god in the same way one may tolerate a gnat in their house until it's time to squish it. They are idiots.

The intellectual satanists who don't believe in god fail to see the purpose of the Satan allegory and the allegorical significance of god. Satan rages against the natural order of the world and is destroyed. We can as well rage against the physical reality of life to our own doom.

And finally while I can appreciate the parody of the final group making fun of the church, as indeed the church should be mocked where mockery is due, those kind of satanists take it far beyond the joke to the point they become the joke themselves.

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The intellectual satanists who don't believe in god fail to see the purpose of the Satan allegory and the allegorical significance of god. Satan rages against the natural order of the world and is destroyed. We can as well rage against the physical reality of life to our own doom.

As usual you have it completely backwards. I can't believe how easily simply switching the labels can change someone's beliefs. Anyway there's a certain evil figure in the New Testament who rules over the world. Called "the god of this world" or "the ruler of this world". See if you can figure out who this god is.

Early Christians even believed in a figure known as the demiurge who either created or hijacked the creation. This is the god who had to be appeased with ransom, and he is also referred to with the term satan on a number of occasions. Yes satan is actually a term meaning "opponent", not a name. Obviously God does not have to pay a ransom to himself. And just take a look at the world and what you call the "natural order". It's fundamentally evil, rotten to the core. And you're worshiping that instead of following the golden rule?