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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Yes. It's a professional timesuck op. Limp Weezil sounds like a '90s band.

I was going to start a new sub with a wiki, but I have to wait. Or you, or anyone interested, can start it and we can discuss what its purpose is, what it's about, what critical and ethical problems and abuses to avoid, and how we can effectively track and trace STABs' activity while abiding by the rules.

Initially I thought /s/Shills might do, but now I'm thinking /s/SaidItCommunity would be more positive, with wider potential for much much more, and generally better all around, unless /u/d3rr thinks that sounds too much like it's officially affiliated with the SaidIt management. We could have disclaimers starting off the sidebox saying that we are bottom-up self-organizing independent of this site's top-down management. Or /s/Community may be preferred.

It's also better because I have several other ideas for not just this online community but many of them overlap with Facebook groups, my local Windsor Resistance and sub-groups, and organizing the world, as well as other SaidIt and Cassy specific things that have been bouncing around in my skull for months.

Before anyone starts yet another new sub, maybe there's one that might already be acceptable. I've listed all remotely SaidIt-related subs I'm aware of in the sidebox of /s/IdeasForSaidIt. Lemme know if I missed any.

Maybe this will be just more bureaucratic bullshit. Maybe it can be effective. We won't know until we try. If we don't try then we'll just have to suck up their bullshit along with global tyranny. More importantly, I'd rather work on building fair open community systems for SaidIt and eventually Cassy, and beyond, than waste time arguing with STABs.