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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

when they didn't break the rules

It's never been about that. They are not victims, no matter what one or two say.

I'm also obsessed with efficiency, which is why I want to find a way to make it self-sufficient. I tend to overthink every little detail, to be honest.

Here's a challenge for you, should you choose to accept it. One of the fundamental objectives to our /s/Cassy project is to decentralize. This means getting everyone who can to co-host an instance. Whether they have a new strong-server or an old PC that can become a junior-server, whether they have expert skills or no skills, we want as many people decentralizing as possible. The focus is on establishing the federation as the users and community can and will come later. To my point: We need to develop simple set-up tutorials in modular chapters for people to be able to easily follow, all at once or in sections over several afternoons. As close to plug-n-play as possible to be as widely accessible as possible to get people off the cloud and independent and resilient. A wish list of some of the platforms and features: forum(s) (Lenny, phpBB, etc), wiki, PeerTube, web-scraping archive, crypto, TOR, IPFS, ZeroNet, torrent, I2P, etc.

Eventually you may share tutorials on my new projects wiki (yet to be online and with much work yet to do setting it up) dedicated to projects of all kinds, whatever that may entail. Tutorials, blogs, galleries, essays, activism, encyclopedias (redundant), production management, etc etc etc.