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[–]AnotherClosetAtheist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

5 blood clots per 1 million people. I'd like to see if there is a statistical analysis that this is causal.

How much spike protein will a human body produce from this vaccine?

  • enough to get an immune response

What’s the variation among the old and the young?

  • don't know, doesn't seem to be much of a hoot going on

How much of this spike protein will kill you?

  • It's literally a surface substrate of a virus that binds to cells, without the rest of the virus. It's like asking how wet you will get from a garden hose that isn't hooked up to water. The thing only works when it's hooked up to a virus membrane.

If you take 10x the typical dose, will you die? 20x?

  • It would probably be like eating too much protein powder. It's just a string of amino acids without a proper function. They just get attacked and in the future anything that contains similar spike proteins will get attacked too.