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[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah I get all that shit, Im not retarded. But don’t you think you are painting a naive picture? Immune responses can be dangerous. Especially if they are taking place in, oh, say.... the capillaries in your brain.

Where are these LNPs being absorbed? Presumbably the endothelials lining your blood and lymph vessels. Which subsequently present spike proteins and trigger an inflamatory immune response in your vascular tissue. Which causes clotting. And a drop in platelets. Perhaps the platelets themselves are synthesizing the spike proteins. Anyway clearly thrombocytopenia and pro-thrombic states are being triggered by this vax. People are dying of embolisms. More often they are just walking around with spitting headaches and heavy periods. They don’t understand their health has been put at risk.

oh its not the whole virus, dont worry. Its just the rbd.

How much spike protein will a human body produce from this vaccine? What’s the variation among the old and the young? How much of this spike protein will kill you? If you take 10x the typical dose, will you die? 20x?

Have they studying this? If so, why can’t I see their work? They must have test how much of this will kill a ferret or something.

[–]AnotherClosetAtheist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

5 blood clots per 1 million people. I'd like to see if there is a statistical analysis that this is causal.

How much spike protein will a human body produce from this vaccine?

  • enough to get an immune response

What’s the variation among the old and the young?

  • don't know, doesn't seem to be much of a hoot going on

How much of this spike protein will kill you?

  • It's literally a surface substrate of a virus that binds to cells, without the rest of the virus. It's like asking how wet you will get from a garden hose that isn't hooked up to water. The thing only works when it's hooked up to a virus membrane.

If you take 10x the typical dose, will you die? 20x?

  • It would probably be like eating too much protein powder. It's just a string of amino acids without a proper function. They just get attacked and in the future anything that contains similar spike proteins will get attacked too.