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[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Full disclosure I don’t have any credentials, Im just an asshole with an internet connection who’s done some research.

The thing is: what the mRNA and viral vector vaccines are doing is not really that different from what viruses and bacteria do when they infect you. Your cells are protein factories and they manufacture various proteins for ‘orders’ sent from the nucleus in the form of mRNA. Coronavirus and other RNA viruses just trick your cells in to manufacturing new baby viruses by giving them new RNA instructions. Your cell is dumb, it becomes an unwitting collaborator in the infection. DNA viruses and some bacteria also reproduce similarly- that is why viruses and bacteria love your body.

So the mRNA and viral vector vaxes are just doing what the SARS Cov virus is doing except the cells are only creating spike proteins which cant reproduce.

The cells that absorb the vaccine then produce and present the spike protein and your immune system starts to attack those cells and cause an inflammatory reaction. This also happens with the covid infection.

With mild to moderate wild form covid, this immune reaction is largely limited to the respiratory tract or maybe the GI tract. But with the mRNA and viral vector vax, perhaps the most of the immune reaction is directed toward cells like your platelets and the endothelial cells lining your blood vessels. This includes tiny capillaries that feed your brain.

These vaccine packages probably are mostly gone after a few days given the refrigeration storage requirements on them. The reactions to the spike protein seem to abate after about 10 days to 2 weeks if we go on data from the VAERS reporting system. So probably most of the spike protein and vaccine payload are gone by two weeks. Probably. That should be the end of the “clotting” complications.

This does not rule out an autoimmune reaction but that is something else.

Viruses and bacteria tend to mimic the proteins on your cells to elude your immune system. So when the body does finally identify them, it sometimes accidentally builds an antibody that will also attack the normal healthy tissue that was mimicked by the microbe. That is usually what causes diseases like RA, type I diabetes, lupus, hypothyroidism, etc.. It is a case of immune mistaken identity, usually. So any viral or bacterial infection or any vaccine that triggers an immune response could potentially trigger an autoimmune condition that would be life-long in many cases. Some people have a predispostion to this problem due to genetics.

That is my very high level understanding of how the body is processing these new tech vaccines and how an auto-immune syndrome could occur.