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[–]Kaczynski_Is_Right 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Humans will be subject to great indignities at the hands of technological "progress". Life will be greatly transformed into something unrecognizable. Society will exist to serve technology, and we will continue to be forced to compromise our rights and freedoms in favour of technological advancements.

Like the motor vehicle can be used to transport people faster than ever, but we compromise the environment and the freedom of the pedestrian.

Or the mobile smart-phone can be used for information and communication anywhere in the world, at the expense of our privacy.

I believe we will be forced to live under constant surveillance and the natural world will continue to diminish. There will be no autonomy. And eventually we will hardly be able to call ourselves humans with how transformed everything will become.