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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Young Korean-American in critical condition after unprovoked attack in Paris by Bysmiel in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 10 hours ago If asians stopped going to France then maybe France will punish the attackers more. But nope!Asians don't care as long as they themsleves r ok.

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 10 hours ago Message doesn't matter. Outcome does. I see you are interested in accuracy/details. Very asian. Also very counterproductive. Truth is what you say will only encourage Asians, strong and weak, to go there, and more victims will be lying in hospitals , unreported by any type of mainstream press and media. Is dissecting the post important or is preventing more Asian attacks important

[–]Oraduq [score hidden] 8 hours ago What do you propose then? Do something

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 10 hours ago Asian tourists/ people need more self worth. They will step over each other to get in line to get an LV bag there even though the sales clerks don't even like them and we're caught limiting the amount sold to Asian tourists a few years ago. But Asian tourists love to conform (the life goal of an asian unfortunately) and buy whatever they are told to buy there. It's Paris is dirty, cold, musty, food is overly creamy and salty, but Asians love going there to breathe in the vast amounts of free second hand cig smoke that shrouds the sidewalks. I will say, though, Italy and the UK is even worse. Purely pathetic.

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 11 hours ago Absolutely NOT. Your post REEKS of " I can assimilate and do fine, so why can't you??" It also REEKS of "I want to keep the discussion pleasant, so I will use a sample size of 1 to steer the conversation in a pleasant manner" This is such an east Asian/Chinese mentality. I grew up around east Asians westerners, and everything is a competition on who can ignore race the most and be the most racially clueless. Hence why u get posts like "was it racist what I experienced at 3 pm last Thursday at the grocery store blah blah " Just bc u r fine doesn't mean most are. I know so many west coast born Asians, female, male, straight, gay, whatever type of study abroad for the semester kids, and majority of them got pickpocketed, robbed, and one even beat up. I'm the only one that didn't encounter shit in Europe, having gone everywhere there, and I don't say that it's safe to anyone bc the majority of Asians ARE targeted much more than other races. I'm just personally untrusting as Fck otherwise I would have been robbed too. I even witnessed somebody try to rob my friend right in front of me. It's also dirty and ful of second hand smoke. My friend even overheard a north african migrant robber in France chatting to his friend one day. What did he say??? "Oreintals are so easy to rob, you rob one from the group and the others don't care as long as they themselves are safe!" But with Russians you rob one and the whole group will chase u!

[–]ElimDegens [score hidden] an hour ago

This is such an east Asian/Chinese mentality

hey, we got a real east asia and china expert on here guys! everybody listen up

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 11 hours ago Information about who targets Asians (esp east Asians) in Europe is HIGHLY CENSORED. Asians reliance on internet information rather than info from friend groups of same gender, same race friends will be the death of us.

Standup Comedy about Asian identity by donghuap in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 11 hours ago Non Asian POC know how to handle losers like him. Some 'stranger' beats him up at random. But Asians hate risk and hate agression even more, ignoring the fact that we r all just animals, so there u go. Let's be real there r zero consequences for him. Why would he stop his crap? He seems happy getting expired stale breadcrumbs pooped out by pigeons from his masters. Letting guys like him go on is 50 percent of the reason why Asian women flee asap and Asian men have issues. There's nobody to check him. There are no repurcussions from his community. Hell, there is no repurcussions for self hating Asian men and women from within their community like there is for non Asian POC. No wonder non Asians POC, they have more political power and the women are not fleeing the tribe with every last ounce of energy like Asians r.

"ASIANss REEEEEEEEEEEREeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeREEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeeEEeeeeeeeeeee AsiA RespOnsiBle For EvErY ThinG WroNg wIth MUH lIFE rEEEEEEEEErEEEEEEee". Fucking pathetic retarded LU KKKUNT continues to be a shitstain on the human race.