What aznid "promised" to be: https://archive.is/EbKc2
Mods gave you attitude for posting? Sarcastically flairing your posts to insult you? Switch to posting your work at aznidentity. (self.asianmasculinity2)submitted 2 years ago by the0clean0slate
aznidentity No submission restrictions. No filter. No soft bans. No power tripping. If it is prematurely rejected or quietly removed, post it over at aznidentity to get some feedboack. We can handle it if it is bad. Let's create an open environment where we aren't so threatened by "shitposting". Bonus points if the mods insulted you and gave you no response after you spend hours trying to write it, going through multiple iterations. --> aznidentity
Barring the delusions of AI's head poocel, aznid has only succeeded in becoming a second r asianamerican rather than a "Pro-Asian" space. The sub is more censored than it ever was before, the simping is out of control, and shilling for political parties (particularly the left) is openly encouraged. Every promise these fucks called the AI mod team have made are long broken.
New Sub: AngryAsians (self.aznidentity)
submitted 17 hours ago by asianmovement - announcement
Hello all:
Some complain about the excessive negativity on r aznidentity , and as we approach 10,000 subscribers in the coming few months , we feel it is time to change the subreddit into something more positive. On r aznidentity , we would like to encourage more high quality discussion posts and positivity. Optimism and a sense of possibility is the ONLY way things will change. We do not necessarily want to use this as a reason to change the policy of the sub to censor posts, therefore the mod team feels it is best to shift these type of posts to a new subreddit: r angryasians. (We are also looking for mods for this new sub.) In the theme of Phil Yu's AngryAsianMan ;) , this new subreddit is gonna be for shitposting , venting , and being angry. Also , memes. Please post ya memes! Rules will be minimal. So if you would like to be mod of this new shitposting sub , comment down below!
[–]the0clean0slate [score hidden] 2 hours ago
Actually the initial intent and main purpose of AngryAsians is for shitposting, memeing and circlejerking. It is a place where people can go not holding back anything.
AI mods shilled for this bullshit sub and claimed it would be AI's "equivalent" to 4chan, where shitposting and memes was allowed. But what happened? They brought over all of the censorship from AI, revealing their actual intentions of silencing anti-Lu, anti-progressive users.
Join the new Asian-only English speaking forum. (self.aznidentity) submitted 1 year ago by shadowsweep
asiansoul org is the forum for the world's English-speaking Asians who are looking for an inclusive space that is free from anti-Asian prejudice of "polite" society. Say goodbye to (most) trolls, vote brigades, false flags, unfair account suspensions, and other drama. Enjoy exclusive content, actionable solutions to the problems we have been discussing, networking for mentoring / internship / business , rich media posts that include videos and images, a goblin-free environment, and more. Sign up here today.
This is AI's pathetic “reddit alternative” that promised to have no bans or drama. In the end, the bullshit power-tripping ended up happening on this forum as well with the cuck mods denying they are censoring fucks. The bullshit forum is now a damn ghost town with the same cucked SJW vibe as the subreddit.
[–]the0clean0slate 0 points 4 hours ago : Ew, don't be a fucking prude. And I have told you to not to join the slack if you can't handle the shitpost. But you persisted. And it is also why we basically never invited any AF onto the slack again. The slack is not going to be moderated. People ask for dick pics and lay pics all the fucking time.
AI mods claimed their Slack was "SaFe" and a "wElCoMe" environment when it was actually used to build the literal sexpat male body enthusiast HEAD AI MOD's dickpic collection!
Asian Identity Discord (self.aznidentity) submitted 4 hours ago * by asianmovement[M] - announcement
Hello all: Together with the moderators at AsianMasculinity, we have decided to share one discord community to better serve and grow the community. In addition, we have agreed to share a verification system across subreddits. If you are verified on AM from now on, you are also verified on r AI as well. This means that you can join the discord / slacks freely with one verification on subreddit. Note : This discord is not personally moderated by the mods of AI and As such, your experience might vary. Please join the discord here: or you can find the discord button on our sidebar.
Asian Identity Discord Outage (self.aznidentity) submitted 2 hours ago by setsar - announcement
Some of you guys already know. A malicious user took control of our verify bot and did damage to our Discord server. If you were a member, you were banned by the malicious user. We've purged the ban list and have regained control. Please re-join with the link below. The mods are taking precautions to prevent this in the future.
As of now, the discord button is now removed from ai's sidebar, proving it was a complete failure. In addition, r/ AM severed all ties to the failure discord,revealing how dimwitted the AI mods are at planning things.
Aznidentity Crowdfunds a Porn - we will be partnering with Jeremy Long from AsianSchlong.com to produce an AMXF Porn shoot (also to train new AM male talents/producers)Activism (self.aznidentity) submitted 2 hours ago by the0clean0slate
Cock0slate's “nObEl-PrIzE” thinking comes full circle when he peddles this misfire porno. The unoriginal hack decides to parody a real-life AMWF couple for the “plot” and even censored users who were concerned about involving them. As expected of the0dumbshit0slate, AI got in trouble with the AMWF couple they “spoofed”:
Guys, do not make any statement to 8chan's news site, The Goldwater. They have been trying to interview us about the AMWF porn crowdfundCommunity (self.aznidentity) submitted 34 minutes ago by the0clean0slate – announcement
….In addition, from now on, do not mention ST Peach's name, or even ST Pear when talking about this project. Her team contacted us asking us not to. It is going to be "loosely based on a true story" without any traceback to her. The film in question was originally produced with a different plot in mind that made sure that it 100% didn't have any connection with her or twitch. It was just a white cam girl who turns out to have an Asian boyfriend and she got harassed and attacked by racists for it, so she decided to have sex with him on camera to piss them off.
I personally apologize for even mentioning her name. My mistake.
Cock0slate then proceeds to sperg out at users upset at his stupid ass hell ideas, proving the mods are petty as fuck and their “ideas” are misfire fails:
[–]park_king 5 points 5 hours ago I don't know who decided to use STPeach's name or likeness, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth about this project. Even how the whole video was framed as a retaliation against 4chan was so misguided. This was simply due to a lack of vision and leadership. I honestly would like whoever decided on the above to step down, otherwise I don't personally see myself donating to this cause any further. I'm sorry, the0clean0slate but you made alot of bad calls here, and brought the reputation of aznidentity down imo.
[–]mvpcrossxover 26 points 12 hours ago I knew from the getgo that using/mentioning her name was a bad idea. I'm sure she's flatter but she didn't ask for it. You don't want her to deal with more harassment than she already is.
[–]sojutime949 6 points 4 hours ago Using similar name likeness was definitely the wrong decision. Just ask yourself, would you want somebody to make a porn video using similar name of your wife without any permission? Probably not. I was going to be more outspoken about it but I figured the situation would unravel on it's own. Also, retaliation for what, who gives a shit about 4chan. The troll who posted the "retaliation against 4chan" was not even an AI regular, doubtful he/she is even asian. Brand new member, "swack_". His/her first post on AI was this incident trying to stir up shit and invite more trolls here. Should be banned permanently.
[–]the0clean0slate[S] [score hidden] 50 minutes ago Step down from what? This is a volunteer position. If anyone want to step up to organize future crowd funds for more porn shoot or other activities, then do it. Is it going to be you? Are you going to put yourself out there? You can make a post and you can crowdfund it tomorrow. I will sticky your post (given that you verify and there is some assurance that you won't run away with the money). There is no position in this movement. No rank. It is basically, whoever who step up to the plate to carry out the action, then you can do it. And we hand you all the responsibility and work. Is it going to be you though?
- Case# 6: Aznid's “twitter activism”
AI likes to claim they are “getting some activism done” on twitter but in reality all they do is re-tweet known “Pan-Asian” Marxists, suck off SJWs, and simping for m'Lus. Their activism is complete bullshit dicksucking for leftists and Lus just like their subreddit.
CUCKturemedia touted as a "media watchdog" backpeddles completely to a few angry Lus on twitter, completely castrating the site in hopes of "ChAnGiNg ThEiR mInDs" while only succeeding in turning CUCKture into a barren shithole.
there doesn't seem to be anything here