August: The Sixty-first month of cucking. Fecesarcel insists that KUCKtureMedia died not because of his backpedalling to (((hw00d))), but the “FuCKIng lAZY UsERs”! Currycelidentity confirmed again as arcel demands users comment on shart 'AsiAN' threads! Worthless palace eunuch fucking f&gg0t COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT does the same old femoid shit, year after year, tiring censorship and fggit simping for “mUh FaULTleSS lADDeEEeeEE” with his waste of an account. Cringe f&gg0t ass simping not enough for SimpKUCK43, gotta be a (((flaming sjw fucktard))) as well. Mindfucked aiNCEL thrist for Lus staying permanently as eunuchs screech, “Its OK tO Be a SimP”!
September: The Sixty-second month of cucking. The reality of non-Asian “iDeNtTy”, as blatantly anti-Asian shit gets approved by none other than non-Asian Poo F&GG0T arcel. Who else but femoid waste of life COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT ch1mps outta his basement only when users decide not to worship “dA LU”. Permanent censorship for r/ aiNCELs as the sockpuppet 'aiNCELs-ModTeam' alt is shitted out. Perpetual f&gg0t aiNCEL spergouts by the same tiring cockroach users like SimpKUCK43, owlfggitcel, KUCKCOCKROACHCURRYFGGITFORM, th3p00sniffer, and schizo AlasKKKunt91.
October: The Sixty-third month of cucking. Of course currycel archefeces would claim he “NeVEr SaW” creeper poojeet behavior in Endia! Turd-taster arcel appoints more ass-kisser f&gg0ts 'Kuckoldfucktard1112' and 'AureoCUCKEDretard' after the (((reddit admins))) told him to learn how to use the damn toilet. Any MENTION of anti-Asian hate crimes now FORBIDDEN according to the shit-flinger head mod. The worthless fucking single Lu-raised femoid little f&gg0t COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT does the same old tiring as fuck shit month after month, year after year, worthless eunuch ch1mp at AMXF, 24/7 fggit ass censorship, ch1mpanzee screeches at Lu-criticism, and now spergouts whenever his shithole CUCKnada is criticized. Even quoting Bruce Lee riles the little aiNCEL-ModTeam Lu-chaser eunuch f&gg0ts. Same old tiring aiNCEL diarrhea-laced fucking f&gg0t ass ch1mpout at Lu criticism by the same (((subversives)) KUCKCOCKROACHCURRYFGGITFORM, owlcockaroachfggitcel, crappedtaco, AlasKKKunt91, and KUCKmin123. The originator of all of aiNCELs and r/ am's autism, K1KEFGGITsiple888 crawls outta his hole for the sole purpose of (((subverting))) the tard eunuchbase.
November: The Sixty-fourth month of cucking. Fecalarch ragesharts a block when users refuse to cheer for the poojeet prime minster of britbong. Only on aiNCELs are there f&gs like COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT defending the west instead of ASIA. Absolute state of r/ aiNCELs mental retardation, when eunuch thinks cuck fggt shadowsweep is worth quoting! The aiNCEL simp F&GG0Tbase furiously ch1mp at AMXF and Lu-criticism as if spazzing harder will improve their chances of “wInNIng BaCK Da LadEEeSs”.
December: The Sixty-fifth month of cucking. Who fucking else implodes the septic tank when user questions shart “aSiaNs” with yellow fever? The aiNCEL-ModTeam f&gg0ts unsurprisingly ch1mp hard when users do not support blm. Only on aiNCELs can literal pinkcel f&gg0t 'thermalconnection' be allowed in THREE TIMES. And of course, ONLY the aiNCEL fucking simp f&gg0ts deny & cope when (((Ali bananarang))) is proven beyond a doubt to be a LU. ONLY ON aiNCELS does simping for m'EYYyefFFf GoDLeEEeeeE LadEeEeeeeee take priority over food and breathing.
January: The Sixty-sixth month of cucking. R/ aiNCELs drowns into the shit-infested Ganges as fecalarch implements his f&gg0t mass-censorship. The shit-flinger openly admits r/ aiNCELs has been A COMPLETE FAILURE! Fucking castrated little femoid single LU raised F&GG0T SIMP COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT has the gall to call someone else “sImP”! More fggit excuses from the aiNCELs-ModTeam, claiming anti-Asian crime posts are “RePeTiTiVe” and “dEmoRaLiZINg (For MUH xm aLLieSs)”. ONLY on aiNCELs are xm poocels allowed in claiming Endia is building “wOrLd ClaSs CiTieS”. ONLY on aiNCELs would you find eunuch simp f&gg0ts spewing, “HoW CaN I ResCuE MUH lADEe WiTH tHe FuKIn Art of War”?
February: The Sixty-seventh month of cucking. Jenkem-huffer arcel claims the wasteland called r/ aiNCELs' front page is “BeTTeR tHAn EveR”! The f&gg0t ass mass-censorship agenda is revealed to be all for building “MuH PrO-xm CoaLiTioN”, what a shock. Cowshit-licker blames the userbase for KUCKtureMedia's death and not his (((backpedalling for k1kew00d)))! (((Marxist-midget-sjw-f&gg0t K1kesiple888's))) only response to users kicking his lefttarded ass for the thousandth time: “REEEEEEEEEEEEeee I'M AlWAyS RiGHt”!
March: The Sixty-eighth month of cucking. Poocelraja claims “(((reddit))) iS CeNsorINg aiNCELs” not he and his ass-kisser shill fggits! The 24/7 censoring fucking castrated femoid waste of life COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT has the gall to tell others, “GeT Off ReddIt”! The fucked in the brain mod f&gs now pose as users, claiming “MaSS-CensOrSHip GuD”, and “PosT CrIME ShiT sOmEWhEre eLSe”. R/ am reaches new heights of retardation under arcel's BITCH INCELnem, with eunuchs screeching: “WhaT ThE FUcK is LiBeRaL aGenDa, StFU”.
April: The Sixty-ninth month of cucking. Turd-taster demands users care about the NON-ASIAN currycel “lEadER” of the uKKK. Guaranteed ways to be aiNCEL “mOd”: suck off poojeets/xm and thrist after ALL the Lus. R/ am perma-CUCKED as Arcel's BITCH INCELnem exposes himself as a rang-rescuing SIMP F&GG0T! R/ am's tard mods sperg about “xm trolls” when they were the ones screeching “ALLiES CoMe In ALL ShAPess And SiZEsS”!
May: The Seventieth month of cucking. Curryarcel admits his fggit mass-censorship was all about winning back “Da bLk AllieSs”. Continued poojeet infection of r/ aiNCELs because “EndIa is PaRT of aSiAa”! R/ AsiAn FggiTRy overrun by simp locust CUCK F&GG0tS and xmaf LUs because what else did you expect from Arcel's rang-rescuing BITCH FGGT INCELnem?
June: The Seventy-first month of cucking. The beginning of the END for r/ f&gg0t aiNCELs. First ever LU MOD 'AlasKKKunt91' appointed by the turd-taster fucking f&G arcel. Another fucking cockless ass-kisser 'toskaqe' appointed only for censoring shit 24/7. Once more from the poop-taster's mouth: “ReDDiT is CensoRING aiNCELs, NoTs ME”! Worthless little single LU-raised femoid shit COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT crawls outta his shitter only when “mUH GoDlEE LU laDEeEeeeeee” like AlasKKKunt91 is called out. R/ aiNCELs to be EVEN MORE pro-xm, ANTI-ASIA, and anti-AM thanks to the schizo batshit LU AlasKKKunt91 as “aiNCEL MoD”. Further mental decline of the fggit ass aiNCEL eunuchbase who screech, “LUs Don't ExiSTT”!
July: The Seventy-second month of cucking. The mental decline of the poocelraja, as the f&g spazzes hard at “mUH PreCIoUs rEddiT VoTEs”! Waste of life LYING f&g femoid COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT again claims he “iSn'T” on reddit 24/7 to censor shit for “mUH LadEEeEeeEeE”. R/ aiNCELs censored to the point where FUCKING r/ am of all subs is the less censored one thanks to this ass-kissing worthless f&gg0t tosKUCK. Unceasing AlasKKKunt91 diarrhea whenever 'AM', 'Asians', or 'Asia' is mentioned because “mUH EyyeFFf Mod”! Mindfucked r/ am eunuchbase claim the mental patient K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 had “(((gUD IdEAss)))”.
there doesn't seem to be anything here