INCELnem aka Arcel's BITCH:
moderators of r/ aznidentity
Igennem (381) 1 hour ago full permissions
[–]VerySlickRhymes 4 points 11 hours ago
The word "Jews" is banned in the title for some reason.
[–]Igennem[M] [score hidden] 2 hours ago
Filtered for automatic approval, yes. There have been 4chan/TD trolls coming in and using the term to the point that it was easier to manually approve on-topic posts containing the word than remove the offending ones.
If you find your posts has been incorrectly filtered, you can shoot me a PM and I'll take care of it.
[–]Cal3001 5 points 19 hours ago
32 Black SoCal. I roam here as I'm seeing similar issues across society to what blacks face. The most notable is the negative perceptions we receive in Western societies. So I'm here to understand all the type of issues Asians face. I'm here to promote unity in hopes we can understand each other a little more.
[–]Igennem [score hidden] 37 minutes ago
Welcome. I similarly lurk r/ blackfellas and agree there's a lot of overlap in our issues and goals as minorities living in a white-dominated society. Both our communities benefit from understanding how historical oppression affects and continues into the present day.
[–]Igennem 1 point 4 hours ago
Frank Chin and Disciple888 are the closest we've gotten to a Malcolm X in the past couple generations.
Why is there no love for south asian men??? by Feisty-Asparagus-974 in AsianMasculinity
[–]Igennem 44 points 1 day ago
We appreciate the kind words, and I agree entirely that all Asians - South as you mentioned, but also Southeast, Central, etc - need more love and acceptance in this world. This subreddit community was created with the understanding and recognition that all of us face common stereotypes and challenges as Asian diaspora.
[–]Igennem 1 point 10 hours ago
Unfortunately communities such as this one are large and diverse, and I share your disappointment that many East Asians are willing to buy into and endorse stereotypes about South Asians.
On the other hand, I don't think the solution is to cease interaction and cross-community dialogue. This will only widen rifts at a crucial time when East and South Asian diasporas have a lot of common ground in the West.
"Jeet" (self.aznidentity)
submitted 22 hours ago by archelogy
[–]Igennem [score hidden] 3 hours ago
Disappointing that Twitter doesn't do anything about this.
How to Trigger White Men by good_vita in aznidentity
[–]Igennem [score hidden] 3 hours ago
Love your content, keep it up!
CUCKnilla, the rang-chaser:
Ali Wong officially dating Bill Hader(self.AsianMasculinity)
submitted 23 hours, 56 minutes ago by BongHit101 to AsianMasculinity
[–]neohanfu 0 points9 hours, 21 minutes ago
you purport to be an asian masculinity sub
This sub was never about asian masculinity, it's why this sub use to have a wmaf hapa sexpat mod, and it's why benilla's a mod now. If you don't know he's a boba who hates white women and supports wmafs. Why? Cause he has a rang wife and has to overcompensate by pretending wmaf don't matter and amwf are bad.
[removed] by mod
Is anyone else grossed out by the sheer amount of popularity in subs about Asian women wanting white cock? Or one even specifically for checking AM?OC self.AsianMasculinity
submitted 1 day ago by are_u_still_up
[–]2_handles 1 point an hour ago
benllia still a mod? he has a rang wife, so of course he's going to simp for his wife and her white bf
Ever wonder why all of these xm, simps and Lus keep crawling into a sub that is supposedly "for AM"? It is all due to these two eunuch f&gg0ts INCELnem and CUCKnilla. Subversion, censorship, and flaming sjwism is to be expected from any f&gg0t who was a part of the aiNCELs' mod team. Don't expect the LU gaslighting and ch1mping at AMXF to end anytime soon with rang-saving f&gg0t CUCKnilla as "mOd".
there doesn't seem to be anything here