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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Steve Harvey - unapologetically racist by BeerNinjaEsq in AsianMasculinity

[–]throwmiamivelvet -15 points an hour ago We are looking at 8 year old articles because??? We are grasping straws?

Should I try to help a girl im interested in get a job in my company( we wont be working together)? by Altruistic_Point_834 in AsianMasculinity

[–]throwmiamivelvet -3 points 2 hours ago OP is a loser and gives Asian guys a bad rep.. forget about Hollywood. People just need to look at him as a bad example

[–]throwmiamivelvet 2 points 2 hours ago There's nothing wrong with helping people. But helping people with ulterior motive sounds like a simp. You need to ask yourself whether you're helping her because you really want to help her or because you want something in return if the latter then you are simp

This f&gg0t's account has absolutely nothing of worth and yet the worthless Hong KUCKER mods still keep him on the sub. Anyone associated with arcPOOCEL is an guaranteed insidious eunuch f&gg0t.