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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Alot of the men here need to understand how much Asian women get harrassed on the streets. Please help intervene!OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 1 day ago by Big-Coconut-Woman

[–]Double-Raisin-4323 101 points 1 day ago Lmao, even in a harassment post you gotta do the regular WM servicing without fail. Truly hopeless for AF.

[–]Full_Strength_3891 86 points 1 day ago 100%. And 39 upvotes so far from AMAF simps getting cucked as she boasts about getting hit on by White male professional models. (She already edited that part out). That's like praising an Asian woman while she kisses a random White guy right in front of your face. Those AM are fucking hopeless as well.

[–]PickleInTheSun 44 points 23 hours ago Cucked simps in here for sure. To people sympathizing with OP, read her post again. She’s basically relegating you into the “you look like my brother” role. She’s saying that Asian guys need to protect her from unwanted advices without any of the benefits of a male/female relationship, and Asian guys are “safe” (like a brother). Wake the fuck up.

[–]shinjiii_ikari 0 points 5 hours ago How are you going to act like you care about Asian men’s issues then call out Indian men specifically for something that has nothing to do with their race? Did you forget Indian men are Asian men too? You’re Asian too right? You should know what harmful stereotypes feel like.

[–]magicalbird 98 points 1 day ago I agree but the topic feels more relevant for aznidentity where Asian unity is more encouraged. This subreddit focuses on Asian male issues. Many other Asian subreddits do not welcome Asian male struggles so why are we suddenly having to hear Asian female topics here?

[–]Aureolater -14 points 1 day ago Why not both subs? Asian women's suffering at the hands of non-Asian men is definitely a masculinity issue. Asian women get this treatment because non-Asian men think they won't be rebuffed by their fathers and brothers. If you don't want to fight for them, do it for yourself.

[–]magicalbird 60 points 1 day ago No. This subreddit always had more polarizing views when it came to that misguided Asian unity. A lot of Asian women would gladly throw us under the bus if it meant a white guy looked at them more.

[–]Aureolater -11 points 1 day ago

A lot of Asian women would gladly throw us under the bus if it meant a white guy looked at them more.

I actually agree with you there. But you don't have to fight for them, you're fighting for yourself. My one sister may be a complete slag but I'm not going to let anyone disrespect her because she's family, and for the sake of my other two sisters who aren't slags. (Theoretically, I don't have three sisters). If someone disrespects the slag sister, they're still disrespecting me and my family. No one stands alone. The fact that so many of us go it alone is why we get challenged and defeated so often. It also explains the slags and the Asian women throwing us under the bus.

[–]magicalbird 18 points 1 day ago Then that’s a discussion about family which is different than just random females that OP is stating. A lot of women want Asian men only for the benefits like protection and harmony while sleeping around with non-Asian men. Life is that competitive and in my opinion it’s up to each individual to make sure surrounding people are safe. The point is that these topics are on a predominantly Asian male subreddit.

[–]Prize_Ganache_8138 8 points 17 hours ago Only someone so entitled with her head so far up her own ass, does she think she deserves to hijack the only public space online for Asian male-specific issues.

I also did not want to detract from the focus on men's issue's here in the sub. I just thought you guys might be interested to hear this perspective.

Go fuck yourself.

[–]owlficus -11 points 1 day ago Thank you for this post- a lot of women think it’s just white men who have the Asian fetish, and they turn a blind, naive eye to black and hispanic guys like they’re automatically safe. Also I wanted to say- white women get harassed a lot, but for very different reasons, and I would argue Asian women have it a lot worse. With white women the guys are just trying to hook up- with Asian women the guys just want to hook up too, BUT there’s the added layer of total objectification and disrespect, thinking that you’re submissive and will do whatever they want (in bed and out). White women don’t face this. There’s also an added motivation/desperation from these guys for Asian women because you’re seen as rarer, so these guys will try hard to sleep with any Asian girl they see (this doesn’t happen with white girls)- your friend who got hit on might be pretty, but trust me that guy also hit on some not pretty Asian girls.

And we have the aiNCEL F&gg0ts owlcockroach and Aureoretard jizzing to "MuH GoDLY LadEEeEEEEEEEeEE". Raging poocel f&gg0t 'shinjiii_ikari' as well. The exact type of shit that happens when cancer simp f&gs like INCELnem are made mods. Lu, xm, and simp fggit galore while any progress of the sub is shitted away.