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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Degrading (self.aznidentity)

submitted 3 days ago by Th3G0ldStandard

[–]SirKelvinTan [score hidden] 23 hours ago Asian women are always defensive - because they’ve spent their whole lives fighting for the white patriarchy and for the privilege to be absorbed by it. The uncomfortable moments where they had to look in the mirror and realise what they represent in “post racial” America isn’t idealistic or courageous (it was however the most realistic decision they could make) . Those Japanese women in 1946 were never going to stay with their families and help rebuild their country - it was a comfortable surburban life in middle American for them I don’t doubt you as an individual are doing your best for yourself and your boyfriend to go against the trend - but from my point of view the dye is cast - the generations of “Asian sisters” before you threw in their lot with white men and thumbed their noses not just at Asian men but at other women of color and only now are they rightly being called out for it. It should make you uncomfortable - I don’t expect Asian women to accept the charges laid before them lightly You speak of being Vietnamese so you’d understand white American imperialism better than say a Chinese or Thai American - again literally yesterday we drove to Ha Long bay from Hanoi and the bus driver was telling my fiancé in Vietnamese that you can paddle to certain beaches in canoes and see shrapnel remnants of USAF bombs still in the rocks Again it mostly isn’t your fault because it was the generations of Asian sisters who came to America before from 1945 on that did the damage - they’re the ones who made all white men think Asian women belong to them and that Asian men were disposable - not you personally. I don’t see what i said as gaslighting but that’s up to you. End of the day I’ve always said on this sub - the white patriarchy is slowly sinking but it’ll be Asian American women who will gladly go down with the ship. That’s the better future I’m looking forward to

[–]Austronesian_SeaGod [score hidden] 19 hours ago I applaud you for wasting your breathe on that woman. This entire conversation is the equivalent of a black person explaining their plights and injustice to a white person, and the white person just keeps saying "WeLl wE'Re OPpRessED TOo".

[–]toebeans0611 [score hidden] 16 hours ago so silly. so ignorant. that's not at all what I'm saying. you need to understand your friends, foes, enemies and partners in order to make any strides toward an actual solution. I'm not saying "hey look at me we're oppressed too" I'm saying stop putting us in a box and calling us out for not doing shit when in actuality there are a bunch of asian girls fighting the same fight as asian men but in a different way. Unfortunately our way isn't recognized as "fighting" but they'd rather have us yell and scream in the comments or online to get the message across. Clearly it still isn't working so.... At least SirKelvinTan is taking his time to have some sort of conversation. If you're asian yourself, you're just trying to tear down your own community. It' s pre sad. I truly feel sorry for you.

[–]Austronesian_SeaGod [score hidden] 14 hours ago

when in actuality there are a bunch of asian girls fighting the same fight as asian men but in a different way.


If you're asian yourself, you're just trying to tear down your own community.

You're the ones who fucking sold out to white patriarchy and imperialism. Don't even dare say this garbage. I hate to break it to you but the ones whos gonna bring down white patriarchy and white imperialism are definitely not Asian women like you or your "sisters" who completely sold themselves to White Imperialism.

It' s pre sad. I truly feel sorry for you.

This is hilarious and adorable. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm living my life to the fullest, feel sorry to your community because no other group of women on earth marries or dates Neo-Nazis/white supremacists more than Asian women that even brown/black feminists have noticed and hated your group lmfao. Maybe try and actually better your own community than lecture us here with your gaslighting bullshit because I can assure you Asian men knows what Imperialism did to Asia more because we still keep fighting to this day while majority in your community sold out. [removed]

[–]aznidentity-ModTeam[M] [score hidden] 4 hours ago Your post was removed for violating rule 2) Friendly Fire.

[–]toebeans0611 [score hidden] 13 hours ago Ya don’t give Asian women rights, capture and enslave them, use them as collateral for your brothers and fathers debts since the beginning of time and you blame them for seeking a better life elsewhere. If you get rid of all the noise and boil it down to the essence, you’d realize you share similar mentality to Asian women. You’re telling me if whatever country you’re living in right now went to shit due to something out of your control, and you and your family has to suffer you wouldn’t get out? A million Vietnamese men left their country when it went to shit and sought refuge in western countries, building lives in western workplaces, seeking opportunities where their own country couldn’t provide, assimilating to western cultures so that our 2nd gen ass could thrive. And many of them have never looked back to help out their own country. You’re effectively saying these men are also sell outs to western society. You act like all Asian guys are 100% innocent in this mess. All of Asia was calling war on each other which resulted in outer influences needing to step in. An Asia ran by Asian men I must add. You’re just a 2nd gen kid raised by the internet, sitting comfortably in the confines of your own room, never had to go through tough times making tough decisions like your parents or their parents parents. Dealing with such first world problems. Racism will always exist and will continue to exist but at the very least understanding all perspectives of YOUR OWN PEOPLE makes it a little better. You sound like a first world kid that has nothing better to do than to cry about what thousands of mental health issues you have. Get over yourself, recognize everyone played a part and move the fuck on. You’re not offering solutions you’re here being edgy and punching your fists into a wall. People who are in denial, who can’t own up to your mistakes and spin it as gaslighting don’t wanna understand. Label it every which way but don’t wanna look at themselves. We all played a part. People been acting confused asking for years why the majority of AFWM couple more prevalent than any other types. I’ve just answered it. But you guys go ahead and keep denying how history shapes our today, denying your own mistakes, denying your people’s perspective, denying other forms of efforts within the community and you can continue going about your lives asking the same goddam question. I along with other Asian girls are out here listening to Asian guys perspective, we try to understand it, start a discourse, reject the Asian bimbos who don’t get it, try to build up the Asian community rather than to tear it down and own up to our mistakes. We don’t “call out” people in our own community for lacking in effort or flat out disregard differing perspectives because all of it needs to be addressed in order to build a unified community. If we’re not unified, the same thing will happen as it did in the past; war within the Asian community and then white people see an opening when we’re at our weakest and step in to take more…. That’s at the very least what I’m trying to do so don’t just disregard the effort. I’ve had many Asian men reach out through dms saying they read all my comments on Reddit and appreciate my support for Asian men whilst being able to support Asian women as well but I’m having a hard time figuring out why there are other Asian guys that just flat out deny it… oh well u can’t reason with them all…

[–]Austronesian_SeaGod [score hidden] 12 hours ago Blah blah blah blah nothing but a bunch of bullshit and gaslighting. Just shut the fuck up. [removed]

[–]aznidentity-ModTeam[M] [score hidden] 4 hours ago Your post was removed for violating rule 2) Stay civil.

Yet another gaslighter KKKUNT the aiNCEL simp cancers "CAn'T AFforD tO LoSE". Front page is fucking dead, "mUh actiVisM" dead, KUCKTUREMedia dead for a long ass time. The only fucking thing "pRoDuCtiVe" about aiNCELs is the Lu-chase.