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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It’s time we move on past whining about dating and AF OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 2 hours ago by PickleInTheSun

Like fr, 80% of this sub is just the constant moaning and groaning about dating and AF liking WM it’s getting pathetic.

[–]LunahMayer 22 points an hour ago Complaining about people complaining. What's new. I agree with you on a lot of points, but this post isn't going to change anything. You just gotta filter the good information yourself and absorb what's useful.

[–]PickleInTheSun[S] 4 points 59 minutes ago While true, my hope is that TikToks like the one I posted serves as a bucket of cold water to the dudes that just wanna bitch and moan about dating as an Asian dude. While I'm also complaining (about complaining), I'm also providing actionable advice and explaining why it's detrimental instead of simply screaming, "lOok HOw oPPreSseD i Am". You know Asian dudes bitching about dating is a hallmark when there's a whole damn subculture making fun of it.

[–]upanddownallaround 3 points 11 minutes ago Thank God. Finally someone said it. This sub has some real bitter miserable people. So many highly upvoted comments that are straight up hating on Asian women and others. The obsession with race in general is weird. A white woman says something nice about Asian men and people here go crazy. Constantly complain about WMAF when so many of you obsess over AMWF. Like it's some impressive feat to score with white women by itself and makes you feel validated or something. So many bragging posts and comments I've seen here. Really comes across creepy. And the misogyny. Trying to imagine myself as a women (of any race) visiting this sub and it's repulsive. Ready for the downvotes.

[–]TangerineX 1 point 9 minutes ago I've tried bringing it up in the past, but honestly I gave up. This entire subreddit has basically been about 2 things for the past few months: how shitty Asian women are, or how to bag themselves a white girl.

[–]cracksilog 0 points 14 minutes ago

Like fr, 80% of this sub is just the constant moaning and groaning about dating and AF liking WM it’s getting pathetic.

That’s this entire sub’s mindset lmao. All everyone does here is complain. I’ve said this before, but sometimes I think this sub is satire because there’s so much whining on here. “Waaah Asian women don’t date me.” Oh, didn’t realize your whole worldview hinged on one person not liking you. “Waaah people are racist against Asians.” Yeah, people are racist against a lot of people. White people are racist towards Black people. Hispanics are racist. Asians are racists. Everyone is. We’re not special. “Waaah they think Asian dicks are small.” Why do you care how we look like in the world/media/movies/society/etc. “Waaah Robert Downey Jr.” I saw that and I swear I was like is this satire lmao “Waaah this Asian is mean towards other Asians.” OK, then just ignore them? Why are we so focused on others and how other Asians are treated (good or bad) or who they love or hate? The entire point in life is to get a good partner, get a good career, raise a family, have a nice house, etc.

[–]peezatimee -8 points 1 hour ago It's easier to blame AF then actually improve yourself. Life isn't fair. boo hoo :(

[–]hahew56766 5 points 41 minutes ago As if AFs are angels and can't do no wrong of white worshipping? The point is that complaining doesn't do shit until you actually try to improve yourself

These simp f&gg0t cancers are the very reason why aiNCELs and r/ am are the way they are. "Don'T FUCKing ALiENaTE MUH FaP MaTERial".