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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A White girl who wanted advice about asking out a hot Asian guy update:OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 1 day ago by DexsDinnerWifi

[–]throwmiamivelvet -21 points 1 day ago What advice do you want? He told you no. What do you want? A cookie for asking an Asian guy out because you are a white girl?

[–]Delicious-Treacle135 15 points 1 day ago I don’t think she’s asking for advice…she previously did and gave an update on what happened using advice given from the sub…

[–]Hunting-4-Answers 14 points 1 day ago This is some strange unwarranted hostility. Holy sh*t

[–]throwmiamivelvet -8 points 1 day ago versus what? women coming into our space and getting free validation? come on.

[–]Hunting-4-Answers 4 points 1 day ago Are you a guy?

[–]Delicious-Treacle135 7 points 1 day ago Probably an incel

[–]throwmiamivelvet -1 points 1 day ago I'm trying to curb the simping you guys do all day with imaginary women that you don't even know if it's a woman posting here

"OuR sPaCE". Fucking (((insidious))) pmaf porno collectors get to remain on r/ am thanks to those two poo-tasting Hong KUCK f&gg0ts in the mod board.