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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

WM with a fetish takes the life of AF after he takes the lives of her parents (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by Hunting-4-Answers

[–]CaiShen88 [score hidden] 18 hours ago AF worship WM at the cost of their own lives. Was it worth it? Meanwhile, AM get blamed for trying to call it out. Can't expect any activism if there's double standards everywhere. AF benefit from fetishization but comes with consequences which leads to their downfall. All you have to do is sell out, and you get all the previliges. It makes sense to not give it up even if there's a risk of danger. They want white validation so much while degrading their own culture and people and expect the same people who you demonize to save you. What a weird and creepy loop.

[–]XstanJP [score hidden] 14 hours ago White guys and other non-Asian guys litterally say "AF are easy and cheap" in the lockerrooms because they crave non-Asian validation so bad while they cry "AM are not entitled to AF's bodies", when Asian men call out racism and selfhatred LOL

[–]TheSkyIsBeautiful [score hidden] 17 hours ago What a weird response. Why're you blanket blaming asian women? Nowhere in the article is it indicated that the Asian woman even knows the white man killer.

[–]Onlyherforare4son [score hidden] 4 hours ago More so the white worshipping of Asian women have created a society where white men feel entitled to Asian women. Asian women are the only racial group in the entire country where the perpetrators of violence are not their own race men, and yet they still flock to white men and demonize Asian men. As tough as it is to hear, if you were a white man and you wanted to commit acts of violence, wouldn’t Asian women be the ideal target

[–]TheSkyIsBeautiful [score hidden] 2 hours ago Sure there may be an inproportionate white worship compared to other races, yet in this specific article has nothing to do with that. I’m all for calling out self hate, but when it applies. Responses like OP just seem cringe, and seems out of context. lol

[–]MaruKata [score hidden] 17 hours ago That was 2019

[–]Hunting-4-Answers[S] [score hidden] 16 hours ago Groundbreaking contribution. Thanks. I guess since it happened that year, she doesn’t matter anymore? Smh. I even mentioned how I only just heard about this. The mainstream media likes to give minimal attention to these type of crimes.

Any "ProGrESS" made by these "AsiaN" subreddits is always shot to hell by some fucking cockroach little simp f&gg0t in the mod board. "Can'T mAKeS FuN Of MuH LU GoDdeSSs, CensorSHiP Time". The story of r/ am and aiNCELs. Simp f&gg0t locusts are the fucking reason there are LU mods. Why there are worthless "eyY EFf" trolls constantly spewing gaslighting diarrhea. Worthless simp cockroaches are the cancers of every "Asian" sub.