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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Racist Hate comments on AMWF dateOC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 20 hours ago by Ambitious-Dress-5920

I was surprised when I opened up the comments and found that Indians guys were commenting negative stuff about the AM but complimenting the WF. There were even some racist comments that I already reported. You can check their account and see that there is only hate comments when they have AMWF After date: Date: Literally the first comment on this video says “relax she isn’t into Asian guys, she’s doing it for the clicks”, and when you check the likes on the comments it’s all WM. She is literally in Asia and single, she clearly is looking for a Asian boyfriend but these WM can’t cope with it.😂

[–]azidthrow 133 points 13 hours ago Indians aren’t allies of east and southeast. If anything, they are a less popular version of WM with the same motives of entering Asian friend groups cause they got yellow fever Never found a South Asia who was helpful to any cause

[–]WholeMilkElitist 31 points 11 hours ago This is a generalization, are we talking about Indian Americans or ones from India? I love my Asian brothers and feel close to them as we share a lot of experiences culturally, how we were raised, etc.

[–]pilikah 12 points 10 hours ago Nah you stupid. Indians and East Asians especially in countries like the USA, Aus and UK have had each others back. We run in. The same circles and have faced very similar levels of hate and share a lot of issues so naturally moved in the same spaces as each other There are HUGE number of fake accounts on social media of Indian names and accounts used to troll people, there were cases of large numbers of whites using these for promoting the Bob vagene meme and posting the reactions online. These are the same accounts. Some real accounts are of people from the mainland, they are general trollls to everyone especially their own kind. Also lots of racism towards Indians in places like Singapore and Malaysia, where east and SEA look down on SA with a sense of superiority. It is well documented. But I ain’t no bitch, I know it’s backwards people from a backwards part of the world where they have shitty views like that. I don’t go around losing faith in them as a whole and I know absolutely it ain’t all of them. I can make a distinction between them and the bros I have in the west and the good ones in places like Singapore and Malaysia, the newer generation aren’t like the old timers. You should probably learn how to think more critically. Don’t buy into the fake negative hate

[–]aznloverforumlegacy 78 points 14 hours ago

I was surprised when I opened up the comments and found that Indians guys were commenting negative stuff about the AM but complimenting the WF.

This is why lumping together East/SE Asian men and Indian men is beyond idiotic. We don't look anywhere near the same, we don't have similar culture, our dating issues are completely different, and many Indian men are even hostile toward East Asian men in dating, and see us as rivals who need to be torn down. This is not the first time I have seen this. The 'Asian' continent definition was created by ignorant and racist Europeans hundreds of years ago. East/South East Asians have their own fair share of bad behaviour in other things. But when it comes to how they treat women, they are absolutely not on the same damn level as South Asians and their many bad behaviors which have become a meme and a stereotype. On Tik Tok there is a viral hashtag where non - Asian women post screen shots of creepy Indian guys in their DM's and mock the guys. Search results show it's a widespread problem. In this video in a busy public area an Indian guy gives a 10 YEAR OLD Blonde girl some roses and touches her hair against her consent while she looks freaked out and afraid. It is one of the most messed up things I've seen someone do in public. In another video a group of Indian guys swarm a White woman for selfies while touching her. Even the Indian guys in the comments say those guys are an embarrassment and a disgrace. Then you have the infamous viral facebook post where Indian guys tried hitting on a painting that they thought was a real White woman. India has a reputation as the rape capital of the world (BBC Link). This YouTube video documents several of articles of rape even against female animals in India. WTF. East/ South East Asians absolutely do not want to be associated with the appalling garbage South Asians are known for toward women. We don't do this trash on a general basis. Screw the 'Asian' label grouping us all together. It was created by ignorant racist Europeans hundreds of years ago who knew jack shit about that area of the world and probably never even visited it. We are not the same men.

[–]stolenwakandantech 19 points 12 hours ago This. Also Indians have a victim complex and think they have it worst than anyone else like the entire world out to hate them Imagine if the west actually thought of India as a threat. They wouldn't even need funded propaganda to air out a fraction of the dirty laundry

[–]Ok_Peak538 13 points 10 hours ago WF don't like Indians so they pretend to be Asian so they can get AF.

[–]BCS5th 15 points 9 hours ago I'm not surprised. Indians are probably the most incel group of men in the world. They have the least game and all the negative stereotypes of Asian men, plus the smells bad stereotype. The major positive to their group is their women are FAR more loyal and less likely to be unpleasant liberal like AF are. Indian women talk a lot more positively and have a lot more racial pride than AF do in western countries. I think many of them (especially the ones in India and the FOBs here) are jealous that some Asian men can pull WF but very few Indians can. It's a crabs in a bucket mentality where they hate on others who are supposed to struggle but are doing well.

[–]AMasculine 21 points 11 hours ago Indians are not Asian, regardless of what they say. They did not treat us the same during COVID. It is just their geographical location. They look more similar to Middle Eastern or Arab people. They do this so they can claim that AM are doing fine in the dating scene and in the workplace. By promoting South Asian men that look nothing like us or have a similar culture.

[–]hotpotato128 -5 points 5 hours ago India is in Asia.

This is the result when you let one of arcpoocel's eunuch fucks be mod. Subversive xm of every kind STILL fucking allowed into a sub that is supposedly "pRo-AM".