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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why are AFs calling out misogyny towards AMs when misogyny could be perpetrated from males in ANY race?OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 11 hours ago by sinner00515

I’ve seen multiple TikToks from AFs saying that they’re hesitant dating AMs because we’re misogynistic. Stating that it’s passed down from previous generations. But can’t misogynistic behavior be passed down to men in ANY race? Why are they specifically calling out AMs for it?

[–]Zealousideal-Ad6165 43 points 5 hours ago AM aren't even the most misogynistic compared to some other groups but yet AF will be the first ones to spite us lol, smh. They will continually criticise AM but WMAF homicides seem statistically significant and continues to happen due in large part because of sexual fetishism of WM which, in turn, is fueled by the shameless desperation of AF's. I read that statistically AF are more likely to be assaulted and killed by non-AM than AM in America. AF's strangely are silent on this though and we all know why.

[–]Ok_Peak538 15 points 3 hours ago Yes. It's b/c WMAF are toxic relationships that aren't based on true love but fetishes and racism.

[–]throwmiamivelvet -14 points 2 hours ago This is an example of misogyny. You are just adding more ammunition. There is absolutely no difference between this generalization and negative generalization about Asian men to not date us... The problem is. Society will bend over backwards to listen to female's point of view. We are just shooting ourselves

[–]throwmiamivelvet -3 points 3 hours ago It really doesn't matter what the reason is, that is their opinion and you will never change their mind. Do you also realize there are countless XF not interested in dating AM for any number of racist stereotypes (despite all the AMXF posts here)? Yet, you chose to focus on AF. Why? Asian men's first mistake is treating AF any different than XF. They live in America, they see Asian nerds on TV and at Google/Apple bus stops. They are not our allies. This sub is better of focusing on women who like us.

Fucking cockroach defends "mUh pmaf laDeEe" like his worthless "LiFe" depended on it. Still fucking allowed on r/ am cause rang-chaser f&gg0ts like INCELnem and CUCKnilla would never ban a fellow eunuch.