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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This article says Asian immigrants in San Francisco are joining the Republican Party in droves. For those of you in the Bay Area, what are your thoughts on this?OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 11 hours ago by silhouette1085

[–]magicalbird 11 points 5 hours ago Would you rather be mocked by right leaning people or have your physical property stolen without any consequences because the left leaning government is too lenient? Democrats have taken Asian-Americans for granted. The recall of Boudin happened because Asian-Americans voted to get rid of him 70-30 compared to Cauasians voting 45-55 to keep him. Yes the worst Republicans are racist but if a Democrat leading government allows criminals to steal all of your stuff without consequences then you probably won't stay a Democrat.

[–]TangerineX 0 points 7 minutes ago I hate how people are making this a democrat vs Republican thing, when what matters is policy. A democrat with policy that is good for your interests is good for you. A republican who has good policy is also worth a vote. Partisan politics in the US is probably one of the worst parts of our democracy, killing individual thought in favor of being forced to tout the party line. The problem with policy in San Francisco isn't necessarily all democrats, but the worst of it is caused by delusional progressives who even the diehard dems are getting sick of

[–]Illustrious_War_3896 21 points 7 hours ago if you follow asiancrimescene on x, and similar accounts, each time anti asian violence happened, someone would say why keep voting democrats. This is what voting democrats get you. same thing is happening in SoCAL. Asians are voting republicans. I want strong law enforcement, no crimes, low taxes and gun rights.

[–]benignq -7 points 3 hours ago why do you think Asians are getting hate crimed more? trump literally blamed covid on china, you think republicans are really going to make things better

[–]labseries2020 7 points 3 hours ago Because asians are easy targets, criminals know their wont be penalty, etc.

[–]tryingnew757 7 points 2 hours ago When your grandma is at the ATM, is she looking over her shoulder for Trump supporters?

[–]PickleInTheSun 10 points 6 hours ago Unfortunately, neither side will ever be pro-Asian

[–]qwertyui1234567 1 point 6 hours ago And? Vote for your interests.

[–]PickleInTheSun 6 points 6 hours ago Tf you mean. Vote for who if none of them are pro-Asian?

[–]TheDialectic_D_A -5 points 6 hours ago I think it’s an emotional response. Violent crime fell in San Francisco last year and it’s safer than my hometown of Dallas. Crime is lower in SF than it was in the 90s but because of social media, we capture a higher percentage of fewer crimes to give the illusion that crime is out of control. The democrats have been far too weak on addressing AAPI hate, but I am under no illusion that republicans are any better.

[–]tryingnew757 7 points 2 hours ago So In-n-Out closing their only restaurant ever is just fake news and right wing propaganda right?

[–]Z8880 5 points 2 hours ago More like they stopped reporting it after it flew off the charts.

[–]magicalbird 6 points 5 hours ago It's not reported accurately. Car thefts and theft isn't violent crime but those are way up. If you have criminals in broad daylight breaking windows to grab bags then your city is not doing well.

Crazed (((leftards))) still infest r/ am, all thanks to the fggt mods who thought that midget retard (((CUCKsiple888))) was "inTelliGenT".