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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lack of Asian America. Documentaries on PBS (self.aznidentity)

submitted 22 hours ago by Technical-Ad8550

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 7 hours ago You majored in "Asian American studies"? What a useless degree.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 7 hours ago "Useless degrees" are what generates narrative content like PBS documentaries. But too many Asian Americans aim for a safe middle class job with no societal influence and then wonder why we have so little political sway.

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 7 hours ago Most Asian Americans are smart enough to major in degrees that provide a lot of job opportunities with a good income. Our society definitely needs good doctors, engineers, and innovative entrepreneurs as they add a lot of value to society. The last thing we need are more SJW Asians pushing for "progressive" nonsense that do nothing but create more racial tension.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 6 hours ago Sure, white society loves productive asian worker bees who keep their heads down and have no say in the culture war. What good is making six figures when you have no political power in SF despite being 35% of the population?

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 6 hours ago Exactly what's to stop people with good, stable jobs and useful degrees from having societal and political influence? Are you implying that doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs can't become influential?

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 6 hours ago You tell me. What is stopping SF asians from running the city then? You are the one condescending to OP for having a double majored in Asian American studies and are advocating for us to NOT be well rounded.

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 6 hours ago The former mayor of San Francisco was Asian. His name was "Ed Lee" and he definitely didn't major in some BS degree like "Asian American studies". Nice try though.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 5 hours ago Only Asian mayor in its history, yeah, big win, amazing, really proving your point.

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 5 hours ago Something tells me whatever I said hits a little too close to home. What did you major in during college?

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 5 hours ago Clearly you can't help yourself from making these stupid personal comments, so perhaps you're projecting? Why does it bother you so much that OP decided to double major in a humanity in the first place? You insult people who want to change the narrative yet you have the entitlement to bitch about hollywood and double standards in your post history. I replied to you as a courtesy because your comment read like an outsider trolls and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

[–]Gorillaz_Inc [score hidden] 4 hours ago Yep, I knew that was gonna happen. Shame......

Why it is fucking pointless interacting with these aiNCEL mod f&gs. Incessant tone-policing, censoring, and shilling for (((sjwism))).