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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Donald Glover continues his Anti-Asian racism in new “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” series on Amazon (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by Ok_Advantage6227

[–]jvLin [score hidden] 10 hours ago What's up with all the lib hate in this sub? Get your heads out of your asses. I hated this series for the EXACT THINGS you mentioned, and yet I'm blind to this? Nah, we're all in this together. You don't need to be conservative to have a strong Asian identity.

[–]Ok_Advantage6227[S] [score hidden] 57 minutes ago I actually criticized the show runners for being democrats. Not the viewers. You are taking this awfully personally. Are people really this strongly into their political cults?

[–]Ok_Advantage6227[S] [score hidden] 59 minutes ago What if I were to tell you, that criticizing democrats does not make you a Republican.

[–]CrayScias [score hidden] 9 hours ago Liberals don't distance themselves from Hollywood. Actors/Actresses are mostly anti-conservative, and if they are, it is usually Christians that distance themselves from hollywood actors. Hm hm. So I like how they don't like each other. Liberals however support each other and almost anything. Say we were to be against it in the public debate or discussion. Liberals would look at the anti-WMAF excessiveness as racist. So there you go.

The type of shit resulting from arcPOOCEL's western politician fetish. Don't ever fucking take aznid's "ruLes" seriously.