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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In Asia, is there an abnormal number of entertainment shows based around wasian toddlers? by Dry-Scientist-1039 in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 1 point 7 hours ago I'm so so jealous of some Arab american and middle eastern North African communities in the United States. ---Got rear ended?! No problem!!!!!!!! Arab-american doctor, lawyer, and physical therapist to the rescue helping making sure u win ur injury case. Working Together. Building up the best case, sometimes creatively. Feeling lonely?? No problem!!!! Arab aunties got ur back. Picnics, theme park trios, everything organized courtesy of them. And by Arab aunties I mean even ur moms.friend will look out for u as if she was an aunt. Asians just gotta hope their injury is bad enough. No overbilling the insurance company even tho lawyers take half. Often get screwed instead bc each part is working with their own goals. ---Tired of dating on crappy apps? No problem!!!!!!!! Arab aunties will set up the Arab americsn doctor with an Arab american nurse. We don't need to mention the mess that is asians of.both genders and their dating woes. ---Need a residency? Want to be a dermatologist? Cushiest Job with mentally stable and nice patients and the lowest risk of lawsuits! No problem!!!!!!!!! fellow Arab Americans will go to.bat and take a risk for you to get u a spot! Only exception is u gotta help.the next young Arab American doctor come.up! Asians just overly scrutinize other asian medical students like mole rat with no life. And use the medical ethics code of conduct as an excuse. Must pretend like im.not favoring other asians! Instead of favoring them but denying it while talking up other attributes like the above do. --Tenant trying to take advantage of you? No problem!!!!!!! Arab Americans in various trades vouch for each other to help.the landlord in eviction court against abusive tenants playing the professional tenant game! Asians won't risk this to help each other. He'll, some tenants even prefer asian landlords bc they are easy to push over. --in high school or college and need a job at CVS part time??? No problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Arab manager will give the whyte girl all the bad hours and make valid sounding excuses why. Then give the good hours that fit school schedules to the Arab kids!!! Asian kids would get the bad hours at Starbucks and freak out and spend hours calling around for others to cover their shift so they could study for finals. They say Arabs treat women poorly but amongst middle class and above i really don't see it. Grew up with them and the women were all very very well taken care of. So much better than all the asian girls were taken care of! their dad's ignored them.and the moms.were overworked SEA and clueless or sometimes EA tiger moms with 0 social IQ. Arab girls dad's abd brothers watched out for them. Their arab aunties always helped them thru emotional hardships. Asian girls were told to STFU and suck it up. Like that eat bitterness crap. Asians lack understanding of mental health! The whyte kid didn't dare bully Arab American kids or else they would get jumped by random.unrealted Arab bros. Bully an asian?? Watch the non bullied asian scatter like fear riddled coachroaches!!!!!!!!×@!!!!!!! Asians are just left in the wind half the time. Sad

[–]Alaskan91 3 points 7 hours ago This is the problem. Asians pick apart arguments for details and ignore the big picture. Sure picking apart details might work in academic settings dominated by studies. But why pick fellow asians apart when the big idea is still correct? Extend that thought pattern to crab mentality and there u go. Proved my point.

[–]Alaskan91 26 points 12 hours ago This is absolutely true. The most popular is some turkish dude with a Korean wife. Remember that asian media in Asia is controlled at the very top by ASIAN MALES. They are sending a message to asian women that white men are preferable. Why are some asian males so horrible at self promotion? Why are asians so conformist to everything around them? Is rice rotting our brains? R u deficient in protein or something? I see this time and time again. It's like anti-evolution at play No wonder east asian birthrate are in the toilet. This lack of will to self promote or even procreate. And don't mention Europe birthrate bc they have their ppl in Australia and South America pumping out kids. If I was less logical I'd chalk it up to arranged marriages allowing even the least manly dudes to procreate a d spread their genes. U don't see African leaders promoting whyte men. Or even Arab leaders, etc etc. I'm always seeing asian friend groups letting in perry and socially ackward whyte dudes who r only faking interest to go after asian girls in the group. Other ethnicities would never put up with this. The lack of mateguarding is shocking. And no, I don't believe mateguarding to be bad. Since it's a way of thinking. If u mateguard, ur also gonna be tribal and help the group. Asians rarely refer other asians for jobs, esp corporate (crabs in a bucket mentlaity()while non asians refer their ethnicity like crazy. Even in education I see asian leaders in schools doing the absolute MOST to get rid of asian English teachers and bring in whyte teachers. Some are even poor English speakers given they are Russian! China, Japan, Korea, thailand--all guilty af. Japanese american 3rd gen full English speaker with masters in English lit getting sent home from a Japanese language school for a whyte Russian with mediocre English. Happened to a college friend of mine. The lack of self respect some asian males hold is mind blowing. Asians seem to see the small picture abd ignore the big picture. Who cares if u get 2 extra English students bc u have a Russian teacher with crappy English instead of a fluent asian american? Is it really worth putting ur whole race down (the bigger pictuee) apparently for asians it's worth it 100 percent. The anger needs to be redirected at these asian executives in media. Everything from glorifying these unions to worshipping whyte passing miss phillipinas and miss Thailands. I don't see this anti-self promotion, obession with morality, lack of gaslighting, and lack of tribalism with any group on a consistent basis as with asians. We are all at fault. Charles Darwin would have a field day if he was alive today. Hilarious. Low risk, overly conformist, anti tribal seems to define asian Americans. No wonder we are in the state we are in. We are socially clueless like sheep. We can change, but first of all some of us need to wake the f up.

Same KKKUNT crap time and time again. Worthless "pRaIsE" of xm, ceaseless spasms at Asians. Once again, absolutely nothing of fucking value came from this retard Bitch being made an aiNCELs mod.