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New Movie about AF Experience in America...Yikes (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by Shane707

[–]Kronoform -5 points 19 hours ago The only purpose of this post was to draw out radicalized thoughts to hate on Asian women. There are those who believe somehow doing this will move the needle on Asian men forgetting about Asian women. Even though all the statistics say Asian women choose Asian men the most out of all other races of women. White women choose Asian men the least. All this kind of post does is make those who already dislike Asian women to feel better about themselves for 10 seconds when what they are really mad about is their failure with all women. I find that the people can get dates or who are in real relationships don’t obsess about these things including Asian men I know in real life who are in relationships with XFs.

[–]Th3G0ldStandard 3 points 15 hours ago While I don’t agree with escalating “radicalized thoughts”, let’s not be disingenuous here. The most recent stats say 54% of American born Asian women marry interracially(a lot of times white men). We don’t have to go on a full on hate fest, but let’s not lie at the same time. It is what it is. And when it comes to Western cinema, the white male-Asian female pairing is pretty over represented and pushed. Even more so than Asian female-Asian male romantic pairings in Hollywood. There was actually a study on Asians in Western cinema that released recently that showed the percentage of how many of these roles fall into this category(maybe someone can help link it here). And it’s not just Asian men that are tired of this trope, but many Asian women are starting to express their grievances about Hollywood pushing this narrative about them. There shouldn’t be an issue with calling a spade a spade. The link I shared is the latest data Pew Research has on this topic. It’s from 2017.

[–]klopidogree [score hidden] 32 minutes ago So the highest IR rates for AF's is 54% for the over 40 gals. Old ladies need loving too. You know no AM's are gonna marry an old Asian gal. So my brothers, don't hate.

[–]Kronoform 0 points 14 hours ago But that Pew research also tells us that Asian women choose Asian men the most and the percentage of intermarriage has actually ticked down. WF and other XF choose Asian men the least. It’s crazy how several here say they should not date Asian women cause a percentage of them don’t date Asian men while the percentage of White women who won’t date Asian men is much larger but no one says don’t date white women. I’d like to see that report you are talking about in media rep on interracial pairings. I think it’s changed a lot from before and people are listening. For one movie like this, we see a In My Life movie. The gap is less than it ever was. It seems be the most critically acclaimed films and TV shows contain AMAF relationships. A few examples. CRA, Minari, EEAAO, Beef. I’m going to say Past Lives as well because the movie only works with an Asian Male being the other guy. Clearly it’s a homage to Wong Kar Wai films. This is a role played to perfection by Tony Leung and made him an international star. The mopey man who longs for the woman, a role many white men have taken in films and become sex symbols. And Teo is the only actor from that film who got nominated for a BAFTA while Greta did not. I thought his role was more important TBH. His acting was better. Lots of AFWM projects have failed, Moonshot, The Company You Keep, Partner Track. Last I checked, Quantum Leap was still on the air. This is Pew research was done in 2017. I think we can all agree it’s gotten better for Asian men in dating and relationships generally 7 years later. I find it strange when white women don’t choose Asian men, it’s blamed on bad stereotypes by the media. When Asian women don’t choose Asian men, it’s cause they are traitors when in fact they grow up watching the same media as the WFs do. What I’m pointing out is this blaming Asian women for all the dating problems is ridiculous as several in these subs do. Asian American women go with white men cause Asian women are wanted. Gay Asian American men go with white men more than Asian Asian American women do. Is it fair? Not at all. But you can’t go through life playing victim. I see too many here who do that. It’s pretty simple for me, if I don’t have interest in something, I just won’t watch. No need to tie it into these radicalized thoughts that do more harm than good.

[–]Albernathy101 4 points 11 hours ago ​

It’s crazy how several here say they should not date Asian women cause a percentage of them don’t date Asian men while the percentage of White women who won’t date Asian men is much larger but no one says don’t date white women.

Everything you said is completely obvious to everyone. 46% of US born AF still marry AM. No one is saying to forget the 46%. Some people may use hyperboles that are not meant to be taken literally. You should be smart enough to read between the lines to know what they really mean. Go study up on implicit reading comprehension.

[–]Kronoform 1 point 6 hours ago <<<Everything you said is completely obvious to everyone. 46% of US born AF still marry AM. No one is saying to forget the 46%. Some people may use hyperboles that are not meant to be taken literally. You should be smart enough to read between the lines to know what they really mean. Go study up on implicit reading comprehension.>>> Actually several here in these subs do say forget about Asian women since a percentage of them reject us. I’ve seen so many go date WF posts here it gets ridiculous. There’s always this double standard when there are comments about Asian women. As a matter of fact, several here believe Asian women should be dismissed if they even have looked at a XM while this standard isn’t held for White women. I’ve seen posts get downvoted into oblivion if anyone dares to say they prefer Asian women. Those guys here see those people who prefer Asian women as traitors and take it personally. As mentioned. That pew research says White women and other XFs reject us so much more. No one ever says forget about them. All this stuff is pretty irrelevant as the ultimate goal should always be about finding happiness for yourself.

[–]richsreddit 34 points 1 day ago A lot of self proclaimed 'modern' AF women are so deluded and narcissistic like this individual. Clearly she's so into herself she's willing to deviate that far from the original story just so she can tell the audience her own story as she feels it's more important than what the original author wrote. This is especially rampant in AA society. Tbh...I blame stupid ass AW like Amy Tan for this fuckery that's happening here. Yet another snub from the AF for their own selfish benefit at the expense of the AM despite the fact we're Asian and we should stand together against the bullshit we face from the non-Asians out here.

[–]XstanJP 26 points 1 day ago This Lu director really hates Asian men. Just look at the trailer, tons of WM, BM, LM and Lu's and not even a single AM in sight. Found out that the Lu director is in BMAF after dating white guys exclusively - this proves that Lu's aren't progressive even when they don't date WM anymore since they worship any non-Asian guy they find.

[–]Th3G0ldStandard 6 points 15 hours ago Seems like another Jenny Han situation.

[–]Kronoform -2 points 17 hours ago How do you explain the 2 Asian male producers and the 1 Asian male DP? Kind of a stretch to say she hates Asian men if she’s the writer and director and she has some decision on who is involved in this project. Several Asian men! I’m not defending this movie. It’s a Canadian film so not going to get much exposure worldwide. But some of these radicalized thoughts are just ridiculous. I figure we’ll see more and more as we head towards Valentine’s Day.

[–]Aureolater 4 points 11 hours ago

How do you explain the 2 Asian male producers and the 1 Asian male DP?

They could be gay. Gay AMs worship white men as much as, or even more than straight AFs. Or maybe they just needed a job.

[–]Kronoform -1 points 7 hours ago <<<They could be gay. Gay AMs worship white men as much as, or even more than straight AFs. Or maybe they just needed a job.>>> Do you know how ridiculous your answer is? Wow, the double standard. Asian women are blamed for casting an Asian woman in a role that was originally written for a white woman while the Asian men who are exec producing this movie don’t get any criticism and are excused. And if they did it, they must be gay or just needed a job. The company you keep, the big name exec producer is Jon Chu. He’s married to a WF. The show is WMAF. What’s the excuse with him? There are plenty of other examples. Some people in this sub just choose to look at stuff that back up their biased, false narrative. And it always leads to straight Asian men being the victim. And yeah, gay Asian men do go with white men. What does this tell you? It has nothing to do with who’s loyal. Asian women and gay Asian men have access to date white. Asian women in online dating get the most messages from all races of men. Straight Asian men get the least from White and XFs. But I think we all agree it’s getting a lot better for us. In the end, stuff like this is irrelevant to me. I only worry about things I can control. What anyone else does has just about zero affect in what I do. Having a victim mentality stops anyone from being happy. It absolves them from taking any personal responsibility on why they are living a shit tier life.

What fucking "lIFe" does this fucking worthless cockroach poocel have other than butt-stalking aiNCELs and spewing his unwanted diarrhea 24 fucking 7?