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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Trump calls Nikki Haley 'Nimrata' because of course.... (self.aznidentity)

submitted 2 days ago by archelogy

[–]archelogy[S] -2 points 23 hours ago In case you haven't noticed, I support all Asian candidates for President. With as wide range in political views as Vivek to Andrew Yang- who have virtually nothing in common.

[–]LibsNConsRTurds [score hidden] 53 minutes ago So if America hated India as much as China and Yang went on a anti-India tirade I wonder if you'd still support Yang. Just curious.

[–]archelogy[S] [score hidden] 45 minutes ago Yes because I have no attachment to India. If he made derogatory comments about Indian people that might be different. But if it's in the Geo political context, no.

[–]LibsNConsRTurds [score hidden] 44 minutes ago So you agree with vivek about hating China and blaming America's woes on them?

[–]archelogy[S] [score hidden] 11 minutes ago Is it any different from any other american politician? Everyone attacks China now. Ive spent 7+ years managing this sub because my focus is Asian-Americans, not other countries.

What happened to "Don'T SiDE wiTh dA lEft oR rigHtt"? Fucker openly shills for (anti-Asian) western politicians and aznid is supposedly "Pro-AsiAnn". That batshit fucking tard Lu mod spazzes at Asia and Asians 24 fucking 7. Poocel claims he isn't for Endia when anything critical of the currycel is censored on sight. Aznid is one massive JOKE of a site.