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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why are Asian women so obsessed with mixed-race children? (self.aznidentity)

submitted 16 hours ago by peabutnutter17

[–]toskaqe[M] [score hidden] 9 hours ago - stickied comment Reminder of rule 4) Don't alienate AW and be solutions-oriented, don't just whine.

[–]ChopperXY [score hidden] an hour ago Well I think there is a hint of incel/ self confidence issues I do think there is a wider issue here. I was recently in Taipei and China, the amount of AF gushing over how beautiful a mixed baby would be(my brothers missus is white) is strangely common. There is a factual notion around that mixed babies are prettier etc which is indeed a problem. When I hear these comments I always politely ask, ‘ Oh, why are mixed babies so desirable in (said location in Asia)’. These notions do need to be challenged because at the end of the day a baby is beautiful regardless of their race.

[–]passionara_duellante [score hidden] 40 minutes ago Actually some AM in AMWF marriages also think like that. More common in NE China whereas marriages between chinese men and eastern Euro women is more common.

[–]L-Mang99 -15 points 8 hours ago Another post from an incel complaining about the behavior of Asian women when they don’t put themselves out there. What’s new? You’re not going to attract any girl by just spouting sexist, problematic talking points. Grow up and stop demeaning your own sisters.

[–]ablacnk 9 points 5 hours ago The pedestalizing of whites and white features is a very real trend in the Asian community though, and it's a valid criticism. Whether that's greater on the female or male side is debatable, however the outmarriage rate is clearly higher on the female side and that's not debatable - it's just the numbers. The question is why things are like this. There's no need to jump out of the gate calling him an "incel" just because he brings up these points.

[–]PARANOID222 8 points 6 hours ago How is he an Incel? He said nothing about hating women?!

[–]TurnoverIllusion -6 points 4 hours ago Read it again.

[–]PARANOID222 3 points 4 hours ago Nah, no point of arguing when there’s no cohesion.

[–]L-Mang99 -10 points 6 hours ago Did you not read the post? He’s very obviously insulting Asian women and marking harmful generalizations about us

[–]Late_Comfortable_525 5 points 4 hours ago As an asian woman I did not find it offensive. What did you find offensive? No one is anti-interacial. We are against white worship. No european acts like this around non euros but asians do and it is embarrasing. Girl pls stop. This is an issue that needs to be improved nowhere did he insult us critquing a problem isnt insulting your offended cus its embarrassing good. Not re-evaluate your worth dont settle for dusty men regardless of race

[–]L-Mang99 -9 points 4 hours ago Yeah, right. This sub has 1950s level views on interracial dating. Any example of an Asian woman being with a white person makes them a Euro worshipping race traitor…

[–]PARANOID222 9 points 6 hours ago How is that an incel behaviour when he’s criticizing Asian women? I admit a huge majority of Asian women shit on us for no reason. (Not all) but a lot of Asian women do (I am also not saying you do it but sadly a lot of Asian women do in my experience as well. This needs to be said because Asian women generalize us too.

[–]L-Mang99 -11 points 6 hours ago …Is making unfounded criticisms of an entire race of women not being an incel? What the hell are you talking about? That excuse is so lazy, too. I never say anything negative about Asian men as a whole, I’m so tired of this fucking narrative.

[–]PARANOID222 10 points 6 hours ago I said you are not part of that narrative but I have now got to the point where I avoid Asian women in preference wise in dating because it is just that bad. Just my personal experience.

[–]toskaqe 9 points 8 hours ago Please don't pre-emptively insult people and pick fights before they've broken any rules. Normally I would remove comments like this for breaking rule 10, personal insults. In this case, let's keep it focused on hapa obsession.

[–]L-Mang99 -4 points 8 hours ago Sorry, I just think posts like this are a real concerning trend. Doesn’t the original content not violate rule 4 as well? I mean, he just generalizes “all Asian women _”, “why are Asian women _?” and I’m sick of it. I mean, as an Asian woman, it makes me… not want to engage with my own community. I’ve already articulated my complaints about this sub elsewhere too, it feels like misogyny is somewhat tolerated

[–]TurnoverIllusion -9 points 7 hours ago* The mods don’t care. You raise valid points. They simply reminded him of the rule. Is it a rule or not? If it is, it should be taken down.

[–]toskaqe 6 points 8 hours ago Self-criticism must be allowed to some extent. Most of the time it's directed at Asians in general for white worshipping or Asian men for being passive. If we allow those, we have to allow these too. The pinned reminder is aiming for a reasonable middle ground where we can still have these discussions as long as people remain mature. Coming out the gate swinging is less than ideal.

[–]L-Mang99 -1 points 8 hours ago Self criticism is one thing, but I think making unfair generalizations is another. Asian men aren’t passive, Asian women aren’t race traitors. I’m not sure why the sub has to have weekly posts about this. 😂

[–]toskaqe 7 points 7 hours ago I mean if you want to know why things are the way they are, and this is not me condoning it, it's because it's normalized for asian women to generalize asian men on social media, even minor celebs like with the celeste ng debacle, and this sub is one of the few places asian men can even talk about it, so they end up being drawn here. Anyways any generalization you read on here, you should mentally insert the phrase "not all but a noticeably above average proportion of..." in front of whoever is being generalized.

[–]L-Mang99 -4 points 7 hours ago Adding a phrase mentally doesn’t make a generalization okay, though? And that’s a bad cop-out excuse. Something isn’t right just because the person or group you’re targeting in an insult sometimes does bad things too.

[–]toskaqe 9 points 7 hours ago We wouldn't be able to talk about white people, anti-asian racism, or anything because everything would be a generalization at that point.

[–]L-Mang99 1 point 7 hours ago “Some” and “I’ve seen a few” are phrases that exist

[–]toskaqe 4 points 7 hours ago What I meant is those words are always implied, unless they specifically put in "every single one of them."

Of course that worthless eunuch f&g tosKUCK doesn't remove "mUh lADeEEeeEE" aka fap material.