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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yet Another WMAF Murder self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 19 hours ago by iNtact_77

Not something new as this seems to be a thread (WMs murdering AFs). Obviously nothing we can do as Asian males but is there some sort of repository of news articles of WMs murdering AFs? If there isn't one, I'm a programming student and it might be a fun little project to make one.

[–]CaiShen88 85 points 14 hours ago Funny how WM and AF won't speak up about this because it makes WMAF look bad, but they'll say anything to make themselves victims. They're convenient at hiding these stories so they don't damage their reputation and continue to uphold white supremacy, obviously. Keep silencing AM, and keep hiding these common occurrences. They do whatever it takes to maintain their dillusional ego and superiority complex over AM and WF. I've said this before. Idk if these AF will ever learn their lesson. Until you stop worshipping white people, it will probably never end.

[–]128lbs 17 points 10 hours ago Until you stop worshipping white people, it will probably never end. This applies to ALL Asians, not just Asian women. Plenty of Asian men here put white women on a pedestal as if AMWF is superior to AMAF.

[–]freethemans 1 point 3 hours ago It's only natural for us a cherish every moment of winning over XF, it makes sense to be grateful for winning an uphill battle, but that sounds like pedestalizing to most people, which is what most of you misunderstand. I agree w/ some of your points, but I don't think we should openly "cherish every moment of winning over XF." It just makes us look bad, as a whole. As if we're so desperate we're ecstatic w/ whatever we can get. We can be happy about the rise in AM popularity w/out treating every XF as a trophy.

[–]Appropriate-Earth758 14 points 8 hours ago Show me the rates of domestic violence cases or murder/rape cases regarding AMWF. We all know WMAF have the highest domestic abuse rates and how white men exploit asian women. People also praise AMBF, AMAF, AMLF, AMXF here in this sub, you can check some of the top posts here if you don't believe me. Yet you're only singling out AMWF. What's the highest age gap in amwf? Compare that to wmaf.

[–]128lbs 6 points 7 hours ago Look. I am an American born Chinese woman who is a big proponent of AMAF. I don't understand how my pointing out white worship from BOTH Asian men AND women seems to have offended you.

[–]Appropriate-Earth758 9 points 7 hours ago Not offended, just correcting you since you tried to spread misinformation.

[–]128lbs 1 point 2 hours ago you tried to spread misinformation I wasn't spreading misinformation though? Both Asian men and women are capable of being white worshipping. I have lurked on this subreddit for a while and noticed a few folks dissing all Asian women while praising white women. Some people seem to be so blinded by their hate of Asian women, they use WF as revenge against WMAF and even think AMWF is superior to AMAF. Their reasoning? AMAF is normal, not special, whereas AMWF is "revolutionary". It is actually really sad to see this divide as an American born Chinese woman who cheers on AMAF every chance I get. And it's sad that mixed race Asians may be the face of Asian Americans in the near future as the AMAF pairing may not survive in the West.

[–]AntelopeIcy9323 -8 points 7 hours ago I'm with you. This sub is something else. I'm afraid there are some Asian men here who have suffered alot of trauma and just reinforce each others' misogyny and resentment towards themselves and Asian women.

[–]Appropriate-Earth758 16 points 7 hours ago I'm more worried about the misandry and racism from asian women towards asian men which is encouraged by the anglosphere and the people in power who use women as a proxy against other countries to spread their propoganda and war.

[–]AntelopeIcy9323 -6 points 7 hours ago Well, the reality is that most people "worry" but never do anything about it. So if you care about the misandry and racism of Asian men, what are you doing about it?

[–][deleted] 61 points 14 hours ago There are many Asian Men with White Females that never have these problems. But you see Asian females with white man, this kind of shit happens. That says alot lol

[–]128lbs 2 points 10 hours ago There are many Asian Men with White Females that never have these problems. AMWF just have high divorce rates. I personally advocate for AMAF over AMWF, but your life is your choice. I am an American born Chinese woman by the way.

[–]Appropriate-Earth758 17 points 8 hours ago AMWF have lower divorce rates than WMWF actually. 0.79 for amwf, while for wmwf 1.00 <image> Also asian women are the only race of women who are more likely to be abused by a man of different race than their own. In every other community, majority of the cases of DV and abuse is intra-racial.

[–]128lbs 3 points 8 hours ago AMWF have lower divorce rates than WMWF actually. I am comparing the divorce rates between AMAF and AMWF. Who the hell cares about WMWF on a subreddit for Asians?

[–]Appropriate-Earth758 8 points 7 hours ago That's true. AMAF have the lowest divorce rates. Asians in general (both men and women) are least likely to be divorced.

[–]throwmiamivelvet 2 points 9 hours ago It's horrible but it has nothing to do with us. Why are we posting stuff that is really irrelevant? You think AF care if there are wmaf murders? They are gonna date whoever they want. You are shame all" our women back"? Is this the old approach?

[–]heyjimbo1000 -14 points 7 hours ago What’s the point of this on an AM sub? It seems more like another excuse to AF bash.

Typical Lu bitch behavior, sperging at anti-pmaf content while smearing AMXF with every opportunity. Same worthless locust simp f&gs came crawling out as soon as they saw the title. R/ asiAN FGGitrY will never stop thristing after "mUH laDEeeeeeeeEEe" as long as simp fggts are mods.