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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

u/ bigbadwolf66669: deleted deleted This user has deleted their account

How come white people love to stereotype Asian men as misogynists but they don't do the same for black men? by [deleted] in aznidentity

[–]bigbadwolf66669 -1 points 9 days ago Who’s fucking side are you on? You either a virgin neck beard white troll larping or a fucking chan here. Whites are bad but Asian men are too get da fuck outta here go worship your white masters.

The Netflix movie 'Kate' is so full of shit. Just, fuck this movie by MarleyTang in aznidentity

[–]bigbadwolf66669 -9 points 5 hours ago What’s the problem? Don’t some here worship the ground white women walk on? Both white men and white women are the same just different bodies now.

A non-Asian demolishes the "MRAsians" argument by wyeess in aznidentity

[–]bigbadwolf66669 5 points 7 hours ago So who said blacks aren’t our allies? Where are you fucks now? That’s right hiding in your little corner now d1ckheads. Black women have done alot for us than anyone else. They know our struggles. They know the double standards of the west. They know white worshippers when they see it. Ive seen a lot of black women call out and defend AM. We don’t deserve black women help.

just some Asian people hanging out in an ad. what a crazy concept! by [deleted] in aznidentity

[–]bigbadwolf66669 -1 points 1 day ago Oh shit AF in the picture you’re going to trigger a few here who worship white women.

Castratedcowardfggtmovement thinks he is cleaver this time...