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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Another movie where a white person in Asia kills a lot of Asian men.This time it’s C-drama set in ancient China featuring a WMAF as the main characters with Dylan sprouse being the WM. It releases October 15,2021. by StruggleBorn1467 in aznidentity

[–]deseq [score hidden] an hour ago Don’t understand what water the Chinese government is drinking that they will freely green-light things like this while actual pro asian representation like Shang Chi is censored and banned, this is just idiotic. More importantly how does a film like this have an audience and market there? That’s the real problem and thing that needs to be addressed. Actually I do know why the problem is, It’s the in built glorification of white people and white aesthetics that is the real problem, and I’ve experienced this first hand in China. I know what their mindset is and I know that they will not view this as something wrong or even see how problematic it is, many will probably think it's pretty cool, but it’s absolutely destructive and buys into white supremacy. If you want to see how they buy into white supremacy, notice how many people there would react if the white man in this movie is replaced with a black man. It would not get produced and it will be downvoted to oblivion. They are racially oblivious, yes, but they also have in grain worship of white features. White worship is endemic in China - personal experience, photos from 30 minutes walking around malls in Shanghai, China,~80% non-asian (90+% white) models and 20% asian models in billboards and ads. If you take out Asians, you see more white people (and exclusively white people) on billboards in Chinese ads than the most racist town in America KKK infested Alabama. It is not exactly a surprise It just takes asian Americans and diasporas to recognize it because we are so much more racially conscious and aware. It does not help that asians are treated horribly in the west too. Maybe bringing more awareness of how Asians are treated in the west would be helpful.

Why else would the F@gg0t be ch1mping at Asian countries, jizzing for ALL Lus, and fanatically shoving (((sjwism/subversion))) down Asians' throats?