all 2 comments

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

[–]Gluggymug[M] 14 points 13 hours ago Dear Stupid, Quit using links to other subs. When you do, the moderators of aznidentity get hassled by Reddit because they hate our guts and are looking to get us banned. We already have had the automod rules for our sub modified by Reddit admins so that links to other subs get blocked. Every time you even edit the fucking comment to ADD IN A LINK, the automod will kick in (NOTE: putting in spaces doesn't help either). They claim we harass other subs. All three of you dumb asses have accounts less than a few months old. Learn to modulate your shitty abuse. You said "fuck Japan" in a previous post, you moron. That can get reported to Reddit admins as "Hate speech", then the ai mods look lax if we aren't taking your shit down. Haruto, your Elephant post got taken down by Reddit admins. So quit fucking blaming the mods.

[–]Gluggymug[M] 4 points 12 hours ago Good. Go. This isn't a debate. I didn't even remove your posts. Other mods did. Look at our sub's recent list of topics. Look at all the other comments that are up. If you are going to lose your shit when your posts get moderated, then stay out because mods are as light as we can be. We actually get pressure from Reddit admins, you dick. Learn how moderating works. Other people report your posts. The we have to make a judgement whether to leave it up or not.

If you needed any more proof ai was controlled opposition...