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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Similar story here, 13 years although no disability. The Lyme disease explains only part of the story, I think time will reveal that the root of all this is mercury toxicity from having amalgam fillings removed by a careless dentist.

It's hard finding good help these days. Hell, it's getting hard getting a pizza delivered right-side-up.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Don't call it Lyme Disease. I had friends who died from heart block from Borreliosis (B. Burgdorferi) infection. Some of my cousins over in England are particularly sick with it. Once disseminated, antibiotics don't really work anymore, at leat not acutely and long-term can cause more problems down the road.

I think there is a sub here. But hascally, what I'm trying to say is that Lyme Disease, as I've been old, is a false case definition.

You might get angry when I tell you this but this infection and the 300,000 people in the US alone that are infected wih it (30% never rcovering and are misdiagnosed if not more) is based on a racketeering operetion by mostly Zionist Jews in the frauduleny rheumatology field who have no bussiness working wih pathogens.

Basic Overview

A bunch of Jews (with names like Epstein and Weinstein, among others) found out about B. Borrelia spirochetal infections in the 70's and 80's, I believe near a bio-weapons facility.

They were tasked, working for rheumatology—why this scam field to study infections; I do not know—to study the episodes and malignancies of this specific spirochetal infection.

Their original studies concluded that Borreliosis in later stages, keeping in mind that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people were already suffering, misdiagnosed, in later stages, was cancer like and mutated B-cells and caused permanent immuno-supression, anergy and cross-tolerization allowing latent temenant infections to reproduce in your body.

They concluded this infection was an AIDS/Cancer like illness (in the way it malforms riticulocytes) and patients in later stages have a worse quality of life than heart faliure patients.

But then, magically, these same rheumatologists decided that they would like to profit off of the infection. They wished to patent its protein, and genes, and thus monopoloze all vaccines, recombinant kits and diagnositics that would come from its ownership. Disgusting. But it gets worse. Much worse.

So, their original papers are telling you terrible borreliosis is and all of a sudden theu tell you, no, actually, it's not teally that bad and cannot be chronic and nobody dies from it and really you should just take some anxiety or pain meds pussy. Sorry for my language. But seeing a friend in so mich pain with borreliosis I cannot help but get angered.

So, the initial studies, I agree with, it was only when the 90's came around. They said:

Let's profit off of a borreliosis vaccine !

By the way, don't ever give your dog a "Lyme" vaccine.

They threw millions of dollars onto this plan. But half way through these idios realized, like syphilis, its lesser devolved and less serious cousin, that borreliosis was a spirochetal infection and its spirochetes utilized antegenic variation. Which makes it impossible to have an infective vaccine against it. Honestly, they probably knew from the start i wasn't going to work anyway.

So, how did they do it?

It gets worse.

They created a new case definition.

They realized that 85% of Patients who have Borreliosis usually with neuroborreliosis (neurological infestation of spirochetes) have LOW ANTIBODY COUNTS, with slight immunosupression as the spirochete tolerizes a persons immunity throughthe OSPA blebs it secretes. As if it was bio-engineered in a lab!

So, 85 % low antibody counts. What about the other 15%?

They have hyperactive antibody counts. Meaning high anyibody counts with increased immunity. This usually means the person's immune syatem is up to par, but again, they still have the infection without the immunosupression seen in the other 85% of patients.

So, they said to them selves. Gee golly, I got an idea to profit off of the sickest of patients and pass off our bunk vaccine that LITERALLY DOESN't EVEN WORK.

They went to dearborn Michigan and told the FDA that their new and improved anti-body test would be used to test for their new 85/15 case def. of what they now call Lyme as well as test the efficacy of their poop vaccine.

The FDA and other diagnostic companies tat were at that conference all told these racketeerers that their ELISA antibody test was less than 30% accurate some even said 15%. They didn't care and used it anyway.

So, they made their OSPA vaccine injected a toxic lipoprotein/endotoxin into patients which causes severe immunosupression. This protein is actually the blebs that the spirochetes secrete mentioned above.

So, of course people had terrible adverse effects. Some even died.

These Jews then went further. They decided to raise the antibody cuttoff standard for their test!

15% of the hyperactive patients with high antibody tests would test positive. 80-85% of the SICKEST PATIENTS, the immunosuppressed would test negative even though they were freaking positive!

Amazing... now you have an 85% effective vaccine! All because they falsified the test.

People got sick from the baccine so they pulled it from the market. The same endoxin that the put in the vaccine making people sick is what is making people very sick when they have the infection. The more you go not doing anything about it, or are misdiagnosed or some crap, the less chance you have in recovering.

So, yup. A racketeering conspiracy. And they still practice as doctors today!!!

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You should post all that in /s/Lyme.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah he really should. THANK YOU SO MUCH JESUS.