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☆ All things illusory. ☆
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CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell
I demonstrate the 10 types of magic.
submitted 1 year ago by JasonCarswell from
Understanding delusions
submitted 2 years ago by JasonCarswell from
The Media Experimented with Television Hypnosis Back in 1946 (34:02) ~ Truthstream Media
submitted 2 years ago by JasonCarswell from
American Dreams
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.Illusions
Magic tricks like this are fun. Illusions are utilized for good AND evil. What if, more than just problematic pickpockets, 'illusionists' are downright evil in an organized mafia corporatocracy of rigged systems and propaganda designed to exploit and rob you, or even trick you into killing yourself?
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
optical illusion dance (2:36) ~ walldoo99
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Anthony Barnhart Teaches Magic and Psychology (1:12:44) ~ Eric Hunley
A visual guide to Bayesian thinking (11:24) ~ Julia Galef
How to Play 3D Chess ~ by James Corbett, 2021-02-28
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Magician DIDN'T FOOL Penn And Teller Or DID HE? (8:02) [Magic illusions can be good wholesome fun for everyone, but what if banksters, governments, corporations, and the media were pulling exploitative tricks on us all the time?]
Penn & Teller Fool Us Taijyu Fujiyama amazing Japanese magic 藤山大樹「七変 (9:01) ~ Taijyu Fujiyama
Seriously?! Nobody Sees This? (8:11) ~ HighImpactFlix
What Colour Is This Dress? (SOLVED with SCIENCE) (2:06) ~ AsapSCIENCE
Hypnotized against your will? (5:38) ~ Eric Hunley
Establishment Wants Us To Dehumanize Each Other. (5:47) ~ The Jimmy Dore Show
AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS - Chris Hedges (14:43) ~ UNM
Do You See What I See? (24:36) ~ Truthstream Media
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
These are the "EXPERTS" They Tell Us to OBEY?! (22:51) ~ HighImpactFlix
12 Mind-Bending Perceptual Illusions - Nautilus
submitted 4 years ago by [deleted] from
Why does everyone say "satisfying"...
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”: The virology expert also says “masks are utterly useless. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signalling. It’s utterly ridiculous."
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Dunning–Kruger effect - cognitive bias where people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is, related to illusory superiority, from folk's inability to see their lack of ability, without self-awareness of metacognition to objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence.
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Illusion Sculptures Only Appear If You Stand In The Right Spot | Master Craft (4:38) ~ Art Insider
3 Ways Your Mind Lies To You | Answers With Joe (19:10) ~ Joe Scott
Jake Baddeley (9:58) ~ DistantMirrors
Lion & Unicorn = by violent force or by fantasy fiction, the symbols of the British Crown
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Howard Zinn at MIT 2005 - The Myth of American Exceptionalism (1:33:12) ~ MIT Video Productions
Is Gravity An Illusion? (17:33) ~ Veritasium
The Terrible Secret of Mulholland Drive (1:06:51) ~ Twin Perfect
IMAGINE FOR 1 MINUTE (0:59) ~ Max Cooper
Max Cooper - Repetition (Official Video By Kevin McGloughlin) (5:56) ~ Max Cooper
Separating Truth From Illusion with John Waters (1:51:49) ~ Computing Forever
15 Awesome Optical Illusions in Salvador Dali Paintings
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
The Sator Square (or Rotas Square) is a word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome.
Pareidolia - the incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern, or meaning to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music.
Oscars so... Diverse? (8:28) ~ Styxhexenhammer666
Fool Us - Richard Turner Thoroughly Astonishes Penn & Teller (8:45)
Moiré pattern - In math, physics, and art, when an opaque ruled pattern with transparent gaps is overlaid on another similar pattern the moiré interference pattern appears. The patterns are never identical, but rather displaced, rotated, or with a different pitch. Moiré problems occurred on old TVs.
MC 900 Ft. Jesus "Hearing Voices In My Head" (5:56)
Pareidolia: 192 Faces Hidden In Everyday Objects
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Mashup: Criterion Movie Posters + Classical Art Paintings
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Why The PCR Test Is The Key To The Illusion Of COVID Data (16:00) ~ The Last American Vagabond
40 Incredible Examples of Optical Illusions in Photos
Ambigram - a calligraphic design that has several interpretations as written; coined by Douglas Hofstadter, an American scholar of cognitive science and author of "Gödel, Escher, Bach".
Confabulation - a memory error, psychologically defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world. Incorrect memories range from subtle alterations to bizarre fabrications, generally confidently recollected, despite contradictory evidence.
Investigation: C0VlD Positive Results for People Who Were Never Given Tests? (12:58) ~ Ben Swann
Continuous Shepard-Risset glissando - a tone that appears to fall (or rise) perpetually in pitch (yet loops to its starting note to keep falling (or rising)).
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.Illusions
Dumbo's Magic Feather - a special relic granting the bearer confidence when it's really a mental crutch without powers; similar to a placebo effect, sacred religious objects, status symbols to hide inadequacies, or wearing COVID-1984 masks to protect; from Disney's Dumbo the elephant learning to fly
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Mysophobia - (aka verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia, bacteriophobia; from Greek: musos/uncleanness + phobos/fear) a pathological fear of contamination and germs; coined in 1879 describing an obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) repeatedly washing one's hands. Note Cause section.
Necker cube - an optical illusion first published as a rhomboid in 1832 by Swiss crystallographer Louis Albert Necker. A simple wire-frame drawing of a cube without orientation visual cues, so it can be interpreted to have either the lower-left or the upper-right square as its front side.
GOP & Democrats are on the same team - Jimmy Dore in conversation with Richard Wolff (2:19) ~ Democracy At Work [A+++]
The Fear Box and the Present Moment (17:45) ~ Truthstream Media
Interesting banner and page css..
submitted 4 years ago by deAccount from self.Illusions