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Lemmy is so much like email it even brought back spy/tracker pixels
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/privacy from
Testing the reality of Wigner’s friend’s observations
4 years ago by infocom6502 to /s/Physics from
Ethiopia's 2024 Plan to plant Billions of Trees a year
4 years ago by infocom6502 to /s/environment from
The Methane positive feedback bullet may currently be getting triggered. Massive thawing and heat wave events in Siberian arctic, as well as Canada (@ Saskatchewan, Northern Manitoba)
4 years ago by infocom6502 to /s/ClimateChange from
Great Lakes get toasty this summer
Sanctioned suicide on Raddle
5 years ago by [deleted] to /s/SanctionedSuicide from
Reddit permanently suspended my account for linking to Will Van Spronsen's final words. Reddit stands with ICE and is complicit in upholding the fascist state
5 years ago by blackflagged to /s/Reddit from
Free Open Source Games
6 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Linux from
On anarchist parenting and why it needn't be a hierarchy
6 years ago by siede to /s/Socialism from
I think that anarchism is an ethic against being separated from our ability to act (looking for critiques)