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Freddie deBoer: Substack Nazis very bad, so switch to Ghost or Wordpress, which also have Nazis | "The only thing liberals know how to do anymore is to work the refs - to beg someone in authority to run in and enforce some sort of rules that, they’d like to imagine, secretly run the universe."
8 months ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Freddie deBoer: Where Are the AI Skepticism Stories?
10 months ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Where Are the AI Skepticism Stories?
10 months ago by ageingrockstar to /s/AIScepticism from
Hillary Clinton Lost Because She's Deeply Unpopular | Seven years later and millions of shitlibs still can't accept it
We're Still Stuck with "Strong Female Characters" Who Are Smug, Mean, & Reductive. "a grating tendency to write the same kind of female characters, a series of tired tropes that inevitably leave us with women who insult everyone and never betray the vulnerability that actual human beings possess"
10 months ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Ah, Freedom | When will we do something about this particular cancel culture?
Here's a Little Rosetta Stone for the TikTok Era of Mental Health. Mental illness is ugly, destructive, and painful. And if we’ve at the point where people say “that can’t be mental illness, it’s too socially unacceptable,” how can we ever help the truly debilitated? How much further can this go?
11 months ago by Chipit to /s/MentalHealth from
Freddie deBoer: No One Wants Independence | "This comment section will quickly fill with people condescendingly explaining that the perception of supporting Hamas is a necessary exception to the principle of free expression. But you see, my friends, once you admit exceptions, there is no principle."
11 months ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Weaponized Introspection | Why "check your privilege" is performative, self-aggrandizing empty virtue signaling ritual
Freddie deBoer: Trauma is Indeed Like a Car Crash in that Most People Get Over It | "If you were recovering from an accident and your doctor forcefully insisted that you would be, forever more, a car accident survivor before and above all other things, you’d find that deranged, not therapeutic."
The Internet is Broken and Will Never Be Fixed
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Internet from
Video: Affirmative Action Can Only Help a Small Fraction of Black Youth, by Freddie deBoer
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/videos from
“How is ‘diversity’ defined, Glaucon?” “In a way that enables elite universities to harvest those students plausibly labeled ‘minorities’ who nevertheless have wealthy parents who will donate to the alumni fund.” “This moral logic appears dubious.”
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
Are Social Justice Politics Serious, or Not? Will there ever be a time where we're allowed to treat a large, immensely influential school of politics as a legitimate target of interest and criticism?
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
How could it possibly be healthy for the entire media industry to be captured by any single niche political movement, let alone one that nobody likes? Why is no one in media willing to have an honest, uncomfortable conversation about the near-total takeover of their industry by a fringe ideology?
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
there is no such thing as autonomy or freedom or personal choice under the grips of a mental illness that hijacks the mind. You think involuntary treatment obstructs freedom? Schizophrenia obstructs freedom.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Health from
Stanford Law Students Are Your Class Enemy (or, if they aren't, maybe we should reconsider categorical politics). The whole frame of the thing speaks to a real refusal of the American left to take its own ideas seriously.
A Conversation About Crime. "I just wanted to take my justifiable but inchoate feelings of dissatisfaction with the way things are and wrap them up into part of the narrative that I tell other people about myself, the narrative that I’m a kind good worthwhile enlightened person."
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Crime from
How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement. I look at BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, the nonprofit industry, Occupy Wall Street and the Bernie Sanders movement, and various other forces that created a supposed moment of reckoning that year and ask: why didn’t any of it work?
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Overwhelming empirical evidence shows that students sort themselves into academic ability bands in the performance spectrum early in life, and that the most likely source of this individual academic potential is genes. Almost nothing moves the needle in academic outcomes.
Modern leftism is the idea that a person who smokes indoors in front of a baby has done nothing wrong, but a white person who said nigga while singing along to a rap song when they were 13 must be cast out of civil society forever.
The Democrats Are Bad, But We Can't Leave the Working Class to the GOP. Democrats are increasingly defined by the college educated, and in a context where the phrase “white working class” is now often treated as a racist dogwhistle, we cannot allow the fortunes of the working class to the GOP.
It's So Sad When Old People Romanticize Their Heydays, Also the 90s Were Objectively the Best Time to Be Alive
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/history from
Typical Rhetorical Ploys to Avoid Acknowledging America’s Guilt in Foreign Countries
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/propaganda from
The Incoherence and Cruelty of a Mental Illness as Meme
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/OpinionPieces from
No, Bernie Shouldn't Run Again. Given my respect and admiration for the man, I take little pleasure in arguing that Bernie Sanders should not run for president in 2024. I will therefore do so without ceremony. In short, he’s too old, he’s lost twice already, and the left needs to move on.
We Can't Constructively Address Online Mental Health Culture Without Acknowledging That Some People Think They Have Disorders They Don't. People have garnered hundreds of thousands of followers by performing mental illness. People use their disorders to chase clout. That’s just reality.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The "Left" Can't Take a W Because Performative Ironic Cruelty is All It Has. The “left” is a social culture of frustrated post-college urbanites who know little about left theory or practice and who use left politics as just another way to wage petty little wars of social status with their peers.
The kind of Very Serious people who make up our intelligentsia are desperate for a good war. And it’s for this reason that the pro-Ukraine position is the single most rigidly enforced consensus since 9/11. There is no other issue on which the majority more viciously attacked any who dissent.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
These are no longer shows or movies but rather volleys in the culture war, which makes ignoring their immense flaws not just permissible but a duty for all right-thinking people. We’re already living in the hell of TV shows essentially written by Twitter.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Television from
The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook (1994). The back cover bears a warning, “Be sensitive or else!,” with the follow-up, “Welcome to the nineties. But you better watch what you say.” Considering this was all before social media, the sheer Tumblr-ness of it all is striking.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Most writers are insecure people who grew up without being popular, and most people in the industry get into it because they will be one of the cool ones. And the easiest way to become an insider is through being especially vicious towards outsiders; media relationships are defined by shared hatred.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
“My friend who is the mother to a 3-year-old boy tells me that she didn’t think she cared about gender until her doctor broke the news that she was having a son. She burst into tears.” “It was hard to come to terms with the fact that I was bringing yet another white man into the world.”
There’s been both a reflexive endorsement of all manner of ideas related to police and prison reform under restorative justice auspices, but it’s arisen alongside a shamelessly punishing left-wing culture that does nothing all day but look around for the right person to rake over the coals.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
According to SJWs, you don’t have the right to speak, so shut up. I’m sorry to inform you that the people who reject social justice also reject that little childish dictate and all the other bizarre rules that people invented on Tumblr and then expected to simply enforce on the rest of the world.
The current reality is "Voldemorting": declaring your politics simply off-limits to discussion by insisting that any name we might use for it is inherently bigoted. It’s a mark of weak people who can’t defend their perspectives, and SJWs think that they are naturally exempt from the way things work.
Who would have ever guessed that the Democratic Socialists of America are a rat's nest of personal vendettas and character assassination? "Contemporary progressive politics excuse any amount of personal viciousness so long as the target is perceived to be guilty of committing some identity crime."
"Multiple Personality Disorder" Probably Doesn't Exist, And There Certainly Hasn't Been an Explosion of It Among the Youth. TikTok culture can be incredibly toxic, but those on the left refuse to ever condemn it for fear of echoing conservatives.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Psychology from
I Thought The Batman Was Pretty Dumb. Spoilers ahead. Why is this movie three hours long? Whyyyyyy?
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Covid as Liberal 9/11. It’s remarkable how this moment echoes the obsession with surveillance and moral hygiene, all enforced with reference to imagined dangers. Would it surprise you that those most fearful of Covid are also more likely to be generally anxious and intolerant of uncertainty?
Gen X Was the Political Generation. Then things changed, and now I’m often told that Gen X were apolitical slackers who got religion when they hit their 30s and became just more corporate sheep.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
Human Capital is Real, and Some People Are Smarter Than Other People. In some tellings, no one knows what smart is, it’s some sort of ineffable quality we can’t pin down, or the very idea of “smart” is a racist Western imperialist hegemonic heteronormative con.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
From Gawker to new Gawker is, I think, a cruelly effective metonym for the path of the digital media industry, the selling of ads attached to short-form argumentative nonfiction that almost invariably takes the tone of an Emerson sophomore’s idea of cutting humor.
Wanting to Convince People to Support You is Not "Popularism". The trouble for the left is that they feel so far from power that they don’t think they ever have to make those deals - they won’t get what they say they want either way, so why bother to compromise at all?
Yes, Sabermetrics Ruined Baseball. Do you like games that just get longer and longer? Are you allergic to balls being hit into play? Do you enjoy watching foul… after foul… after foul… after foul? Do you hate the excitement and unpredictability of a stolen base? Well have I got a sport for you!
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Sports from
Why the Fuck Do You Trust Harvard? You can’t make college admissions fair by getting rid of the SAT because colleges admissions can’t be “fair.” College admissions exist to serve the schools. Period. End of story.
What Does It Mean For Music to be Overproduced?
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/music from
Racial Disparities in the SATs Are Exactly What Antiracists Should Predict. It’s strange that “antiracists” hate the SAT and its racial disparities, as these disparities are present in all educational data and in fact lend more credence to their vision of how the world operates.
The Failure of Occupy Wall Street is Almost Complete. When young left-of-center people conceive of a right-wing enemy, all they think of are “the fash.” That those are utterly remote threats to the vast majority of poor and oppressed peoples in the United States today doesn’t seem to occur to them.
Those who draw their lifesbreath and their paychecks from the ritualistic expression of outrage (wokies) can look out at their world and see nothing to fear. In the most obvious outward ways their chokehold on our communal idea of who and what we are and should be has never been tighter.
When You Condone Chaos, You Condone the Consequences of Chaos
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/TheAntiWokeLeft from
When You Condone Chaos, You Condone the Consequences of Chaos. It's our old friend, the inevitable consequences of our own beliefs. [Rittenhouse, antifa riots]
Video: Academic Professional Incentives and CRT. part of the reason CRT has leaked out of legal studies into things like K-12 curricular documents is because that’s what the professional incentive is in the broad world of academia, thinktanks, and foundations.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/videos from
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the change from Dems going "I'm not going to trust any vaccine that Trump rushes through authorization!" to "Anyone who doesn't get the vaccine immediately is an idiot Trumper who deserves to die". And yet nobody else really seems to remember.
Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand. The basic stance of the social justice set, for a long time now, has been that they are 100% exempt from ordinary politics.
Our National Conversation on Higher Ed Has Next to Nothing to Do With Higher Ed's Real Problems.
My Cancelation Was Quite Effective, As a Matter of Fact. Canceling often works; it just doesn’t work remotely consistently, and doesn’t work at all against the rich and powerful, making it regressive, fickle, and cruel.
Here's Two Examples of the State Enforcing Social Justice Norms. Laura Kipnis wrote an essay grad students didn't like. So they filed a Title IX case against her - that is, she was subject to a federal investigation, enforced with the hand of the state.
We not only have a left culture where most people think that antifa must be supported unthinkingly at all times but also where no one knows that this is an entirely new phenomenon. Everybody thinks the left always defended antifa because they don’t know any better. We have no history.
There’s no factual dispute to be had: today’s “left,” in media and academia and elsewhere, has abandoned absolutely core commitments related to goals, policy, and process, and slandered anyone who hasn’t. They mostly know nothing so have never had substantive debates about any of this stuff.
The left-of-center is in a profoundly strange and deeply unhealthy place. In the span of a decade or less a bizarre form of linguistically-radical but substantively-conservative identity neoliberalism descended from decaying humanities departments in elite universities and took over.
That One Side Would Like to Utterly Destroy the Other Side Seems Significant, To Me
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/politics from
Will BlackLivesMatter Fall Into the Elephant's Graveyard of Social Movements? It’s kind of astonishing, when you roll it around in your mind, what BlackLivesMatter meant in 2020 and no longer means in 2021.
Genes Believe in You, by Freddie deBoer. This simple observation about the world - that genes matter for our behavior - is not only not treated as banal but as a marker of irredeemable bigotry by many in liberal society.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Catcher in the Rye is a boy book and Charles Bukowski is a boy writer and Hemingway writes about boy stuff and this is somehow meant to be deeply embarrassing for their fans. Being judged by strangers must be terrifying instead of meaningless.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Quickie: For a Lot of Parents, the Point of Private School is to Keep Their Kids Away from Black Kids
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
Antifa is a Fatherless Child. You don’t actually think that torching a Walgreens in Chicago in 2020 is the same as getting into a street fight with the PNF in 1926 and this conversation would be less tedious if you stopped pretending you did.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Planet of Cops. The woke world is a world of snitches, informants, rats. Go to any space concerned with social justice and what will you find? Endless surveillance. Everybody is to be judged. Everyone is under suspicion. Everything you say is to be scoured, analyzed for any possible offense.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Who Tells Them Things They Don't Want to Hear? The social and professional culture within The New York Times is notoriously toxic, the confluence of people with immense career ambitions and total shamelessness about using social justice rhetoric to attack their enemies.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Anti-Zionism is Perfectly Mundane. So many I know feel not just that Israel’s reactionary politics and frightening extremists are contrary to their most basic values, but also that they were lied to, that the “never again”s were used to sell them on a vision of a country that doesn’t exist.
Everything Gawker Existed to Satirize Has Been Destroyed
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Satire from
Liberal skepticism towards educational assessment is totally unjustifiable through reference to the evidence. They constantly repeat canards like “these tests only measure how well you take the tests,” which mostly have no content and to the degree that they do are demonstrably untrue.
“Do you denounce Trump?” Elite liberals, as a class used to comfortable and orderly lives, were massively freaked out by the election of Donald Trump, and what they have demanded in turn is not a new and better political movement but for everyone else to be freaked out too. By Freddie DeBoer.
What Do We Do with Education Research? What are the issues with education research? Methodological and data issues. Publication and replication issues. Conflicting results facilitate selective reading. Institutional capture and optimism bias. Accurately measured but controversial conclusions.
They Tell Me the Cruelty is the Point, by Freddie deBoer. Chris Lehmann wrote something of such special cruelty that I am moved to write in anger. I was surprised that this piece had caused outrage, but then I remembered that it was published in The New Republic and so no one has actually seen it.
Please, Think Critically About College Admissions. Research has found again and again that considering GPA+SAT results in the most accurate predictions of college success.
You (Still) Can't Sit with Us. This is where we are with media: people are so deeply habituated to the obsession with being popular that they literally can’t comprehend the possibility of someone for whom popularity is not a goal.
Was Japan an imperial power? Ah, but the Japanese are not white. And for many people in the anti-imperialist left, all historical crimes, especially imperialism, are assumed to be the product of white people and their actions, however many mental hoops you have to jump through to get to that point.
You Aren't Actually Mad at the SATs - Freddie deBoer. Liberals repeat several types of myths about the SAT/ACT with such utter confidence and repetition that they’ve become a kind of holy writ. But myths they are. SATs/ACTs don’t predict college success. They do, indeed.
Traditional media has produced yet another anti-Substack piece, this time by Helen Lewis in The Atlantic. Substack’s supposed cynicism, and the supposed cynicism of being anti-cancel culture, are never meaningfully posed against a less cynical traditional media or woke culture.
Freddie deBoer: "If every word that they have said about the perfidy and self-destruction of the Palestinians was correct, it would make no difference. The moral obligation falls on the dominant party, and Israel is beyond dominant."
We are delivering the message, over and over, that good progressive people politicize everything. This is a relentless idea in mainstream media now, that any resistance to viewing any part of the human experience through the lens of social justice politics reveals a profound lack of sophistication.
Is Covid moralism forever? - Freddie deBoer. You would think the introduction of highly effective vaccines would dramatically alter the rhetoric for all of us. Yet for some of our loudest warriors, it has not. Not at all. The crime is wanting better times to be here.
The idea that I “just write about cancel culture” is, for the record, a lie. Suppose I was just an anti-cancel culture writer in a cynically motivated way, that it’s all for the cash. Not being woke essentially freezes you out of writing for 80% of the national publications in this country.
It's All Just Displacement
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/MediaAnalysis from