Israeli Death Tolls for the October 7 Hamas Attack on Israel (ROBERT LINDSAY on Substack, archived just in case) by kingsmeg in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Meanwhile, the vast majority of the so called press are still saying "1400" and some have either quietly changed "Civilians" to "Israelis" or are still claiming all 1400 are civilians.

Israeli Death Tolls for the October 7 Hamas Attack on Israel (ROBERT LINDSAY on Substack, archived just in case) by kingsmeg in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

FYI in case you missed it (because apparently all the "journalist" organizations have also missed it).

Israel itself has downgraded the victims from 1400 to 1200.

Times of Israel: Israel said seeking to appoint UK’s Tony Blair as Gaza humanitarian coordinator by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's because they know Blair will absolutely suppress any evidence of Israeli wrongdoing.

'Democrats were happy to have a Palestinian woman in congress until they found out she was the “Palestinians are human beings” kind of Palestinian and not the “Look how diverse and inclusive Democrats are” kind.' by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, "Liberals" only care about minorities as a token. They're no different from the right on that.

The difference is, they only pretend to be allies until they get what they want, then the minorities can pound sand.

Having a hard time caring about the latest Israel/Palestine conflict because like it or not, Covid is still far and away the bigger issue. by tomatopotato in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Btw /u/tomatopotato , I recommend you watch this entire interview with Richard Wolff, he gives even more explanation on why you should care and how it's all related.

@MaxBlumenthal: Nikki Haley on Gaza: “If you do a pause, if you do a ceasefire, people die.” by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

She doesn't consider Palestinians "people".

@FiorellaIsabelM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr says the quiet part out loud & fully destroys his campaign. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I actually think that was more a France/US thing, but you're probably right.

Having a hard time caring about the latest Israel/Palestine conflict because like it or not, Covid is still far and away the bigger issue. by tomatopotato in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You should care for multiple reasons;

1- Everything you mentioned is related.

2- What happens to Palestinians, eventually happens to Americans and Europeans, they're literally used as Guinea pig for surveillance tech for example, and US law enforcement is trained by Israel in shutting down protests/movements. One thing to note is that the covid vaccine was heavily "tested" by Israel, among other sinister human experimentation. So yeah, if you care about Covid, you SHOULD care about what Israel has done, is doing, and will do.

3- The current juncture IS critical; Israeli government officials, including their prime minister, are openly stating genocidal intent. Their actions and the usage of the "Dahiya Doctrine" is more evidence of that. Dismissing it or ignoring it is encouraging more of this behavior world wide.

4- Israel with the help of the US and Western governments, are actively destroying international law, including the intentional blurring of what constitutes a civilian, meaning it's not at all beyond reality that the same kind of mass punishment and destruction can and will be used against internal dissidents citing precedents (not like the US for example doesn't have a looooong history of using violence against dissidents anyway). For example, it's not beyond belief that they wouldn't do something worse than they did in 1985 against the MOVE organization, against say a "MAGA target", on a much wider scale, stating the need to "destroy the terrorist cell".

Remember, the same "laws" drafted for the "War on Terror", have been used against Americans for merely going against the government.

5- This "conflict" absolutely has the potential to expand into another world war, because Israel wants the west to go after Iran and is using the current situation as an excuse. That affects everyone. Meanwhile, both Russia and China have been flexing their muscles in the region as well. You think Gas is expensive now? Just wait until China "encourages" Oil producing countries to sell more of their oil to China than they do to the US and the west.

6- US and Western support for what Israel is doing, is absolutely eroding US and Western image and support around the entire world, especially when the global south compares the hypocrisy in how it dealt with Ukraine vs how it dealt with Palestine (although I argue that they didn't behave differently; In both cases they're supporting the oppressor, Kyiv and Tel Aviv, vs Donbass and Palestine). It's not beyond the scope of belief to assume the long term repercussions against the US wouldn't compound and grow into something that affects all Americans negatively.

@DrJillStein: Alleged Hamas tunnel - for which Sheikh Hamad Hospital was bombed - turns out to be a water tank. Even if it was a tunnel, it's a war crime to bomb a hospital. Now even that bogus excuse bites the dust. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


IDF troops were also seen confiscating a water tank, how much do you wanna bet it's going to show up as "evidence" soon?

@FiorellaIsabelM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr says the quiet part out loud & fully destroys his campaign. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Holy fucking shit.

@meowsandry Guys I’m literally crying all of the names are just IDF soldiers just zoom in and look it’s all sergeants and majors 😭😭😭😭 by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If AlQassam are to be believed, then yes. They claimed they've captured solders from the ground offensive. There is one theory that many of the names of those Israel released as KIA were actually captured not killed.

@FiorellaIsabelM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr says the quiet part out loud & fully destroys his campaign. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, but that's not entirely the full truth.

Propping up oppressive dictators, and overthrowing leaders (like in Libya), generates a lot of hate as well. Most MENA folks just want the US to stop meddling period.

@FiorellaIsabelM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr says the quiet part out loud & fully destroys his campaign. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wait seriously?

You never get used to it. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The Questions for Egypt by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Considering the volatile situation in Egypt right now, they might be forced to. Keep in mind I'm not saying the Egyptian government is right with what I type below, but just stating the situation.

Basically Egypt's government is between a rock and a hard place. The economy is in shambles, and inequality has gotten to insane levels, to the point that there isn't a middle class anymore at all, much needed food sources like Wheat have gone up in price due to Ukraine, if you can even find enough...etc.

Add to that, while the vast majority of Egyptians don't trust their government, a sizable group thinks Jan 25, and any attempts to remove the government is a "foreign conspiracy" (and they're not wrong, but there's no smoke without fire either).

So the Egyptian government's choices all suck; The country is in no shape way or form in a position to go to war. especially considering both Libya and Sudan are at war, and the majority of troops are committed to defending those borders (which is very difficult on the Libya side), and also fighting against Islamists in Sinai.

They're also not in a position to turn down the west, considering the current reliance on IMF and US-Aligned Gulf loans to keep the country afloat and not default.

But the populace, even the most staunchly anti-Hamas, are in support of Palestinians, even the strongest "opposition" atm is just that "No, we support you but we will not go to war for you", and there's definitely the whole "Yeah, we're not going to let you displace them into Sinai" thing.

and I think the "regime authorized protests" that happened in support of Palestine was in a way an intentional "anger venting" outlet (hence why the regime allowed it), but even those got out of the control of the Egyptian government, so it's not a far fetched idea to think that those protests might turn into anti-regime protests very easily and that scares them because anger at the regime is at an all time high (in fact, prior to Oct 7th, the government went out of its way to harass and sabotage a presidential candidate because he was gaining too much support), it's not far fetched because the protests in 2011 can pretty much be directly linked back to earlier pro-Palestine protest movements.

So yeah, for the government that doesn't want to get overthrown, they have no good choices at all, at least none that I can think of.

The Questions for Egypt by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know for a fact, they care less or just about the same.

They DO care somewhat, and public opinion can shift the behavior of the government, but it rarely does.

Americans are following the news less closely than they used to by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if someone actually studied this.

Like did a research project to figure out how properly informed (not propagandized) people are based on number of hours of cable news they consume vs maybe social media or something.

Western Propaganda Gets More Desperate as World Majority Sides with China and Russia Against the US over Gaza | naked capitalism by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

First off, I remember when news media outlets in the First Amendment-loving US used to criticize China for its lack of press freedom; but the New York Times is now accusing Beijing of not cracking down enough on its news media and online discourse in order to silence criticism of Israel and the US. Good luck with that.


@Elazul: I need to point something out about the whole "they're backing Palestine cause of Tiktok" thing.

They don't control tiktok, so they can't control the algorithms on it.

Remember that Israeli official, that said objective media coverage benefits Hamas?

Put 2+2 together.

They're saying the quiet part out loud indirectly.

Any non-west controlled platform to them is a threat because they don't get to pick the narrative they push on it.

Remember how Instagram constantly "mistakenly" flagged pro Palestine accounts? Facebook?


@scotthortonshow: Last Friday RFK's entire field team, led by Rep. Dana Rorabacher's wife, all quit. Maybe he should stop taking bad advice from foreign powers about restricting the sacred right of Americans to say whatever we want. Like for example: Go fuck yourself Mr. Kennedy, ya disgrace. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


@Elazul: Dear Dems and GOP;

You know which Presidential candidate I'm voting for in 2024?

The Anti-Genocide candidate.

Oh you don't have one? Too bad🤷‍♂️.

If you can't find a candidate that opposes LITERAL FUCKING GENOCIDE, then there is no "lesser evil" to vote for.

Now fuck off.

Caitlin Johnstone: We Keep Our Gaze Fixed On Gaza by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm going to copy and paste something I wrote to /u/penelopepnortney in DM 9 days ago (typos and all)

I can never get used to it.

I've been seeing images and videos of people that look like me murdered, dismembered...etc. pretty much my entire life. I can never get used to it.

The earliest memory I have of actually paying attention, was when Clinton Bombed Iraq and Sudan. I had lived through the earlier shit, but didn't pay attention or really understand it, I just knew things were bad.

They say you get desensitized after a while.... No, you just stop reacting outwardly, inside you still die a bit more, a bit more, a bit more, whenever you feel like there's no more left to die, another bit dies.

You sit glued to yet another screen, watching and screaming inside as you see yet another explosion, hear yet another bullet, cause you know it'll lead to yet another group of mangled bodies, another group of lost souls, another group of survivors that will live with the scars and trauma until they die. You know because you've seen it before, so so so many times before that you've lost count, yet you convince yourself "Hey, this is nothing new, I'm use to this, I can take it". You look at the pictures of corpses, of the blood, of the death, and you say "Hey, this is nothing new, I'm use to this, I can take it".

But no, you can't. You endure it because you feel you must, almost like a penance for the fact that you survived when they didn't. That you're whole while they're not.

Listening to the horrors friends and family have faced from the ones that managed to escape... watching them describe what happened to their loved ones.... Looking at their injuries, their amputations...etc. You just stop reacting outwardly, or if you do, you fake it, you express shock and horror as you know you should, but you no longer feel it. You just feel more and more dead inside.

But you still listen, and you visualize what you hear, imprinting it to memory, almost like some morbid curiosity to do so, but more so because inside you feel so helpless, like this is the only thing you can do to help; Listen and remember.

It's utterly hilarious about all those "WeLl wHy DoN't ThE aRaB cOunTries tAke tHem" bullshit being spouted; they have, repeatedly, I know because I've met them, befriended them, lived with them, laughed with them, fought with them, ate with them, got drunk with them, loved (and fell in love with) some of them and hated some of them, listened to their stories, listened to their trauma and horrors.

But to armchair pundits that are always eager to erase them, they're erased yet again to serve the gluttonous geopolitical purposes of the propagandists the pundits listen to. They neither exist in their own lands, nor in other lands. Erased.

They're erased, over and over again, literally and figuratively. Over and over again. Makes standing witness and remembering their stories and experiences feel much more important, or maybe that's what I tell myself to make myself feel better about my relative helplessness.

Neil Gaiman's Sandman has a quote that I always loved and hated;

HOB GADLING: I do think you're listening to me, from somewhere. I mean, I've seen too much over the years to believe that it starts and ends with bodies. There's something around before bodies start, something around after they rot. Buggered if I know what it is, though. Somebody once told me you don't really die until everyone that you knew is dead, too. Think of all the people I'm keeping alive, eh? I don't know.

I don't remember what you smell like. You've been gone two days, and I don't remember how you smelled. You didn't smell like anyone else. I like the way you smelled. I...

I miss you a lot.

It doesn't matter if they were Iraqi or Palestinian, Afghani or Armenian...etc. You end up listening, and dying bit by bit inside.

They say a life well lived is the best revenge, and that may be true for the self, for self preservation, for the part of you that wants to continue living despite the thousands of deaths and mutilations you've stood witness to, but for the rest of you? You become cynical and bitter, you spiral, you randomly sob, and randomly full out cry, and even that makes you feel guilty, because how dare I cry? I'm alive, they're not. I have a roof over my head, and food and water to drink, they don't. I have all my limbs, I have my health, they don't. How dare I feel sorry for myself? How dare I feel sorry for myself when I've seen a mother cry over her dead children? Orphans over their dead parents? So you hate yourself a bit more, and push yourself a bit more to do what little you can to get their voice out.

It is of little comfort that I know myself to be morally superior to the gluttonous hypocritical ghouls that murder and mutilate all these people, because I know that unlike they, I would never willingly condemn innocent souls to death or suffering for the sake of more pieces of green paper than I could ever realistically spend without becoming a glutton myself.

It's of little comfort, but it's a comfort I hold onto; I haven't lost my humanity. I still feel despite the millions of deaths of my soul. I still empathize even with those that I should in theory hate. I still live. So I have to remember. I have to remember how it feels, because maybe just maybe, one day I'll be in a position of power strong enough to stop it or do something about it, to keep everyone alive and happy. Maybe. Might never happen, but the chance is non-zero, so I must remember.

But I digress, I'm incredibly emotional right now, so I'm kinda waxing poetic.

@Jonathan_K_Cook The Nation on how, with the help of Jewish donors, Benjamin Netanyahu set up Project Butterfly, illegally creating an espionage network and troll farm in the US. The aim was to damage pro-Palestinian activism. And the intelligence agencies found themselves powerless to act: by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I need to figure out how to get back into my account.

I wiped the hell out of it and changed the password to gibberish back during the reddit rebellion.

@Jonathan_K_Cook The Nation on how, with the help of Jewish donors, Benjamin Netanyahu set up Project Butterfly, illegally creating an espionage network and troll farm in the US. The aim was to damage pro-Palestinian activism. And the intelligence agencies found themselves powerless to act: by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In charge of Netanyahu’s secret war in the United States was Gilad Erdan, then head of the highly secret Ministry of Strategic Affairs and now Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations. His deputy was Sima Vaknin-Gil, a reserve brigadier general. In a talk to a group of Israeli-Americans in Washington, Vaknin-Gil outlined another high-tech spying tool Israel was secretly using to target Americans within the US. In her talk, she said that Israel was waging its covert war so that the “narrative in the world won’t be that Israel equals apartheid.” Thus, the ministry needed to quickly silence the growing boycott movement and its messengers, before what happened in apartheid South Africa happened to apartheid Israel.

To those ends, General Vaknin-Gil issued a stark warning. “In order to win,” she said, “we must use tricks and craftiness.” They would include threats, intimidation, harassment, covert influence operations, troll farms, fearmongering, blacklists, and espionage. The key was turning thousands of Americans into clandestine Israeli agents to spy on and carry out the operations against their fellow citizens. Secrecy, emphasized Vaknin-Gil, was therefore critical. “We are a different government working on a foreign soil, and we have to be very, very cautious,” she said.

Then she outlined plans to set up a sophisticated covert intelligence unit to spy on Americans involved in the boycott movement and take action against them. According to Vaknin-Gil: “Ambiguity is part of our guidelines, that’s why I’m not going to say anything too much about each one of the legs. The first one is intel, intelligence, or data, or information. What we’ve done is mapped and analyzed the whole [boycott] phenomena globally. Not just the United States, not just campuses, but…labor unions and churches. We started to establish a project called Israel Cyber Shield. This is actually a civil intelligence unit that collects, analyzes, and acts upon the activists in the BDS movement, of its people, organizations, or events. And we give it everything we collect. We are using the most sophisticated data system, intelligence system in the Israeli market.”

Israel Cyber Shield, therefore, was a clandestine Israeli intelligence organization designed to spy not just on American students but also Christian churchgoers and labor unionists. And it was the recipient of Israel’s massive intelligence resources. Once its targets were identified, according to Vaknin-Gil, the ministry then “acts upon” them using covert operations. Key was hiding all Israeli government links to the operation and its targeting of Americans.

Around the same time, Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs budgeted another $570,000 to create a computer and smartphone application that would turn thousands of Americans into a robotic army of Israeli trolls. Assigned “missions” from troll headquarters near Tel Aviv, they would hide their links to Israel and launch online attacks against their US targets, including critics of Israel, boycott supporters, and human rights activists.

“Call it a human ‘botnet,’” said journalist Josh Nathan-Kazis in the The Forward, who reports that “it has thousands of mostly U.S.-based volunteers who can be directed from Israel into a social media swarm.” “We work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, consult with them and manage joint projects,” said Yarden Ben-Yosef, the head of the troll farm. “The same with the intelligence agencies,” he added. “We talk with each other. We work together.”

Despite the enormous extent of Israel’s illegal covert operations within the US targeting innocent and unsuspecting Americans, the clandestine agents involved are granted virtual immunity from arrest by pressure on top politicians from wealthy and powerful pro-Israel groups like AIPAC. It is a situation that greatly frustrates many in the FBI. It means bureau personnel are constantly required to close their eyes when it comes to criminal activity by Israel.

According to I.C. Smith, a former top FBI counterintelligence officer, “Dealing with the Israelis was, for those assigned that area, extremely frustrating. The Israelis were supremely confident that they had the clout, especially on the Hill, to basically get [away] with just about anything.” Another former top intelligence official said, “You catch them red-handed, and they shrug and say, ‘Okay now, anything else?’”

At one point, as angry senior US intelligence officials were testifying about Israeli espionage in secret sessions before the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees, that frustration spilled out in public. “US intelligence officials trooped up to Capitol Hill to tell U.S. lawmakers considering visa waivers for Israelis that Jerusalem’s spying here had ‘crossed redlines,’” wrote Newsweek’s Jeff Stein. The extent of the spying was “quite shocking,” one staffer who was there told Stein, adding that he found the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Others called it “unrivaled” and “unseemly,” and noted that “it has been extensive for years.” And a former staffer who attended a similar classified briefing exclaimed, “No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do.”

Over the years, as Israeli intelligence increased its secret war on innocent Americans, it likewise paid less and less attention to Hamas. Relatively quiet behind the high walls and barbed wire in Gaza, they assumed that its members had become docile and submissive. A minor outbreak, and they would simply send in the guns and armored personnel carriers and “mow the grass.”

@Jonathan_K_Cook The Nation on how, with the help of Jewish donors, Benjamin Netanyahu set up Project Butterfly, illegally creating an espionage network and troll farm in the US. The aim was to damage pro-Palestinian activism. And the intelligence agencies found themselves powerless to act: by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Excerpt from actual article

Netanyahu’s greatest fear was that as a result of the growing strength of the BDS movement, the American public would finally begin seeing Israel in the same light that many people in the rest of the world, and even in Israel, saw it: as a brutal apartheid state. The more Israel’s atrocities came to light, the more the BDS movement gained strength around the country. On the same weekend that Adelson’s secret task force was forming in Las Vegas, an Associated Press news article noted, “In boardrooms and campuses, on social media and in celebrity circles, momentum seems to be growing for a global pressure campaign on Israel. The atmosphere recalls the boycotts that helped demolish apartheid South Africa a quarter century ago…. Increasingly prominent is the so‑called ‘BDS’ (boycott-disinvestment-sanctions) movement, run by Palestinians and leftist activists from around the world.”

Hence Netanyahu’s move to counter the protesters with lots of money to buy political power in Washington to create laws making it a crime to boycott Israel. The group at the Venetian would make up what would become Adelson’s Army, a task force of Gulfstream warriors (since so many of them owned private jets). The objective was the launch of a political and psychological war targeting Americans on behalf of Israel.

Before the night was over, the group had raised upwards of $50 million for Netanyahu’s war inside the United States; tens of millions more would covertly come from the Israeli government through a variety of hidden fronts and shell organizations. At the same time the Las Vegas gathering was taking place, Netanyahu was meeting with his top national security and intelligence officials. He told them they would receive at least $30 million from the government for the campaign, and with the help of Adelson’s group and others possibly as much as $900 million.

There was a reason the Adelson task force formally demanded pledges of secrecy before, during, and after the meeting. Once they closed the door at the Venetian, they opened the door to potential criminal prosecution as agents of a foreign power, a very serious offense punishable by up to a decade in prison. According to 18 USC § 951: “Whoever, other than a diplomatic or consular officer or attaché, acts in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without prior notification to the Attorney General…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both…. For purposes of this section, the term ‘agent of a foreign government’ means an individual who agrees to operate within the United States subject to the direction or control of a foreign government or official.”

Yet that, in fact, was precisely what Netanyahu was proposing.

Within a few months, Netanyahu’s war began. Key Jewish donors in the United States were secretly approached with a proposal by Psy-Group, an Israeli psychological warfare firm with close connections to Mossad. Code-named “Project Butterfly,” the proposal outlined a clandestine operation within the “theater of action,” as the company referred to the United States. Its purpose was to damage specific Americans and US organizations associated with the boycott movement. It would develop ways to disrupt their activities, lead them to be falsely investigated by the authorities, and run a hidden media influence campaign against them.

According to its secret internal operations plan, Project Butterfly was aimed at “executing intelligence and influence efforts” against Americans by creating an “infrastructure for narrative warfare— alternative messaging and negative platforms.” In other words, by creating fake news outlets, phony Facebook personas and posts, and other forms of information warfare, Psy Group’s goal was to deliberately deceive the American public about Israel and its actions against the Palestinians.

To accomplish these goals, the group was seeking $2.5 million for the operation’s first year of a three-year plan and promised it would conduct its activities in utmost secrecy. All links to the donors would be hidden and none of the actions would be traceable to Jews or Israelis. The importance of the operation and its closeness to Netanyahu can be seen in Project Butterfly’s top officials. Among them was Netanyahu’s former deputy director of Mossad and director general of the Ministry of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs, Ram Ben-Barak, who was the project’s strategic adviser. Comparing the effort against the American boycotters to “a war,” he said, “you don’t kill them but you do have to deal with them in other ways.”

Those “other ways” were outlined in the Project Butterfly operational plan: “The Butterfly initiative uses PSY’s proprietary intelligence-gathering and influence techniques to destabilize and disrupt anti-Israel movements from within,” it said, referring to the United States. In addition to spying on innocent Americans, the group created fake news outlets in an Orwellian effort to brand the nonviolent boycotters and their supporters as “terrorists.” According to Psy-Group’s Project Butterfly operations plan, the covert Israeli organization “achieved high-impact results against targeted individuals” while making sure its own activities are “not connected to Israel.”

The actions included efforts to destroy the reputations of students and faculty, subjecting people to unwarranted investigations, and charges of “persecution,” that is, endless phony accusations of “anti-Semitism,” as well as false and slanderous accounts provided to national cable and broadcast news organizations. Among the accomplishments, as outlined in the secret operations plan:

• Damage to target’s standing/reputation (bad reviews, fall in support, etc.)

• Cancellation or disruption of events

• Online and offline echoing of “persecution” by targets

• Inquiries/Investigations commenced

• Lawsuits filed/threats to sue

• Media coverage and masked PR (i.e., not attributable to us)

Islamic Resistance in Iraq vows to expel US troops ¦ Kataib Hezbollah Secretary-General warns that the Resistance will pursue armed struggle until US troops are expelled from the country. by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not only voted, but asked them to do so multiple times, and each time the US goes "Lol no".

@mona_fawaz Respect! The Director of the NY Office of UN High Commissioner of Human Rights just resigned: “Once again, we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organization that we serve appears powerless to stop it.” Letter below- by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


And NATO stole all the gold he had stockpiled to do it.

Don't forget all the cash they stole as well.


Oh and speaking of "Domestic" crimes, this Askhistorians thread is pretty telling.

For example;

Perhaps that's western bias. But the reality is that he earned his reputation as an autocrat, quashing dissidents swiftly. Some would point out his leniency (relative), in that he'd often exile dissenters for a set period of time with no threat of imprisonment or punishment when the de-facto sentence was up and they returned. While that is certainly preferable to being hanged for going against say, the Ayatollah, there can be no question that it was an authoritarian regime uninterested in giving power to its people. The power dynamic that feigned republican checks and balances did little other than put window dressing on centralized oversight.


In 1984, whatever leniency he'd promised was shown to be reneged upon at best, and a lie at worst. He had his forces execute Al-Sadek Hamed Al-Shuwehdy on state television in a stadium for joining anti-government campaigns. What's noteworthy to the west is that Al-Sadek was an engineering student studying in the U.S. on a visa. The implications were grim.

Moving into 1986, the U.S. accused Gaddafi, or at least his Libyan loyalists, of being behind the Berlin discotheque bombing. An oil embargo was enforced, and then Reagan pushed for military intervention. In a brief bombing campaign, Libyan civilians were killed. This painted the US in a bad light on the world stage, and boosted Gaddafi's profile. It's not unrealistic to think that outside of the US, this might help garner sympathy for him.

However, Gaddafi refused to release two Libyan suspected of bombing a Scottish flight over Scotland in '88. The UN, British Parliament, and US all took very strong stances against the nation and its leader for this. Over 270 people were killed in the attack, and his complacence in sheltering the suspects is nearly impossible to paint in a favorable light. EDIT: he did finally release the two in 1999, and the flight was US-bound.

So basically his crimes were not that dissimilar to what the west does.

US Neocons Accidentally Act as Great Uniter in Caucasus | naked capitalism by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I admit I haven't paid much attention to Armenia but yeah I wouldn't be surprised.

[This entire thread] | @Elazul: History Repeats. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Since he follows you, toss him a DM

@mona_fawaz Respect! The Director of the NY Office of UN High Commissioner of Human Rights just resigned: “Once again, we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organization that we serve appears powerless to stop it.” Letter below- by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Like I said before, the more I actually learn about Qaddafi, the more I grow to like the man, unfortunately too late.

[This entire thread] | @Elazul: History Repeats. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He follows thumb too I think, and I know he defended WOTB from the smears back in... 2020 i think? saying he lurked here (well "there").

US Neocons Accidentally Act as Great Uniter in Caucasus | naked capitalism by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He was the leader of the 2018 Armenian revolution which forced Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan and his government to resign.


Pashinyan's new government included multiple liberal western NGO activists being appointed to senior positions 9

The government he led a "revolution" against?

According to the Freedom House report "In 2011, the government took concrete steps to fulfill longstanding and often repeated promises to confront corruption. E-government services reduced opportunities for bribery, while new regulations and stricter enforcement led to higher numbers of corruption lawsuits and fines against senior officials and large companies. Owing to a more consolidated government effort to eradicate corruption, Armenia's corruption rating improve[d] from 5.50 to 5.25.

During Sargsyan's presidency the record of the freedom of speech and the freedom of press in general also improved in Armenia. Internet penetration rose sharply – from 6.2 percent in 2008 to 37 percent in 2011, providing greater access to online media, which rapidly grew in number, including blogosphere – with over 10,000 bloggers in 2011.

After the elections Sargsyan also authorized opposition rallies to take place in Yerevan[23] and pledged to comply with the Council of Europe's demands for an end to the government's crackdown on the opposition.[24]

Civil society also grew considerably during Sargsyan's presidency, with the number of non-governmental organizations growing at a higher rate and with civic activists succeeding in raising public awareness and holding important campaigns in the sphere of human rights, environmental protection and social justice. However, according to Freedom House, public advocacy still had limited impact on public policy.[22]


The start of Sargsyan's presidency coincided with the Great Recession. In 2009, Armenia's GDP contracted over 14%,[25] which according to the World Bank was the fifth worst in the world that year after the three Baltic states and Ukraine.[26] GDP growth subsequently stabilized at around 3% by 2013.[27] As of 2014, Armenia's GDP is below the pre-crisis levels. During his first term of presidency, the official poverty rate doubled and reached 32.4% in 2012.[28] According to official data, some 213,000 people have left Armenia from 2008 to 2013.[29] In 2012, Armenia was ranked 39th out of 179 economies according to the Index of Economic Freedom and ranked 19th freest among the 43 countries in the Europe region.[30]

In September 2013 and under Sargsyan's direction, Armenia announced its intentions of joining the Eurasian Economic Union with Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.[31] The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU) is an economic union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and came into force on 1 January 2015.[32] Treaties aiming for Armenia's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union was signed on 9 October 2014. Armenia's accession treaty came into force on 2 January 2015.[33] The Eurasian Economic Union has an integrated single market of 176 million people and a gross domestic product of over 4 trillion U.S. dollars (PPP).[34] The EEU introduces the free movement of goods, capital, services and people and provides for common transport, agriculture and energy policies, with provisions for a single currency and greater integration in the future.[35][36]

He also led Armenia through the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, that ended with a Russian-brokered truce with Azerbaijan.

Your suspicions might not be off base.

Graham says ‘no limit’ of Palestinian deaths would make him question Israel by chakokat in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Folks like Graham are the ones that should be arrested by the FBI.

Not kids protesting for peace at universities.

[Bolivia has more balls than the rest of the world, yes including Arab countries.] Bolivia becomes first country to sever ties with Israel over war with Hamas | Country’s leftwing government attributes decision to alleged war crimes and human rights abuses being committed in Gaza by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I give Arab nations no excuse.

"We will not normalize or will tear up agreements if you don't stop the genocide".

Not a single bullet needs to be fired by an Arab military.

[This entire thread] | @Elazul: History Repeats. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

CC /u/penelopepnortney , he's back

[Bolivia has more balls than the rest of the world, yes including Arab countries.] Bolivia becomes first country to sever ties with Israel over war with Hamas | Country’s leftwing government attributes decision to alleged war crimes and human rights abuses being committed in Gaza by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Saudi is never going to fight Israel.

But it can explicitly say that if they don't stop the invasion, that they will never normalize, throw a wrench in the whole Abraham accords.

@ryangrim: The White House just compared “anti-Israel protesters” — the phrase used by the Fox News reporter in his question — to the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're not wrong. (similar to narratives about anti-lockdown protests)

But think about it in terms of their perspective. At this point, it's beyond obvious that both groups are considered "undesirables".

It's exactly like how the post 9-11 shit went from affecting Muslims, to affecting RW'ers. We need to learn.

Emergency call to the international community - stop the forcible transfer in the West Bank | [Under the fog of War, Israeli settlers have been ethnically cleansing the west bank with the Israeli government supporting them] by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We, the undersigned human rights and civil society NGOs in Israel, call on the international community to act urgently to stop the state-backed wave of settler violence which has led, and is leading to, the forcible transfer of Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

For the past three weeks, since Hamas's atrocities of October 7th, settlers have been exploiting the lack of public attention to the West Bank, as well as the general atmosphere of rage against Palestinians, to escalate their campaign of violent attacks in an attempt to forcibly transfer Palestinian communities. During this period, no fewer than thirteen herding communities have been displaced. Many more are in danger of being forced to flee in the coming days if immediate action is not taken.

Palestinian farmers are particularly vulnerable at this time, during the annual olive harvest season, because if they are unable to pick their olives they will lose a year's income. Yesterday Bilal Muhammed Saleh from the village of As-Sawiya south of Nablus was murdered while tending to his olive trees. He was the seventh Palestinian to have been killed by settlers since the current war began.

Unfortunately, the Israeli government is supportive of these attacks and does nothing to stop this violence. On the contrary: government ministers and other officials are backing the violence and in many cases the military is present or even participates in the violence, including in incidents where settlers have killed Palestinians. Moreover, since the war has begun there has been a growing number of incidents in which violent settlers have been documented attacking nearby Palestinian communities while wearing military uniform and using government-issued weapons.

With grave concern and with a clear understanding of the political landscape, we recognize that the only way to stop this forcible transfer in the West Bank is a clear, strong and direct intervention by the international community.

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza | 'The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move' by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


An official at the Ministry of Intelligence confirmed that the ten-page document is authentic but "was not supposed to reach the media," Mekovit noted.

According to a right-wing activist, the document from the Ministry of Intelligence was leaked by a member of Likud. Leaking the document was an attempt to find out whether "the public in Israel is ready to accept ideas of a transfer from Gaza."

The document unequivocally and explicitly recommends carrying out a transfer of civilians from Gaza as the desired outcome of the war.

The transfer plan is divided into several phases: in the first phase, the population in Gaza must be forced to move to southern Gaza, while Israeli air strikes will focus on targets in northern Gaza.

In the second phase, the Israeli army's ground entry into Gaza will begin, which will lead to the occupation of the entire strip, from north to south, and the "cleansing of the underground bunkers from Hamas fighters."

At the same time as the Gaza Strip is occupied, the citizens of Gaza will move to Egyptian territory and will be prevented from returning permanently.

"It is important to leave the traffic lanes towards the south usable, to allow the evacuation of the civilian population towards Rafah," the document states.

The document recommends beginning a dedicated campaign that will "motivate” Gazans “to agree to the plan,” and make them give up their land.

Gazan should be convinced that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas - there is no choice but to move to another place with the help of Your Muslim brothers," the document reads.

Further, the plan states the government must launch a public relations campaign that will promote the transfer program to western states in a way that does not promote hostility to Israel or damage its reputation. The deportation of the population from Gaza must be presented as a necessary humanitarian measure to receive international support. Such a deportation could be justified if it will lead to "fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected number of casualties if they remain,” the document says.

The document also states that the US should be leveraged to pressure Egypt to take in the residents of Gaza, and to encourage other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada, to help take in and settle the refugees who will be evacuated from Gaza.

Finally, the document claims that if the population of Gaza remains, there will be "many Arab deaths" during the expected occupation of Gaza by the Israeli army, and this will damage Israel's international image even more than the deportation of the population. For all these reasons, the recommendation of the Ministry of Intelligence is to promote the transfer of all Palestinians in Gaza to Sinai permanently.

Is it clear to everyone now?

additional source from Aljazeera

Also wikileaks

@matthiasellis After these past weeks I don’t think anyone can ever again deny that the technology of television has been completely captured by the State and the interests of capital despite having “journalistic freedom,” while social media, even when run by an oligarch, offers tools by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

@matthiasellis After these past weeks I don’t think anyone can ever again deny that the technology of television has been completely captured by the State and the interests of capital despite having “journalistic freedom,” while social media, even when run by an oligarch, offers tools

I am completely inured to sitting throughout the most insane right wing content and do it often. And yet watching Jake Tapper return again and again to describing the evil of Hamas while it looks like a nuclear bomb has gone off behind him is just something else

This is Huge. | Al Azhar releases statement condemning Israeli actions in Gaza as 'Blind/reckless' terrorism. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Considering the reports of Delta Force joining with the IDF in Gaza coming in, I think at this point it's beyond "possibly" complicit.

@KenRoth: Needless to say, United Nations humanitarian workers are not legitimate military targets. [QT] UNRWA: @UNRWA It's been confirmed that 53 of our colleagues in📍#Gaza have been killed since October 7 by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ben Norton

What's so sad is not only that Israel killed 53 workers at UN agency UNRWA, but also that it is afraid to mention that IT WAS ISRAEL THAT KILLED THEM

Imagine being killed by a genocidal colonialist apartheid regime, and then your employer refuses to say who killed you. For shame

Israel Readying Emergency Regulations Allowing Arrest of Journalists for Factual Reporting by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi confirmed Sunday that he is drafting regulations that will empower him to order police to arrest journalists for factual reporting and target anyone he believes has damaged national morale during Israel's ongoing war against Gaza.

Haaretz reports that Karhi—a member of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud Party—is preparing draft emergency regulations titled "Limiting Aid to the Enemy through Communication" which would allow him to direct police to arrest any civilian, remove them from their home, and seize their property if he believes they have disseminated information that might harm national morale or be used as "enemy propaganda."

The new regulations will apply to the general public as well as local and foreign media professionals—and will be applicable to both truthful and inaccurate reporting.

In a Sunday morning radio interview with Galey Israel, Karhi acknowledged that the proposed regulations are aimed at shutting down broadcasts by Qatari state-owned broadcaster Al Jazeera in Israel and Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed more than 2,800 people including at least 700 children while injuring over 10,000 others since last Saturday's Hamas-led infiltration attack that left upwards of 1,400 Israeli civilians and soldiers dead, 3,200 injured, and around 200 others kidnapped.

"As far as I'm concerned, they won't be able to operate in Israel, [but] I don't know what the legal counsel will leave from the regulations I've introduced—including the confiscation of equipment and office closures," Kahri said.

According to Haaretz's Avi Bar-Eli:

It should be noted that the draft regulations, as formulated by the communications minister, fully contradict Israel's democratic values and are unlikely to be approved by the government's legal counsel.

Ironically, Karhi himself falls under the definition of offenses he published, having previously expressed contempt for Supreme Court justices, refused to state he will obey Supreme Court rulings, and, six months ago, expressed disdain for reserve soldiers who refused to volunteer.

Israeli journalist Etan Nechin wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that Netanyahu's government "is acting more like Putin's."

Earlier this year, Kahri courted controversy by announcing his intent to shut down Kan, Israel's public broadcaster—which he accused of "left-wing bias"—and Army Radio. He has also introduced legislation to shutter Israel's media watchdog and stands accused of favoring pro-Netanyahu outlets.

[Thread] @timnitGebru: I think it is helpful to read other cases of genocide denial if you want to help yourself figure out what to engage with and what not to engage with. The talking points are exactly the same. All genocides work the same. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Full thread

@timnitGebru: I think it is helpful to read other cases of genocide denial if you want to help yourself figure out what to engage with and what not to engage with. The talking points are exactly the same. All genocides work the same.

"No we're not talking about the population its just this group we're calling animals"

"You support terrorists, why aren't you talking about them?"

"They use people as human shields, the people should revolt against them, they brought it upon themselves"

"That's an actor, its not real"

"The body count is propaganda, its not accurate"

"Where are the bodies?"

"You can't expect us to NOT shut off food, electricity & fuel."

while at the same time

"No we haven't shut it off, look at that ONE hospital that seems to be functioning"

It helps to see all this before. Because its exactly the same.

"You just hate X group, that's why you're claiming there's a genocide you liar."

And then just a bunch of other harassment trying to get you to be quiet.

"Look at this graph showing that the population has increased in the last hundred years. That's not a genocide."

"Genocide is a technical term, you can't just go around saying genocide all the time"

Yea lets also wait for the technical "world bodies" before calling out the Native American genocide.

@DrTedros [head of WHO]: We have lost touch with our staff in Gaza, with health facilities, health workers and the rest of our humanitarian partners on the ground. This siege makes me gravely concerned for their safety and the immediate health risks of vulnerable patients. [snip] by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Full tweet cause of title size limits

@DrTedros :We have lost touch with our staff in Gaza, with health facilities, health workers and the rest of our humanitarian partners on the ground.

This siege makes me gravely concerned for their safety and the immediate health risks of vulnerable patients.

We urge immediate protection of all civilians and full humanitarian access.

This is beyond Parody | According to this tweet you can critique Israel without being an antisemite by.... Not saying anything Israel doesn't like to hear no matter how factual. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"yOU hAve to acCePT EveRY SINgLe thIng isRael cLaiMs OR yoU'rE aN AnTiseMItE "

Middle Easterners Have Words For The Western Press Who’ve Been Lying About Them by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

From an old post I made

It's one of the reasons I literally spit my coffee laughing when I saw someone had posted a piece "warning" about Russian Disinformation in Arabic on an Arab sub (or was it MENA twitter, I forget), because people in the region are already conditioned to be skeptical of anything the west says (and their own govs for that matter), and not because of anything Russia has done, but because the West has directly and repeatedly lied about MENA and MENA nations for 7+ decades, in a bid to bomb the shit out of them and steal their resources, the west still directly backs RW tyrants and regimes for geo political purposes (including in MENA) so why in the world would they believe the West now?

Iyad el-Baghdadi: Analysis of Middle East Options in Wake of Hamas Attack — a must-read by ThomasNeuburger in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He goes into the history further, doesn't explicitly blame Trump, but correctly points to Trump doing what they've always wanted to do was a 'quick lurch'. So basically steady steady steady, lurch, steady.

@SocialistMMA: Bernie voted for this AFTER his campaign staffers made a video begging him not to be a bloodthirsty Zionist. Do y’all understand how evil this man is? And despite this atrocious behavior by Bernie there are still some “progressives” who refuse to say a bad thing about him by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I used to be a milquetoast defender of Bernie after he turned tail.

No fucking more. Fuck amo Bernie and fuck anyone that can't bring their humanity to the front.

You're old as fuck Bernie, you're not running again. The fuck did you have to lose?

@itranslate123: Press Release from Gaza Municipality: @munigaza ▪️ We have received a threat via a phone call from the Israeli occupation warning to destroy the Gaza Municipality's main building in Palestine Square. [...] by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

without the documents and the archives, people can't claim they were turned into refugees and have the right to return to Gaza when this is all done.

That's the goal, they've pulled stuff like this before.

@jvgraz: When's the last time we heard a genocidal European shriek this way about extermination of undesirables? Oh right, it was just before Israel was founded. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lol, no idea.

But it just adds to the point I always make; The same degrees ridiculed as 'starbucks degrees' are the same degrees needed the most to see through their bullshit.

@jvgraz: When's the last time we heard a genocidal European shriek this way about extermination of undesirables? Oh right, it was just before Israel was founded. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Reminder is that "History" is also one of those degrees ridiculed as "starbucks degrees"

Jewish settlers stole my house. It’s not my fault they’re Jewish. | Palestinians are told the words we use dwarf the decades of violence enacted against us by the self-proclaimed Jewish State. A drone is one thing, but a trope—a trope is unacceptable. No more. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


When we were growing up in occupied Jerusalem, the people seeking to expel us from our neighborhood were Jewish, and their organizations often had “Jewish” in their name. So were the people who stole our home, scattered our furniture in the street, and burned my baby sister’s crib. The judges banging their gavels in favor of our expulsion were also Jewish, and so were the lawmakers whose laws facilitated and systematized our dispossession.

The bureaucrat issuing—and sometimes revoking—our blue ID cards was a Jew, and I especially despised him because a stroke of his pen stood between my father and my father’s great-great-grandfather’s city. As for the soldiers that were frisking us to check for those IDs, some of them were Druze, some Muslim, most of them Jewish, and all of them, according to my grandmother, were “godless bastards.” Those who administered the rifles and handcuffs, those who wrote the meticulous and murderous urban plans were—you guessed it.

This was no secret. We lived under the rule of the self-proclaimed “Jewish State.” Israeli politicians have exhausted this line, and their international peers nodded along. The army declared itself a Jewish army and marched under what it has called a Jewish flag. Jerusalem city councilmen boasted “tak[ing] house after house” because “the bible says that this country belongs to the Jewish people,” and Knesset members sang similar tunes. These legislators weren’t fringe or far-right: the Israeli nation-state law explicitly enshrines “Jewish settlement” as a “national value … to encourage and promote.”

Still, though this was no secret, we were instructed to treat it as such, sometimes by our parents, sometimes by well-meaning solidarity activists. We were instructed to ignore the Star of David on the Israeli flag, and to distinguish Jews from Zionists with surgical precision. It didn’t matter that their boots were on our necks, and that their bullets and batons bruised us. Our statelessness and homelessness were trivial. What mattered was how we spoke about our keepers, not the conditions they kept us under—blockaded, surrounded by colonies and military outposts—or the fact that they kept us at all.

Language was more of a minefield than the border between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights, and we, children at the time, were expected to hop around them, hoping we don’t accidentally step on an explosive trope that would discredit us. Using the “wrong words” had the magical ability to make things disappear; the boots, bullets, batons, and bruises all become invisible if you say anything in jest or in fury. Even more dangerously, believing in “the wrong things” rendered you deserving of this brutality. Citizenship and the right to movement weren’t the sole privileges robbed from us, simple ignorance was a luxury as well.

As Palestinians, we understand from a young age that the semantic violence we practice with our words dwarfs the decades of systemic and material violence enacted against us by the self-proclaimed Jewish State. A drone is one thing, but a trope—a trope is unacceptable. We learn to internalize the muzzle.

So, I heeded these calls—what else is a 10-year-old supposed to do?—and I learned about Hitler and the Holocaust, I learned about the nose stereotype, the poisoned wells, the bankers, the vampires, the snakes and the lizards (I just found out about the octopus), and I learned that, when speaking to diplomats visiting our zoo of a neighborhood, the settlers squatting in our home must be the secondary point of my presentation, second to an effusive denunciation of global antisemitism. And when my 80-something grandmother addressed those foreign visitors, I corrected her mid-sentence whenever she described the Jewish settlers in our house as, well, Jewish.

A decade and some years later and not much has changed. The boot remains there; so are the bullets and batons (and I would be remiss not to mention the innovative genius of the AI-powered robot firearms recently added to the Jewish State’s arsenal).

The government titles its project in the Galilee as “the Judaization of the Galilee,” and its quasi-institutions do the same. As for the council members that promised to take “house after house,” alongside their success in stealing houses, in Sheikh Jarrah, the Old City, Silwan, and elsewhere, they routinely march in our towns with megaphones and flags, chanting “we want Nakba now.” The judges still bang their gavels to ensure the continuation of this Nakba; still rule in favor of Jewish supremacy. And, despite disagreeing with the Supreme Court on various things, parliamentarians legislate in accordance with that supremacist attitude. Some openly state the fact that Jewish life is simply “more important than [our] freedom” (and sometimes they’re even nice enough to apologize to Arab TV presenters as they deliver them these hard truths).

A decade and some years later, the status quo remains as is. And we—how my heart breaks for us—we continue dancing among the land mines. We continue betting on morality and humanity, as they bet on their guns


Here is where I stand. There is a Jew who lives–by force—in half of my home in Jerusalem, and he does so by “divine decree.” Many others reside—by force—in Palestinian houses, while their owners linger in refugee camps. It isn’t my fault that they are Jewish. I have zero interest in memorizing or apologizing for centuries-old tropes created by Europeans, or in giving semantics more heft than they warrant, chiefly when millions of us confront real, tangible oppression, living behind cement walls, or under siege, or in exile, and living with woes too expansive to summarize. I’m tired of the impulse to preemptively distance myself from something of which I am not guilty, and particularly tired of the assumption that I’m inherently bigoted. I’m tired of the pearl-clutching pretense that should such animosity exist, its existence would be inexplicable and rootless. Most of all, I’m tired of the false equivalence between semantic violence and systemic violence.

I know this essay is within itself a minefield. That it will be taken out of context and disseminated, but I’ll never be a perfect victim—there’s no escaping being accused of antisemitism. It’s a losing battle and, more importantly, a glaring red herring. And it is time we reevaluate this tactic. There are better things to do: we have coffins to carry. We have kin in Israeli mortuary chambers that we must bury.

@jvgraz: When's the last time we heard a genocidal European shriek this way about extermination of undesirables? Oh right, it was just before Israel was founded. by Maniak in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The problem is, you can't forget a history you never bothered to learn in the first place.


Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media that Ukraine war could've ended in the first month, but the US didn't want it to. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What was the saying? "Mob Justice isn't justice, it's a lynching/thuggery" or something like that?

Watch out for faked translations in Videos shared by Hasbara Trolls. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yup, one of my earliest social media interactions (I think it was Shoutwire?), was debunking a memri video.

@mtracey: Immediately upon resuming business, the House just passed 412 - 10 a resolution that effectively codifies the US as co-belligerent in Israel's war against Gaza and potentially Iran -- but sure, everybody make sure to stay laser-focused on the annoying 20-year-olds marching at NYU by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


@mtracey: Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) was among the 93% of House Dems and 99% of House GOP who just voted for this blusterous pro-war resolution committing the US to open-ended military support of Israel's offensive against Gaza and/or Iran. Along with endorsing yet another ramp-up of the US sanctions regime

Lee famously cast the lone 2001 vote against authorizing the Afghanistan War -- but decades later, after entering Dem leadership and running for Senate in CA, she consistently votes for almost every hardline interventionist measure that comes before the House. Lee has been a stalwart supporter of Ukraine war funding, and has now evidently pledged her stalwart support of Israel war funding

This should give some indication of where the incentives are pointed on this issue -- notwithstanding the tedious pundit fixation on "woke college activists" -- as though they're the ones currently sending Carrier Strike Groups into the Eastern Mediterranean


@mtracey: Another of the few policies that would fundamentally change how the US and DC function is the Ludlow Amendment, a 1935 proposal for a Constitutional amendment that would require a national referendum for the country to go to war


@mtracey: One thing you can depend on from White House spokesperson John Kirby is staunch opposition to ceasefires, and passionate support for the continuation and intensification of hostilities

[Picture of two statements from John Kirby saying ceasefires only help Russia and Hamas]


@mtraceyL I don't know, the fact that Armageddon-prophesying preachers exert demonstrable influence over US foreign policy and are currently agitating for WWIII on supernatural grounds seems a lot crazier to me than the fact that some 19-year-old activists are chanting questionable slogans


The professional anti-woke crowd make a living off mocking 20-somethings who want to ban speech they find "violent," and demand special provisions to keep them "safe"

Then when it comes to Israel, this same crowd demands all the exact same stuff

They're such ridiculous frauds

Pepe Escobar: Russia, China Map Out New Economic Order in Beijing by penelopepnortney in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


They did it with Ukraine, and they're doing it now with Gaza. Shortsighted idiocy.

Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media that Ukraine war could've ended in the first month, but the US didn't want it to. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

First off, can't argue with anything you said here. It's ironic that these same people in their current iteration engage in so much virtue signaling when it comes to eradicating racism when it's glaringly obvious that they're the real racists, always have been and always will be. The racism and classism that isn't imprinted in their DNA is fed to them like mother's milk throughout their formative years and beyond.

It's why I constantly say "liberals™" gave cover for colonialism (and still do), like 'We can't leave! Think of the Afghani women!' but nothing is said about stealing their money when they're in a famine and the very same women are suffering. It's nothing more than "We need to civilize the savages" modernized, it's also the same reason I often said a lot of Arabs/Muslims preferred Trump just because he was honest, not because he actually was better or anything like that.

The globalists only know how to exploit and it's fanciful to expect them ever to change.

They won't. It's up to the people to wake up and realize they're using divide and conquer strategies to keep us fighting. Once they realize that, we'd have a chance at winning. Hating Immigrants, hating brown people, black people, white people, hating Muslims, hating Arabs, hating Chinese, hating Russians, hating Jews.....etc. is all just a distraction. The ruling class WANTS that hate, because it makes their end goals far far easier. They're acting globally, which means WE need to unite globally to fight back, which is something that Greek guy whose name escapes me argued for (along with Bernie IIRC)

Fucking hell, even someone I find utterly despicable like Nick Fuentes is very slowly starting to realize the benefits of diversity in terms of fighting back against the ruling class just by seeing what's right in front of him, what is the excuse of "educated liberals" or "educated conservatives"?

What's distressing is that there are still too many people who fall for the divide and conquer tactics; who don't care about an injustice until it's done to them; who never stop to question who's paying the real costs of the conveniences they take for granted. They never stop to wonder why immigrants would willingly leave the homes they inhabited for generations to come here; some of it is better economic opportunities, certainly, but how much more of it is simple displacement due to the civil wars and political and economic chaos we've helped unleash where they lived. Most of us are too stuck in our own secure world as Americans to pay attention to what's happening to people in the rest of the world.

There's a saying in Arabic that translates to "Perhaps a mistake/sin leads to Heaven", the explanation of the saying is that when you commit a mistake/sin, you become more empathetic to those that do. In other words, it's the opposite of "Holier than thou", and in fact is a different way to say 'Let he who is without sin throw the first stone'.

One thing I often say, is support for single payer healthcare in America didn't gain ground until the vast majority of Americans grew to either be negatively personally affected, or know someone personally affected by the for profit "health care" system (And I quote cause our system has nothing to actually do with healthcare), it's a sad reality that people are "selfish" (an explosion thousands of miles away doesn't illicit the same response as an explosion down the street) but it's also because our existence is very "programmable"; Propaganda works.

Think about how many well meaning folks believed that we were "bringing democracy to Iraq", and how many now believe "Gaza free from Hamas will give Palestinians a chance". They do not realize we can and do in fact engage in straight up evil because the propaganda is so strong.

Furthermore, I can't entirely blame them, because there's very little effort to honestly inform them on why, and people that do try to inform them are regularly villainized by the same propaganda (as communist leftists or bleeding hearts or Russian trolls or whatever), until a critical point where the scales tip, and those villainized are vindicated.

Like I often say, there's a reason why they villainize "Humanitarian degrees" and ridicule them as "starbucks degrees" despite hiring a bunch of them with lower moral codes to exploit the masses; It's because those people are the best equipped to see through their bullshit.

Hell, even with economic immigrants, why does no one stop to think about why they would do so? Why would someone leave their home, their families and friends...etc. (sometimes even better climates) for better economic opportunities? Why would some of them risk drowning in the seas or getting shot by border guards to do so? They don't stop to think why some of them are literally risking their lives for that economic improvement, probably because either they haven't experienced it themselves, or they think of it as something like moving from one state to another for a job.

I mean seriously, they learn about why some people historically would literally sell themselves into slavery, but they can't stop to think for one second why someone would risk their lives to immigrate to a country that's full of people hostile to their existence?

History is FULL of examples of empires and kingdoms creating subservient vassal states led by corrupt bastards (cause who else would lead a subservient vassal state?) loyal to the empire/kingdom that enriched themselves on the wealth of their nations while the masses starved, something the west does to this very day, but do they recognize the parallels? Recognize the responsibility? Recognize the chain of events? No, because they're not taught, and they're not taught to think critically or more importantly, RESEARCH critically. History is a chain; Events don't happen in a vacuum, but to them they do (E.G. The focus on Oct 7th as being the "starting point").

But I have hope, as weird as this sounds, what's going on in Gaza right now is giving me hope, because I've NEVER in my entire life seen this amount of global support for Palestinians, and that's despite the amount of Hasbara trolls out there and MSM trying to control the narrative, which leads me to believe that despite not being taught to do so, people are learning to research critically on their own. (and that's not even mentioning other things, like Bernie's "movement")

Which fully explains why the Uniparty and ghouls like VDL are so adamant on censoring the internet and free speech; If their docile masses learn the truth of what they do abroad, perhaps they'll also learn the truth of what they do locally, and they don't want that.

Pepe Escobar: Russia, China Map Out New Economic Order in Beijing by penelopepnortney in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think they might, cut off your nose to spite your face type deal.

They're already pissed on Turkey's position towards Ukraine.

Watch out for faked translations in Videos shared by Hasbara Trolls. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

@dwdavison : Imagine what would happen if a former Palestinian ambassador to the UN spoke in these terms about the Israeli people. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The quoted tweet is a video;


"I am very puzzled by the constant concern which the world is showing for the Palestinian people," says Dan Gillerman.

"I don't remember people shedding tears for the Taliban," he adds.

📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

@MacaesBruno: Imagine a Muslim said this: Netanyahu: "We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness... we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah." by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The head of HRW literally said "Impunity breeds abuses", so there's that.

@MacaesBruno: Imagine a Muslim said this: Netanyahu: "We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness... we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah." by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yeah, but I mean there's some pretty open dissent atm, in fact some NATO countries support a ceasefire (or "Humanitarian pause")

@MacaesBruno: Imagine a Muslim said this: Netanyahu: "We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness... we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah." by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So it's indicative that there is dissension within NATO ranks over support for the Netanyahu regime, which I've seen indications of elsewhere too.

Erdogan literally just said Hamas aren't terrorists and cancelled his trip to Israel.

Pepe Escobar: Russia, China Map Out New Economic Order in Beijing by penelopepnortney in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is big though. Like super big.

Maybe they'll try to expel Turkey from NATO or something.

Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media that Ukraine war could've ended in the first month, but the US didn't want it to. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Of course they knew it but they didn't care because they didn't like the Palestinians/Arabs any better than they liked the Jews.

Even worse than Jews, because Palestinians/Arabs had been fighting back against their colonialism so they absolutely despised them and actually encouraged Jew VS Arab violence. People tend to forget that countries like Egypt only "broke free" of British Rule not that long ago.

It's interesting to imagine the reaction had Balfour tried to create the Zionist state in one of England's counties. Brings to mind the southern states in the US putting migrants illegally crossing into their states on buses, etc. and sending them north, and the extreme reaction it generated in the northern states. Crude and hurtful to the migrants but effective in pointing out the hypocrisy of northern liberals demanding open borders but only when it minimally impacts them.

Exactly true. The thread kinda touches on that, they would never have been moved to the west (Keep in mind, both Palestine and Brazil as well as other "suggested locations" for Israel, were occupied or formerly occupied by Britain and NOT "European", and were places where the empire wanted to maintain a foothold), because world leaders at the time (and further on), saw Jews as a "problem" locally anywhere they went, and openly stated so (which makes the silly claim of Israelis that Palestinians aren't wanted because they "cause problems where ever they go" even more ironically laughable.)

In fact, one of the lesser talked about aspects, is Hitler straight up offered the world "their Jews", and almost every country that claimed to care came up with excuses not to take them;

Delegates from 32 countries met in the French resort town of Evian-les-Bains between 6 July and 14 July 1938 to discuss ways to help Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi Third Reich. In the months following Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria in March 1938, Nazi persecution of Jews in the Third Reich reached horrifying dimensions. Nazi Germany had offered its Jews to the world. Many delegates attending the Evian Conference publicly professed their sympathies for the Jewish refugees. However, most countries, including the USA, Great Britain, and Australia, offered excuses for why they could not accept more refugees. The official delegates from Romania, Hungary, and Poland proposed that their countries also be relieved of their Jews. Only the representatives of the Dominican Republic, and later Costa Rica, agreed to increase their quotas. That the world seemed to turn its back on the German and Austrian Jewish refugees, not surprisingly, provided the Nazi regime’s anti-Semitic campaign with a propaganda bonanza (Morse, 1968: 214; Weiss, 1996: 331; Friedlaender, 1997: 248–50; Marrus, 1985: 167–9). The failure of the delegates at the Evian Conference to aid European Jew

Notice anything about which countries were willing to take them, and which weren't?

The failure of the delegates at the Evian Conference to aid European Jewry was not exceptional as an example of worldwide indifference to the fate of European Jews on the eve of the Holocaust. For in the aftermath of the Evian Conference, International Political Science Review (2004), Vol 25, No. 1, 35–53 DOI: 10.1177/0192512104038166 © 2004 International Political Science Association SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) indifference to the fate of Europe’s Jews included the following: the unwillingness of Hungary and Czechoslovakia to give refuge to the expelled Sudetenland Jews; the American failure to pass the Wagner-Rogers Child Refugee Bill that would have admitted to the USA 20,000 Jewish refugee children from Europe and the US refusal to admit the 936 German-Jewish refugees aboard the ill-fated ship, the St. Louis; Great Britain’s decision to close off Palestine to Jewish immigration; and the reneging on pledges made by Argentina and Brazil to Papal authorities to accept baptized Jews into their countries

It goes without saying that the majority of politicians at the time openly wanted ALL European Jews to be moved to Palestine/Israel (the majority of Europe was very antisemitic even before the holocaust), which is why they loved the Zionists for giving them exactly what they wanted. They like American "Liberals" could get exactly what they wanted, while also being able to put on the mask of "See we're not antisemitic, we're helping the Jews!"

People tend to forget a basic fact; The west didn't fight Hitler because of the holocaust or because they cared about Jews. They did so for their the self preservation of their own governments. In fact, Most media tended to support or speak positively about Hitler, and most of the supposed "respectable" world leaders like FDR and Churchill were either antisemites themselves, or straight up white supremists, all of which they stated loudly and openly, but history has been white washed.

In fact, the US immigration policy during the holocaust explicitly limited the emigration of Jews into the US. Same with European countries.

I'd say the hypocrisy of "Northern Liberals" comes mainly from that fact that they refuse to do anything of note to address the problems that cause immigration in the first place. If they actually bothered to stop their government from coup'ing and bombing and exploiting those countries, people wouldn't leave their countries in the first place, but instead they ignore it, because someone else pays the price.

Hell, they don't even try to stop employers from exploiting those immigrants in the first place, cause "cheap goods", so instead they let the poor downtrodden immigrants that just want a better life face the wrath of those impacted negatively by said employers using them to suppress salaries.

It's legit "Fuck you, I got mine" type thinking, "Divide and conquer" type shit.

Keep in mind, it's the uniparty, not just liberals, because for all the GOP talk about stopping immigration and all that, they ALL (and I mean ALL, even people like MTG), at least implicitly support the wage suppression and benefits to business owners of using immigrants, they just don't do so openly. It's not really a stretch to realize that those refusing to increase the minimum wage, also support anything that suppresses wages in the first place.

So instead, the Uniparty uses immigrants to get exactly what they want, while leading the affected masses to think immigrants are the main cause of their problems, and the immigrants are caught in between in a no win situation; Their countries are destroyed by the uniparty, and they face the wrath of the locals because they're villainized by the uniparty.

If people understood that so called "globalists" are just people that apply fascism on a global level rather than locally, maybe just maybe their "tribe" would expand to include the immigrants that they hate, and united they'd turn against the pieces of shit causing their mutual suffering. But they don't (probably because the PMCs are comfortable), so here we are.

U.S. Warns A Gaza Ceasefire Would Only Benefit Humanity by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

WASHINGTON—Explaining why the United States would not call on Israel to end its continuous airstrikes on Palestinian civilians, the White House warned Wednesday that a ceasefire in Gaza would only serve to benefit humanity. “We know there are voices across the world calling for a ceasefire, but what everyone needs to understand is that the only people who stand to gain from halting the bombing campaign are people who deeply value human life,” President Biden said in an Oval Office address, adding that if Israel was not given time to collectively punish all 2.3 million people who live in Gaza, it would be a great victory for anyone who believes civilians are entitled to basic dignity and security for themselves and their families. “We cannot allow that happen. These humanitarian concerns may be valid, but right now, a pause in hostilities would advance the interests of no one but innocent Palestinians, the many U.S. citizens living in Gaza, and the more than 200 Israelis who were violently abducted by Hamas and are currently being held in unknown locations. That’s not what America stands for.” Biden later extended the argument to explain why the United States spent billions on military aid for Israel while it spent mere millions on humanitarian aid for Gaza.

@DagnyTaggart963: ❗️Russia and China vetoed the US resolution on the situation around Israel and the Gaza Strip in the UN Security Council - Nebenzya called the resolution a license for Israel to conduct ground operations. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

More context:

Russia, China veto U.S. drafted UN Security Council resolution on Gaza

  • The US draft condemns the Hamas attack on October 7, supports Israel’s right to defend itself, and calls for the unconditional release of prisoners from Gaza.

  • China's delegate to the Security Council:

⦿ The American draft resolution does not mention that Palestine has been occupied for a long time.

⦿ We will vote in favor of the Russian draft resolution on Gaza.

⦿ We must take into account the security concerns of both sides, not just the Israeli side.

⦿ The American draft regarding Gaza does not call for lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip.

On Israel: Lawyer Who Applied Genocide Convention for Bosnia Recommends it Now for Palestinians - by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The U.S. government has twice vetoed calls for a ceasefire during the current crisis at the UN Security Council.

Al Jazeera reports: “Nearly 90 countries were on the speakers’ list for Tuesday’s debate including about 30 foreign ministers and deputy ministers, with many echoing calls for a ceasefire and a halt to attacks on Palestinian civilians amid widespread destruction in Gaza and the mounting death toll.”

FRANCIS BOYLE, Boyle is professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. His books include The Bosnian People Charge Genocide (1996) Palestine, Palestinians and International Law (2009) and World Politics, Human Rights and International Law (2021).

He said today: “The U.S. government is clearly preventing the UN Security Council from fulfilling its rightful function and declaring a ceasefire by use of the U.S. veto. The U.S. government has also corrupted the International Criminal Court, which the Palestinians signed on to, so the ICC is not helping the Palestinians as it is obliged to do.

“There is another set of legal mechanisms, however. The Provisional Government for the State of Palestine or some other party to the Genocide Convention should apply that to Israel. That is what I did for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Palestinians should immediately institute legal proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the basis of the 1948 Genocide Convention, request an Emergency Hearing by the Court, and obtain an Order by the Court against Israel to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Palestinians.

“Israel is not engaging in legitimate self defense under the UN Charter as it and the U.S. government continuously claim. It is a belligerent occupier under the Fourth Geneva Convention and other relevant legal statutes which Israel falsely claims don’t apply to it.

“The U.S. government would seek to squash any Order by the ICJ [also called the World Court] at the Security Council. This will require use of the General Assembly’s Uniting for Peace Resolution of 1950 in order to have the World Court Order turned over to the United Nations General Assembly for enforcement against Israel. The UN General Assembly could also admit Palestine as a full-fledged U.N. Member State.” See Boyle’s lecture on this: “Stopping Zionist Genocide Against The Palestinians.

See pieces in the New York Times and Washington Post quoting Boyle in the course of his representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993.

The late Michael Ratner, who was president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, also embraced involking the Genocide Convention regarding Palestine, see his piece: “UN’s Investigation of Israel Should Go Beyond War Crimes to Genocide” during Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza. Also see video of his commentary.

Ratner stated: “I’m a lawyer. I’ve looked at genocide. Genocide has two elements. One element is the mental element, the intent to destroy the whole or in part a national or ethnic or racial or religious group. Palestinians are clearly a national and ethnic group. And you don’t need to kill them all. You just need to have the mental intent to kill part of them. For example, it would be enough to have the mental intent to kill the leadership of the Palestinians or to kill people in one region. No doubt about that.”

US Secretary of State asked Qatar to stop Al Jazeera from reporting the truth The globalists want the world's media to be obedient stenographers just like the US presstitutes by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Unfortunately it might. Either they make them an offer they can't refuse, or they bribe them.

Now whether or not their journalists will accept is a different story, after all, they've lost co-workers to Israel's shit.

@ggreenwald: I'd like to note again that the theory advanced here - that there's no such thing as an innocent Palestinian, or no difference between Palestinians and Hamas, because they elected Hamas (back in 2007) - was bin Laden's view for why all Americans are legitimate military targets: by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


@ggreenwald: I'd like to note again that the theory advanced here - that there's no such thing as an innocent Palestinian, or no difference between Palestinians and Hamas, because they elected Hamas (back in 2007) - was bin Laden's view for why all Americans are legitimate military targets: [Video from Fox]

This was also Hamas' rotted view on Oct. 7: that because Israelis voted for Netanyahu, they are all equally responsible and legitimate targets.

It seems that Americans should be the last people wanting such a theory to take root, given how many countries we bomb and invade. [Picture of headlines of countries US bombed recently]

One last point: there are many arguing that pro-Palestinian protests and petitions can and should be censored and outlawed because some entail calls for violence against Israelis.

Isn't the same true of a theory that says all Palestinians should be treated as Hamas?

Actually, one last point:

There are more and more Palestinians being killed now in the West Bank, and they didn't vote for Hamas, so that theory - as @Byoussef argued to @piersmorgan - doesn't apply there.

[Additional response to Glenn]

@a_newsman: I feel like the constant citing of public opinion polls from Gaza or the 2007 election, is also a way of being able to sleep with the idea of the death of innocent civilians without the mental torment

[Glenn's response to that]

Yes, in every war: "Iraqis pull babies out of incubators" -- "the Vietnamese don't mourn and feel loss the same way we do" -- "there's no such thing as a Palestinian civilian" or "even if we bomb them, it's Hamas' fault."

All ways to let populations feel OK about the violence.

Senator McConnell Says World Faces "Axis of Evil" From China, Russia, and Iran by chakokat in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But it'll work. Some people will believe it. That's the incredibly annoying and sad part.

Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media that Ukraine war could've ended in the first month, but the US didn't want it to. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As far as I see it, early on, The Zionist movement at least claimed that it just wanted to be able to move to Palestine and have their movement there (They might've been lying then as well, hard to tell), and Britain along with the rest of the European colonial powers decided it would be better to create a state, knowing full well the strife doing so would cause in the region.

Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media that Ukraine war could've ended in the first month, but the US didn't want it to. by therazorx in WayOfTheBern

[–]therazorx[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They don't need to be subtle at all about it.

You know how the US and the West defeats BRICS in the Mid East and secures the love of the entire Arab and Muslim world?

With this simple sentence; "No aid will be provided to either side until a just peace is achieved" and if they wanted to be extra spicy add "And every attack committed by either side, will result in less aid provided to said side after the peace is achieved"

That's all they need to do. But in the eyes of non-feeling ghouls, they'd rather go with "Terrorism is a small price to pay to be a super power".

They never cared about their people (or any people), that much is obvious. They just want that warfare $$$$$.