The state of your mind. by realityWhisteblower in conspiracy

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Those who comment here who do not agree with your post are just the ones who are not ready to move beyond. They will be back to try again, and again if needed after that.

I want to thank-you for taking the time to write this post. It was right NOW that I needed to read it. I came here already understanding the points you mentioned, but I needed a moment of reinforcement and this was really perfect timing.

I'm most interested in learning more about (lucid)dreams and MKUltra mind control. I actively practice lucid dreaming (still working on it, almost there!) and I'm very in to brainwave entrainment - I fully believe brainwaves can be remotely monitored and manipulated. Please tell me more!

I'll share some links that helped me get here, understanding.

The Secret History of the World - Mark Booth

Abraham: The Law of Attraction

Looking forward to it. Today is Great Day!

Anti-police 'satanist' runs for sheriff as Republican in NH by random3 in news

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I did no research on this person besides reading a few paragraphs from the link, but I would like to point out that this is great example doing something yourself to get it done the way you want it to be done.

CBS Uses Italian Hospital Footage When Talking About U.S. – AGAIN! by [deleted] in news

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First, I would like to apologize for my previous comment. I really should be trying to improve talking up the pyramid and being kind to others.

I cannot say and I personally know that the numbers are inflated but there is some evidence that may lead to this thought..

At the 2" mark:

From the OG post here on SaidIt:

I think by now we can all agree that the MSM is really blowing smoke up our asses. I wouldn't believe anything they say without researching it first.

That thought also goes for any other news source, doctor, or reporting.. The doctor in the video could also be a bluffer. Hm, I should look in to his credibility, shouldn't l... -_-

CBS Uses Italian Hospital Footage When Talking About U.S. – AGAIN! by [deleted] in news

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Did you test and confirm that they all died BECAUSE OF "this virus"? We all know the numbers are inflated.

Edit: removed me being a dick.

Time for the U.S. to Declare Independence From China. From N95 face masks to ventilators to essential pharmaceuticals, America is dependent on China. by Chipit in WorldNews

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The problem goes ever deeper...

The 'cradle to grave' mentality has diminished and has been replaced with the 'new now next' drivers.

Paying more for something that we know we won't keep for a lifetime is a harder decision than buying something cheaper which we have already decided we will replace when we want the shiney new thing.

Decentralized democracy - Citizen Initiative Voting by [deleted] in DecentralizeAllThings

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Sound great. But how to do it anonymous? Maybe it doesn't need to be anonymous. I think any start is a great start..

Elon Musk revives his plan to power the United States entirely on solar: “All you need is a 100 by 100 mile patch in a deserted corner of Arizona, Texas or Utah (or anywhere) to more than power the entire USA.” by Orangutan in Futurology

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Hi! Great reply. I know this may be off topic from the OG post, but care to share some links (why/how) on a home server? Maybe a recommended subsaidit? I have a beautiful new Tomato Router with USB attached storage capabilities and have been thinking hard on how to set up NAS storage, etc. I'd love to kick the Google cloud to the curb, set up auto torrent downloads via Sonarr/Radarr, and more. Thanks!

An Imperfect Circle - Gilda Rimessi, 2004 by Otacon in furry

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Beautiful expressions! So well done :]

Americans to brace themselves for ‘hardest week’ of their lives by supertms38 in WorldNews

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So why is this the hardest week? What got harder?

Family plans to survive Covid-19 apocalypse by spending YEARS in underground bunker while virus ravages the world by codedtestament in WorldNews

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Fuck manditroy stay at home. WTF is this?

Also, this bunker 'fully equipped' costs about the same as my 45sq meter apartment..and it's off-grid? Sounds quite nice.

Dooms day or not, I hope they still go outside and see the sun.