Homelessness continues to soar, jumping 9% in L.A. County, 10% in the city by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I obviously need better reading comprehension. It said it jumped 9%, not that it jumped to 9%. It's sitting at 75k homeless, which is around 0.9%. Still way too high, but not nearly as ridiculous as one in ten.

Homelessness continues to soar, jumping 9% in L.A. County, 10% in the city by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I hope not. 9% already sounds absurdly high for a county that size.

badcattitude: moore v united states: the most important case you've never heard of by penelopepnortney in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The charge would only apply in the first year (so stock changes would be limited). That payment would be income like any other taxable income. The artist can always sell some of the stock to pay the tax and still make bank if the stocks skyrocket like that.

badcattitude: moore v united states: the most important case you've never heard of by penelopepnortney in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

apply it to public stocks and you have to pay for the price rise even if you do not sell. what then happens if the price falls again? does the state send you a check? that way madness lies.

I have been an advocate of this for a while. The value of any purchased stock should be calculated on Jan 1st of the year after purchase and you should be responsible for long term capital gains or losses at that point. The purchase price then resets to Jan 1st value.

This will have no effect on people who buy and sell in the same year, and little effect on people who buy at $6.50 and values at $6.75 on Jan 1st. Where it would have a huge effect is executives who receive stocks as compensation at a buy value of $0.00. It would basically make stock compensation income who's taxes are due up front.

Drugmakers Are Abandoning Cheap Generics, and Now US Cancer Patients Can’t Get Meds | naked capitalism by RandomCollection in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Generic drugs seem like a good niche for not-for-profit pharmaceuticals cooperatives to fill. Since generics are already tested drugs it would keep the initial resrarch costs down.

Chemotherapy has a 3% survival rate. 97% die. Doctors receive $4K every time they prescribe these mustard gas-based drugs, which kill near 100% of patients by MolecCodicies in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's because as usual the person making the headline can't get basic facts right. I watched the video. The doctor in it said that a study in the 90s (this is an old video) of adults with cancer published in medical oncology showed that 97% of the time chemotherapy didn't work, and he never defined what "didn't work" means. Didn't work could mean a person died, it could mean the cancer didn't shrink or go away, it could mean the cancer came back. It could mean a lot of things.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue. by FThumb in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you need server space for hosting the sub I can probably help with that. I have access to servers and bandwidth at no cost.

/u/penelopepnortney should be shadowbanned by LarrySwinger2 in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Except the turtle tax isn't a shadowban (or isn't supposed to be if it's currently working that way). Shadowbans allow someone to post, but hide it from everyone else. Turtle tax requires the post to be modified to submit (usually requiring a phrase such as "I like turtles"), but otherwise keep the post visible to everyone.

If you don't like or agree with the turtle tax that is fine, but Wayofthebern has been using it effectively as an alternative to outright bans for a very long time.

To be blunt, you don't have to be here if you don't like it. You have the rest of saidit to be an absolute free speech zone If that's what you prefer. Personally, I can tolerate a lot of different views (much more than the average person), but I won't stick around for daily bombardments of hate speech and edge lords. So I do appreciate some light moderation.

/u/penelopepnortney should be shadowbanned by LarrySwinger2 in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I don't know, I find the punishment kind of on point and hilarious, and you arguing against it rather ironic, considering the person you're defending literally advocated to "make jews wear yellow stars (so they cannot subvert, everyone will know they are jewish when they talk)".

Even though the turtle tax predates them by a long time, they kind of set themselves up on a tee on this one. lol

Norman Finkelstein: Will Cornel West Be a Spoiler? by stickdog in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I find it funny how the same people who complain about spoilers never do anything to change the FPTP voting system that allows for spoilers. That's where they should be focused.

At What Point Should the US Government Be Considered Illegitimate? by Super_Soviet_Gundam in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If gab.com is full of people like you, that doesn't make you the norm. It just means there's a bunch of like minded simpletons getting together, and there's no fucking way I'm going there if they're like you. I can barely tolerate one of you. I know you're views are not the norm, not just because of online, but because of the real world. I live in a very rural conservative area. Thanks to my job, I have literally gone into thousands of homes over the past 15 years. I've heard every view on every political subject there is (and believe me, conservatives around here are not bashful on their views). Not once have I run into someone as openly hostile to Jews as you are. Finding like minded individuals doesn't make your view the norm, it just means you found your echo chamber.

I also know a number of Jews. There are some in my extended family. I have helped them at their temple many times, and met many more. I was a good friend with a Jew in high school. I know with absolute certainty that none of them are part of some international cabal to rule the world. They're not wealthy. they're barely worth more than me, and I'd be considered poor if I wasn't in a dirt poor part of the country. You're going to sit there and tell me they're part of the problem? Because that's exactly what you're implying when you claim a Jewish problem.

Also, Jews aren't some monolithic block. If they were then they would have supported Bernie Sanders instead of attacking him. The simple fact is any group of people will work and vote together when it is collectively in their interests. That's not something unique to Jews.

You're an antisemitic (and racist based off other posts) bigot. All the stereotypes that people throw at conservatives exist because of people like you. And contrary to what you think, you're not enlightened beyond the rest of us. You're actually very gullible, buying into the race and ethnic divisions that keep the real power in control, the billionaires. They are the real threat that shouldn't exist.

Jewish billionaires shouldn't exist. Christian billionaires shouldn't exist. Muslim billionaires shouldn't exist. Atheist billionaires shouldn't exist. No billionaire should exist! And by not exist, I don't mean wipe them out. I mean wipe out their wealth until they are only multi-millionaires (because I don't believe in putting anyone in the poor house). Do that, and the problems that you link to Jews go away. The billionaires have always been the problem.

And even if everything you stupidly believe is true. Even if they were some semi-secret Jewish cabal controlling the world, and you completely wiped out their power structure, you still wouldn't solve the problem. All you would do is create a power vacuum that someone else would fill. Until we solve the underlying problem of "wealth equals power" we never actually fix the problem. We just move onto the next group for you to hate and blame.

At What Point Should the US Government Be Considered Illegitimate? by Super_Soviet_Gundam in WayOfTheBern

[–]RichVRichV 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The anti-semite slur is thrown around so much it's almost lost all meaning. I never thought I'd actually run into one out in the wild. It's actually impressive watching the fear and paranoia in action.