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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everything feels markedly volatile because large groups of people base their opinions and beliefs on the theatrics of corporate media. Television and broadcasted propaganda via mass communication in all social mediums including public gatherings, schools and eateries creates a hive-mind of conformity and cognitive dissonance. That doesn't mean that what they broadcast is truthful or even real.

The world really isn't as crazy or chaotic as the media and intelligence agencies paint it out to be. They destroy your crtitical thinking with propagandist (public relation) pundits who propagandize inflammatory information that feeds conflicting biases in order to create division, strife, and open up opportunities to enact/pass unconstitutional laws. This comes from both the left and right, who are controlled by the same terrorist masters. The divisiveness between these two groups is merely political theater; soap opera for the sleeping.

Sometimes these stories fictional (legalized via the "Smith Mundt Modernization Act") or real are simply used as a campaign to effectively spread a false state of fear and angst -- an active process that serves to cloud a persons values and principles so that he or she may be influenced subconsciously. To be made malleable and vulnerable to suggestion -- that he or she may find comfort in the hive mind. It also bolsters pride and unity. Pride as a sin, and unity as a destructive mob mentality that serves the Hegelian dialectic. We are in the reactionary stages of a global transformation in this Hegelian dialectic that doesn't serve anyone but the well placed scum at the top of the pyramid scheme. I believe, wholeheartedly, that the absence of God is the reason for a collapsing society. Not everyone agrees with this point of view, but look at atheistic communism for reference. Personally, with God and Christ, I can observe reality through spirit and not flesh. Flesh being a sinful nature. So many people idolize media, celebrities and the flesh.

We can not have media in bed with governments and corporations dictate what we should or shouldn't believe. After all, they were created for this devious purpose.

The most devious emotion is apathy, which occurs at the end of a dying society. Apathy manufactures consent in those who understand the deception. Self-censorship then becomes the norm.

The obvious agenda, today, is Alphabet/Google, Twitter, and Facebook working hand-in-hand with Govt and Intelligence agencies.

Scenarios are being created to get people to demand they be regulated by government via private contractors and intelligence agencies. Once that happens, a precedent will be set whereby Govt can interfere with free speech of private entities. That’s always been the agenda.

Whether we like Google/Facebook, if you value free speech you should absolutely oppose Govt getting involved in how Google/YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. operate. But that's sort of the point, government is a corporatocracy run through a revolving door of cronyism. So people are willingly calling for government to socially regulate speech, which will only make these tech giants in bed with a corporate government more powerful.

As private entities, this is not a 1st Amendment issue. Don’t fall for the trap - the real target has always been us. This is the goal.

"wait and see" attitude.

Apathy and self censorship...

But I think instead they should be communicating their ideas online.

Everywhere, with your neighbor, in your community, etc.

But it's hard when all the comments and votes are so nonsensical like on reddit, it looks like a madhouse, so why even bother shouting in to the void?

That's intentional. Nearly half of them are probably bots and hasbara and intelligence shills.

That's the feeling the propagandists wish to create in the genuine and thoughtful users, as they go around destroying forums that were previously places of high-level communication.

Well they buy them out or go after the CDN and ISP's. They nonetheless create scenarios in order to have people advocate for censorship.

In this way they can control the overton window on the internet, which was previously not possible.

That's been the goal for quite sometime.

By just destroying the opposition, by filling it with cultural garbage. Forcing those websites in to cultural irrelevancy.

And controlling the opposition.

It's a clever tactic, but also very evil and destructive. Things like this are why IQs are so low.

MY IQ is 260, jk. But IQs don't really tell you everything about a person's wisdom and skill, nor his spirit and righteousness, which we need more of. Some people with low IQs can see right through this deception.