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[–]magnora7[S] 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

They just keep introducing new divide-and-conquer wedges. BLM was one. Jan 6 is another. Trucker rally is another. Vaccines are another. Vaccine mandates are another. They've pitted compassion against order. They keep flipping the script to make everyone look like a hypocrite. It makes people hate and resent each other. This is all intentional.

Instead of locking us each in our own cage, they instead just create mental cages for each of us, by reinforcing our hatred and distrust of others. This makes things like governmental takeovers easy to accomplish because there is no unity or consensus among the population. The perfect divide and conquer turns every person against every other person, even turns a person against themselves. No one can save a nation when they can't even save themselves.

All these feelings of helplessness and despair and isolation are caused by a very bad economy, combined with a media that is constantly reshaping the culture with a speed and severity that history has never seen. The internet has become a potent tool for propaganda as most people regard content from the internet as "organic" even though it's extremely easy for one bad actor to appear as 100 internet users and form a false consensus.

People really need to be aware of these tricks so we don't fall for them. Or else we are going to be stuck in this cycle of fake revolutions and controlled destruction for hundreds of more years to come. Once you know how a magic trick works, it doesn't fool you anymore. Humanity needs to become very well-informed on how this magic trick works, so we stop falling for it. There is no other way forward, in the long term.

[–]monkeymagic 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

it’s a trick that has worked for thousands of years almost without fail. we really are at the mercy of a very stupid majority. there’s no real way to fix that. you can’t educate people to things they are simply unwilling to even consider, much less accept.